Magick Fluid Condenser

Magick Fluid Condenser Cover
Magic fluid condensers are designed to expand or release at a certain time, some of the forces behind a spell.

There are three principle groups of condensers:

1. The 'solid' fluid condensers are metals and resins. Gold is the highest force. Human blood and sperm may be substitute for gold.
2. Extracts from resins including lacquers, oils and tinctures.
3. Least important are smelling waters and evaporations. Useful for making up bulk.

There are two types of fluid condensers:

1. Simple - made from one material or one plant.
2. Compound – made from blending and mixing several materials and/or plants.

A tiny amount of gold is needed in both types. One gram of gold chloride diluted in 20 grams of distilled water produces a gold tincture. Five to ten drops of gold tincture are needed for 100 grams of fluid condenser.


Put a handful of fresh or dried Chamomile flowers in a pot (preferably not metal) and cover with water. Boil for 20 minutes. Let cool with lid on pot.

When cold, strain through fine linen. Return liquid to pot and boil again for 20 minutes. Cool and mix with an equal amount of fuel alcohol or spirit of alcohol.

Add 20 drops of gold tincture. If the condenser will be used especially for your own interests, add one drop of your own blood or sperm.

Place liquid in a dark bottle, well corked or sealed, and store in a dark place.

In place of Chamomile flowers, you might use white lily flowers, poplar leaves, acacia flowers, etc.


Lime tree flowers
Cucumber skin
Melon seeds
Tobacco, green or dried
Chamomile or lily flowers, leaves or roots
Cinnamon bark or flowers
Violet ordorata, leave or flowers
Willow, leaves or bark

Take equal parts of all ingredients and place in a large earthenware pot. Cover with water and boil slowly for 30 minutes. Cool and strain, then boil again.

Cool, and add an equal amount of spirit of alcohol. Add 10 drops of tincture of gold to every 100 grams of liquid. Add 5 drops of blood or sperm or 5 drops of each.

Strain through fine linen, bottle and cork. Store in a dark place.

ALTERNATE METHOD (Compound condenser)

Place all leaves and seeds in a very large pot. Cover with alcohol and leave in a warm place for 28 days. Pass through linen filter, add gold tincture, and your won blood or sperm. Fluid condensers are added power to the spell.

There are four systems of influencing people:

1. FIRE – influence through combustion
2. AIR – influence through evaporation
3. WATER – influence through mixture
4. EARTH – influence through decomposition

To influence a human - EARTH
Drive to a special goal - FIRE
Romantic vision/union - WATER
All matters of the mind - AIR
Greater spirituality - WATER

(Most spells must be renewed)



Take a piece of blotter paper or linen, moisten with either condenser, then place it in front of you and concentrate on what you wish to accomplish. Load the paper or linen with your desire until you find your concentration breaking. Then burn it. While it is burning, concentrate on your desire again. The power of your concentration and the condenser are released by burning. Turn the problem over to the Universal element and discard the ashes.


Take a metal container (an ashtray will do) and pour in enough water to cover the bottom. Add a few drops of condenser. Concentrate on your desire as you look into the liquid. Put the container on a stove and let the desire-loaded liquid evaporate. As you concentrate on the steam, wish your desire to be taken in the air element. Continue thusly until all the liquid is gone. Very good for respiratory troubles or for the better health of a friend.


Take a new unused container (glass – no plastic) and fill with water, bottles, spring or rain water is best. Add a few drops of condenser (use compound only in a real emergency). Fill the water element with your wish or desire. When concentration breaks, the water has been loaded. Now throw the liquid into a river as you think how happy you are that your desire has been absorbed by the Water element, and that part of its power is released with your wish.


There are two methods, rain water may be put into a bottle with the condenser or the condenser can be poured directly on the ground. Concentration (loading) must be done first. Liquid should be poured where people will not be walking. A flower pot of earth may b used, or make a hole in a large apple or potato and pour the condenser into it, then bury it in the ground or flower pot. Concentration should continue through each operation.

