Breaking The Bond Between Two Lovers

Breaking The Bond Between Two Lovers Cover
Perform this spell on the Waning of the Moon, on a Wednesday.

Whisper the name of the intended couple into an open lock four times and then snap it shut. Any passion between the couple shall then cease. But keep the lock hidden and away from the key, for if the lock is ever opened, the couple's passion will return and the spell will rebound on you.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Hermes Trismegistus - Book X The Mind To Hermes
Robert John Stewart - Robert Kirk Walker Between Worlds

Labels: empirical 03 magick  banishing ritual  ritual rune  ancient grimoires  ancient grimoires  elemental magick  magickal reveries  banishing ritual  outlines for essays  comparative hierology  pocket witchcraft  angelorum version  choice segments  

Vibrating Sacred Names Or Words

Vibrating Sacred Names Or Words Cover
Many people have been asking me..... How do you Vibrate a word or name like the Sacred Names of God in the "Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram" LBRP or Middle Pillar Ritual and other Rituals? Well, it is quite easy. To put it simple... you stretch the name out, making it much longer. For Example: The name "Puzuzu" ... now let's vibrate it.... Puuuuuuuuzzzzuuuuuuuuuzzzuuuuuuu. You are mainly stretching out the vows of the word or name. Remember... you should be exhaling when vibrating a name or word. Yes sometimes you may run out of air with a longer name, but with practice you will be