(by Sybil Leek)

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Kelly Link - Magic For Beginners
Samael Aun Weor - Magic Runes

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To Banish Debt

To Banish Debt Cover

- A piece of rolled parchment 2" wide and as long as you like
- A black pen
- A purple candle
- Oil of your choice
- Incense of your choice

Suggested Correspondences:

Moon: Full (for more power)
Dark (to banish)
Day: Monday (Family) - Saturday (banish) - Sunday (success)
Planet: Moon (for family) – Saturn (to banish) – Sun (success) – Mars (fast
action) – Uranus (change)
Planetary Hour: Same as above
Astrological Placement: Moon in Aquarius (optional)
Deity: Juno (Goddess of Gold)
Elements: Air
Elemental: Sylphs

Cleanse and consecrate all supplies with the four elements (earth, air, fire, water). List all your debts on the parchment. Draw a banishing pentacle on the back of the parchment. Carve a banishing pentacle on the candle. Place the rolled parchment in the candle holder then tighten candle on top. Think of banishing your debts. Think of feeling happiness and relief when the debts are banished. Light the candle. Take the candle to the East quarter and ask that the Sylphs send your message of banishment out to the universe in a safe and protective way, and ask that prosperity return to you in the same manner. Put the candle back on the altar and, in your own words, ask Juno to banish the debt and replace with prosperous energy.

Allow the candle to burn completely. The paper will catch fire, so watch what type of holder you are using (glass will break) and that the candle holder is on a fire safe surface. As the candle burns, concentrate on banishing your debts, your feelings of relief and happiness, and the coming prosperity.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Robert Wang - The Qabalistic Tarot
Aleister Crowley - To Man

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John Dees Occultism

John Dees Occultism Cover

Book: John Dees Occultism by Gyorgy Szonyi

A comprehensive look at the life and work of one of the towering figures of Renaissance mysticism.

Delving into the life and work of John Dee, Renaissance mathematician and "conjurer to Queen Elizabeth," Gyorgy E Szonyi presents an analysis of Renaissance occultism and its place in the chronology of European cultural history. Culling examples of "magical thinking" from classical, medieval, and Renaissance philosophers, Szonyi revisits the body of Dee's own scientific and spiritual writings as reflective sources of traditional mysticism. Exploring the intellectual foundations of magic, Szonyi focuses on the ideology of exaltatio, the glorification or deification of man. He argues that it was the desire for exaltatio that framed and tied together the otherwise varied thoughts and activities of John Dee as well.

“…Szonyi offers a helpful and informative sketch of several key versions of exaltatio from the Corpus hermeticum, from Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, and Proclus, from medieval ceremonial magic, and from the key Renaissance texts of Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Trithemius, Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Postel.” — Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft

“…the scholar at whatever level interested in understanding the range and scope of occult philosophy in the early modern period, will find Szonyi’s one of the best first books to read.” — Renaissance Quarterly

"Gyorgy E. Szonyi writes with intelligence and clarity. This work is a useful complement to past scholarly works on John Dee and is a must for any specialized library." — Antoine Faivre, author of Theosophy, Imagination, Tradition: Studies in Western Esotericism

"Szonyi has much of value to say about John Dee. He makes a significant contribution to the field of Dee studies and to the understanding of Renaissance/early modern European esotericism, especially from the perspective of Eastern Europe." — Arthur Versluis, author of Restoring Paradise: Western Esotericism, Literature, Art, and Consciousness

Gyorgy E. Szonyi is Professor of English at the University of Szeged and of Intellectual History at the Central European University, Budapest. He is the author of two other books on John Dee.

Find Gyorgy Szonyi's book in
John Dees Occultism

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Nick Farrell Latest Attack On Macgregor Mathers

Nick Farrell Latest Attack On Macgregor Mathers Image
Is the Golden Dawn a Living Tradition or a Headless Cadaver?

Golden Dawn reconstructionist Nick Farrell argues the Golden Dawn died when Whare Ra temple closed its doors in 1978. Farrell further argues the Golden Dawn was from the outset a fraud perpetrated by Golden Dawn founders, W. Wynn Wescott and S.L. MacGregor Mathers.

Golden Dawn Reconstructionist: Nick Farrell

In a bizarre twist, Mr. Farrell fully depends on these arguments to justify his reconstructionist approach upon which he has built a Golden Dawn order according to his personal fancy. Unlike successful Neo-Pagan reconstructionists, sloppy G.D. reconstructionists like Mr. Farrell view the Golden Dawn as a juicy cadaver, from which they happily saw off the bits they like, discard the rest of the rotting carcass, and use the pieces they like to reconstruct a modern, distorted version of the Golden Dawn, much like Dr. Frankenstein did when he likewise created his monster out of bits and pieces of cadavers.

For years, I have been a primary advocate of diversity in our Golden Dawn community. I fully support the existence of a diverse plethora of Golden Dawn orders. Mr. Farrell's reconstructionist vision of the Golden Dawn, much like Pat Zalewlski's New Age alchemy, clearly adds to the overall diversity of our Golden Dawn community. I nonetheless also defend the right of traditionalist Golden Dawn orders, like the August Order of the Mystic Rose and the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega, likewise to exist unmolested, so that individuals continue to have somewhere they can receive classical, traditional Golden Dawn initiation and training.

One thing I do object to, however, is how certain sloppy Golden Dawn reconstructionists, unlike their excellent Neo-Pagan reconstructionist contemporaries, abandon academic rigor and protocol trying to rewrite history by attacking even the most fundamental aspects of the traditional Golden Dawn.

I was not surprised at all when Nick Farrell recently published yet another article, entitled "Secret Chiefs and the Golden Dawn," attacking Golden Dawn founder, S.L. MacGregor Mathers as well as the Secret Chiefs of the Golden Dawn's Third Order. In this latest attack article, Farrell, who has previously argued that Mathers was nutty as a loon, now argues that the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order were but figments of Mathers imagination (rather than real people like Mathers specifically claimed on numerous occasions).

I will not go into a detailed refutation of Mr. Farrell's arguments, as that has already been done in a fine manner by G.H. Frater Sincerus Renatus, Imperator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn(R) and of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega(R) in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, in a new blog you can read here.

It is significant to note that Mr. Farrell's latest article appears in an on-line journal whose stated purpose is to raise money for a legal fund that finances litigation that unsuccessfully attempted to destroy our order. Thus, Farrell's article may be seen as just another machination in the decade old, Golden Dawn conflict, which covertly continues to be waged against our order, despite our long and incessant efforts to promote peace and harmony in the Golden Dawn community. (Note that, despite ongoing misrepresentation around the internet, our order remains the sole and exclusive owner of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn(R) trademark in the UK as well as in the entire European Community - EU trademark registration 000063925).

Mr. Farrell's recent, senseless profanation through publication of the Mathers recension of the initiatioin rituals of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega is, of course, also best understood in the same light, as Farrell mistakenly believed these the secret rituals were still in use today in traditionalist Golden Dawn orders like the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega and the August Order of the Mystic Rose. He failed to realize that we revised the rituals in anticipation of precisely such an attack on traditionalist Golden Dawn orders.

GH Frater: Sincerus Renatus

Here are a few excerpts from Sincerus Renatus' refutation of Mr. Farrell's latest attack article:"Mr. Farrell accuses Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers of using lies and deception in trying to uphold the idea of a physical and incarnated Secret Chiefs while at the same time resorting to channeled sources"Yet Farrell presents absolutely no sources or references to corroborate his story, in a manner that I have seen with other journalists posing as historians. Thus we must conclude that they are based upon Mr. Farrell's own fabrications and fantasies, or embellishings, rather than anything solid and historically proven, other than whatever he may have read into Ellic Howe's The Magicians of the Golden Dawn."I won't go into any greater details regarding Mr. Farrell's personal opinions on this matter of Secret Chiefs in the flesh or the "mental condition" of MacGregor Mathers, other than making the readers aware that he himself has an interest in refuting physical Secret Chiefs to be anything but a myth and MacGregor Mathers to be a loony. He uses his usual talking points to further his own post-modern reconstruction of a Golden Dawn Order. Mr. Farrell clearly isn't dealing with this subject from the perspective of a dispassionate and objective historical researcher, but obviously has his own agenda in furthering his opinionated and highly biased position, as any journalist would with an historical revisionist agenda. But I must react when he claims any historical veracity to his speculations."One can perhaps understand attacks on S.L. MacGregor Mathers and other Golden Dawn founders coming from someone like Ellic Howe, a dubious "historian" with a clear agenda to destroy the Golden Dawn. What is bizarre, however, is to hear the same arguments being parroted by Nick Farrell, who purports to lead a Golden Dawn order he has reconstructed. Why on Earth would anyone in their right mind want to lead an order, or even initiate or teach others a spiritual tradition they believe a fraud founded by liars and forgers?

Pagan Elder: Frater Barrabbas

I am certainly not the only one who has noted this inconsistency in the reconstruction efforts of Nick Farrell. For example, respected Pagan Elder and magickal author, Frater Barrabbas Tireseus, recently wrote here on his Talking About Ritual Magic blog:"What we have here is an never ending argument between traditionalists and reconstructionists in the Golden Dawn... Reconstructionism, as I defined it in my previous article, builds a modern tradition using properly vetted historical information. The basic premise is to build an antique system as if it had survived into the modern times... In order to give life to a reconstructed tradition, you must believe in it as a thing unto itself, thus generating a kind of egregore...if reconstructionists don't believe in the tradition that they have built, then it is still a dead tradition consisting of various assembled parts (with some missing), like some half finished Frankenstein monster laying on the operating table.A reconstructionist never says that his or her tradition is fake, but that it exists in a kind of metaphysical sense, "as if" it had never disappeared.Nick's role of nay-sayer and myth-busting iconoclast doesn't help his cause of reconstructing a Golden Dawn tradition, since in order to give life to a reconstruction, one must emphatically believe in it... I have a problem with someone who is the supposed head of his order and who claims that the tradition he represents is fake and based on lies and deceit...According to what Nick has declared in his recent blog, and what other leaders and members of the other reconstructionist factions have said, it would appear that what they are offering to the occult community is a sad testimonial to the Golden Dawn tradition - a headless corpse being passed off as a living thing... Curiously enough, a reconstructionist must also fashion a "head" for his or her tradition...I think that we can easily see that choosing a living tradition over one that is a headless corpse is a wise decision."


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Creating A Magick Mirror

Creating A Magick Mirror Cover
1- Use 3/8" to Ѕ" piece of plywood and cut out an equilateral, equiangular triangle. The length of each side is equal and each angle is exactly 60 degrees. Undercoat it and paint it flat white. Using flat black paint, paint the names of Greek Gods along the border of the wood, not outside it. Using flat, red paint, write Mi-cha-el. To seal, use a flat, clear finish like varathane or polyurethane. The size of each side of triangle should be 1-1/2 feet per side.

2- Go to a store that cuts glass and have them cut a flat disc for you, not any smaller then 4". Use gloves when handling the glass. Place the disc under running water to purify it. Dry it thoroughly with a clean, soft cloth. Place the glass on sheets of newspaper. Make sure the topmost side is free from lint and other particles. Spray paint it (top) a flat black. The best paint to use is a paint for making blackboards. When dry, turn over to make sure there is no paint on the other side of the mirror. If there is, take it off. Hold the glass up to the light to make sure that no light is coming through.

3- Obtain mirror mounts from a hardware store. Mount the "L" mounts, paint them a flat black as well. The unpainted side of the mirror should be towards you. There is no need to draw a physical circle. If you wish, you can draw a circle in chalk. The triangle is placed outside the circle and raised at eye level. The angle may be up to 45 degrees but no more. Place it at the East of the circle, quite close to the edge. Perhaps you can lean it against a chair. This completes most of the physical preparations.

You will need two candle holders, long enough to be held. You also need the Seal of the Entity you wish to invoke. The Seal may be made on paper. Incense should be near so as to inhale it. Perform the Opening by Watchtower. Light the candles and stare into the magick mirror. Perform conjuration. Perform until you see the Spirit.

Move on to your questions:
"What do you see in the mirror?"
Write what is seen.
"What is thy name?"

If it is the right Spirit, point the dagger used in the LBRP at the triangle, say:

"By the power of God have I called thee! Give unto me a true answer!"

Now state what you desire. Write down anything said or done. Then release the Spirit. Finish with the Closing by Watchtower.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Franz Bardon - Frabato The Magician
Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For Love
Benjamin Rowe - Enochian Magick Reference

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Magick 02 The Subjectivity Of Experience

Magick 02 The Subjectivity Of Experience Cover
' The universe is a projection of ourselves; an image as unreal as that of our faces in a mirror....We cannot affirm any quality in an object as being independent of our sensorium, or as being in itself that which it seems to us. Nor can we assume that what we recognize is more than a partial phantom of its cause.' (--Aleister Crowley, Magick, p. 110)

Your awareness of the physical world and of your place within it is mostly based upon the physical senses (hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste). These five senses continually send information to the mind, and it is up to the mind to select and interpret them. If you could not do so, your senses would overwhelm you and be meaningless. Selection and inter- pretation of your sensory inputs is essentially an automatic, mostly subconscious function of the mind. The program or map which the subconscious follows as its reference point is called a 'model'. The model is a subconscious mental photograph of how you believe the world looks (i.e. worldview, mindset, egregore, or belief system). It was built up from an early age by your religious and cultural background through interaction with family and others. It contains your experiences, attitudes, and habits. And whether you realize it or not, most of your behavior, thoughts, feelings, and habits are based upon and conditioned by that model; even personality. The model is one of the mind's master programs. Change in behavior generally requires a change in the model. These limitations built into our way of thinking cause our perceptions to be subjective. That is why Hindu philosophy looks upon the world as illusory (maya); the world itself (object) is not an illusion, however from our viewpoint through perception (subject) it is.

Thus we are all conditioned by experience. Except that our perceptions, hence our experiences, are first conditioned and limited by the model. Our perceptions and experiences tend to conform to what we expect. We tend to misinterpret or ignore things which do not match our preconceived notions about them. This is automatic.

The True Will

The forgoing demonstrates how it is that there are so many different versions of 'truth'. One's particular view is almost arbitrary. Although numerous religions, philosophies, and occult systems abound, they do not contradict one and other as much as it might appear. Rather, they describe the same (universal) reality taken from different perspectives. For there can be no ultimate truth in the physical world. We can only base our actions upon assumptions and agreements. All experience is subjective. I like to think of the universe as something indescribable, perhaps a 4-dimentional 'thing'. As soon as we attempt to put it into our 3-dimentional knowledge base, something changes and we only see an aspect of the big picture. Just as a photograph can only show us a flat *representation* of a greater thing, so it is with any attempt to describe *spiritual reality* in physical terms.

Yet, there is a separate reality within each of us which is often ignored unless we seek it. This inner self is in magick called the 'true will'. The true will is the center of consciousness and identity. It is the 'real you'. Everything else is an interface or link to it from the outer (illusory) world. Since that interface is based upon our model, it is conditioned and may sometimes produce false information. 'Do what thou wilt' (Crowley) is an axiom of magick; for the true will expresses our exact desires. And what we truly want ('down deep') we tend to automatically get. This isn't always in our best interests, since the true will can be conditioned (tricked) by the illusion; and then we might desire and obtain that which is not ultimately good for us. (Karma strikes again!) The
task of the magician therefor is to awaken his awareness of the true will, to be free of conditioning, and thereby to transcend maya. ('My will unconditioned is magical' -- Spare).

Happiness Is Being Happy

There is no great secretto changing behavior or habits. It is largely a matter of determin-ation. It requires that you ignore the 'pull' of the model when you strive for changes within yourself. The model is, after all, a collection of 'habits', some of which must be unlearned for permanent change to occur. There are two ways to do this: direct, through willpower and awareness alone -- observing and acting out in an unattached or indifferent manner; and indirect -- through conditioning such as affirmation (explained later), self-hypnosis, and magick. Meditation may help too, by relaxing tension and conflict.

Emotions follow physical expression: smile and act happy and you will tend to feel and be happy. The same is also true for other emotions. Also, emotions can be purposely used (or programmed) to replace other emotions. Using this technique, a magician is somewhat like an actor in that he learns how to turn his emotions on and off at will. Note that this is not 'faking it'; the magician is probably more in touch with his true feelings than most people. And for these reasons we say that happiness is being happy.

Systems Of Magick

Magick always involves self-hypnosis. However, it may be more than that. For one thing, there are objective forces involved (or so it would seem). Deities, spirits, and cosmic force can have an independent existence. And the repetitive physical movement sometimes involved in ritual can itself generate PK force. On the other hand, it could be argued that all of this is subjective to the magician. Or that the deities and spirits are nothing more than archetypes or cosmic patterns which the magician energizes with his own vitality. Perhaps all magical effects could be produced through hypnosis alone. But the effects are certainly real.

Great complexity is not necessary in magick. Although basically magick is a medieval system of symbolism (in a modern context), any cosmological system will work from Cabala to Star Wars. We usually use the medieval one in magick because it is convenient and traditional, and because it seems to fit our thought processes well. Traditional symbols have greater emotional effect on the magician than modern ones because of his familiarity with them. What really matters is that the model of the magician be understood and programmed, and thus that the model and the cosmological system do correspond.


1) Contrast subjective with objective.
2) What is a 'model'?
3) Explain the task of the magician.

by Phil Hansford, 4/88

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Rabbi Michael Laitman - The Kabbalah Experience
Aleister Crowley - Liber 046 The Key Of The Mysteries

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Inner Grove Building

Inner Grove Building Image
"Here's an item from month four of the Nine Moons - three exercises toward establishing a complete and well-equipped Inner Grove, the Threshold-state 'launching pad' for further Otherworld adventures. One of the points of the trance-journey techniques in the system will be to move students from using scripted trance-inductions to independent, ubscripted work. This is an early-intermediate step in that process."


- Outline of Basic access and work in the Inner Grove

1: Basic trance, induced by whatever method you prefer.
2: Rise in Vision, stand up from your body and place yourself behind you Inner Eyes. Behold the Hallows in the common world
3: Call the Mist to obscure all
4: Envision the Gate Sign with your personal key-symbol.
5: Hold your goal-will as the Inner Grove, and step through the Gate out of the mist into a Threshold landscape containing the Hallows in the Inner.
6: Remember the Grove and recognize it as you have made it.
7: Recite a Grove Charm at the Inner Fire to establish your presence
8: Do any other works.
9: Return


"This work develops a personal habit and inner ritual of vision journey that allows you to easily reach your Inner working space - the Inner Grove in which you will do several works. This script is offered as an example, though it can be used as written."

- Seat yourself comfortably upright, back straight.
- Work a short blessing of the space, or the full Grove opening and Gate if you wish - in your first exercises it might be best to work the full opening, with the Gate.
- Renew and strengthen your Earth and Heavens contacts.
- Feel the cool Earth Power and the hot Sky Power meet in your head, meet in your heart, and meet in your loins.
- And from the meeting-places, feel the mingling of the Powers flow out into your whole form - into your hands, into your form, into your eyes. Where you have eyes of flesh, so you now have eyes of vision.
- Open your eyes of vision, and use your memory of the setting of your Shrine and tools. As you remember them, envision them, so that it is as if you see them with open eyes. It is the eyes of vision that open in this way, and it is in the eyes of vision that you will move.
- With your material eyes closed, decide to stand in your vision form. Allow your eyes to rise, effortlessly. You rise to your natural height, and take a moment to gaze upon your Shrine and Hallows as if you had stood in flesh. Allow the details of your Shrine to become clear.
- And in the meeting-places, feel the mingling of the Powers begin to produce the Mist - the streams of vapor pouring out of your Inner Cauldrons, flowing out from the roots of the Tree, where Fire and Water meet.
- visualize the Mist gathering and thickening, beginning to accumulate. The Mist gathers, growing thicker, and collecting around your feet... around your hips and loins... around your arms and chest. It grows thick and opaque, and rises, at last, to surround your head.
- Now, standing in the Mist, it is time to begin... in your imagination's eye... in your Inner Vision... not with your physical body... but with the will of your mind and your power of vision... you create the Gate Sign before you. You remember the presence of the Threshold landscape that you have visited before...
- With your awareness firmly centered in your vision-self, step forward toward the Sign... and step through the Sign..., and steo out of the Mist... the Mist thins away... now, with memory and will... you see the scene resolve before you... your goal-image, your Nemeton, revealed in its Otherworld form... elements of the place you left behind in the common world... it resolve in your Inner Eye... You behold the Inner Grove resolving before you... you see the details more clearly now...


- Standing in vision in your Grove... remember your body... where it sits before the Hallows in the common world... Look out to the edge of your Grove, and there, see the Gate Sign appear... and the Mist beyond it... walk across the Grove, and passeasily through the Sign, remembering your body as your goal... and step out before your Fire in your common Hallows...
- Remember your Hallows, and see yourself seated there before them... go to your body... turn, and step backward into the space where your body is sitting... raise your spirit-hand before you... and make a tuathal triskel in the air before you... sit down into your body... renew your center... feel the Earth and Sky Powers meeting in your flesh...
- Remember your body, and let your awareness be firmly behind your eyes... feel the air flow in your lungs... the blood course in your veins... remember all you have seen and done in this work... open your eyes, and know that your spirit has returned fully to your flesh... stretch... and be finished with the trance.


- Come to your Shrine or Hallows, Bless all and open a gate.
- Use your Short Road to the Grove:

Rise in Vision, and see your Hallows
Call the Mist
Make the Gate Sign
Step through the Gate Sign into the Grove
Envision and remember the Grove

- So you come again into the Grove... you pass through the gate and onto the ground of your Threshold locale... and allow the scene to resolve before you... remember where you have placed your Well... your Hearth of the Sacred Fire... see the World-tree as it stands in this small personal place...
- you have been working with forms for your Inner Hallows... now you must choose how you will build and make them, for your next phase of work... a Well... a pillar or Tree... the Fire in the Tintean... Simple or grand, earth-mound or golden temple... you will decide and create... as you begin to envision the shaping and detail of your Inner Grove...
- You might begin with the Well... for no place is whole without fresh water... go to the Well you have seen before... and consider what a more ideal form might be... what shape would inspire you?... go then to the Fire, as it has been before... envision what a true altar for your own Inner Fire might be... and turn to see the Tree or Bile as it has appeared... and consider how you would see its presence here before you...
- Let them be built by your will and vision... consider the bricks and stones, the substance and color... note how the things you build combine with the images of nature or environment present in the space... images of your own hands placing the materials may enter your mind... but it is by will and vision and shaping that you determine the form that your Grove will keep for some time to come... spend some while at this work...


- Now, in your vision body, turn and look around you... turn to your right... and to your left... turn at last and look behind you... you note clearly the form and nature of the things you are building... see them again, your Inner Sacred Grove... as you look at the Inner World around you...


- Standing in vision in your Grove... remember your body... where it sits before the Hallows in the common world... Look out to the edge of your Grove, and there, see the Gate Sign appear... and the Mist beyond it... walk across the Grove, and passeasily through the Sign, remembering your body as your goal... and step out before your Fire in your common Hallows...
- Remember your Hallows, and see yourself seated there before them... go to your body... turn, and step backward into the space where your body is sitting... raise your spirit-hand before you... and make a tuathal triskel in the air before you... sit down into your body... renew your center... feel the Earth and Sky Powers meeting in your flesh...
- Remember your body, and let your awareness be firmly behind your eyes... feel the air flow in your lungs... the blood course in your veins... remember all you have seen and done in this work... open your eyes, and know that your spirit has returned fully to your flesh... stretch... and be finished with the trance.


- Come to your Shrine or Hallows, Bless all and open a gate.

- Use your Short Road to the Grove:

Rise in Vision, and see your Hallows
Call the Mist
Make the Gate Sign
Step through the Gate Sign into the Grove
Envision and remember the Grove

- Remember and re-establish the Inner Hallows, and the surrounding environment.
- Stand at your Inner Fire, and bring the Two Powers into your vision body... hold up your hands, and know that whatever sacrifice you have given in the common world will also be available to you here in the Threshold... so make your usual offerings to the Hallows, and speak as you will...
- Let silver come to your hand... and give it, a substance of yourself, to the Well... and speak in the voice of your vision...
- Let precious scented oil come to your hand... and give it, a substance of yourself, to the Fire... and speak in the voice of your vision...
- Let burning herbs and pure water come into your two hands... and with them, substance of yourself, honor the Tree, sprinkling its roots and perfuming its leaves... and speak in the voice of your vision...
- pause and feel the presence of the place... its weight and solidity... its weirdness and limnality... remember...
- It is proper to do any other small bits of ritual you wish here before the Inner Fire...


- Standing in vision in your Grove... remember your body... where it sits before the Hallows in the common world... Look out to the edge of your Grove, and there, see the Gate Sign appear... and the Mist beyond it... walk across the Grove, and passeasily through the Sign, remembering your body as your goal... and step out before your Fire in your common Hallows...
- Remember your Hallows, and see yourself seated there before them... go to your body... turn, and step backward into the space where your body is sitting... raise your spirit-hand before you... and make a tuathal triskel in the air before you... sit down into your body... renew your center... feel the Earth and Sky Powers meeting in your flesh...
-Remember your body, and let your awareness be firmly behind your eyes... feel the air flow in your lungs... the blood course in your veins... remember all you have seen and done in this work... open your eyes, and know that your spirit has returned fully to your flesh... stretch... and be finished with the trance.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Aleister Crowley - Liber 216 Vel The I Ching
Aleister Crowley - Liber 060 The Abuldiz Working

Labels: how to perform astral projection  black magic for beginners  kaos magic  ancient black magic  black magic curse  robert monroe astral projection  black magic ritual  magic spells charms  selling candles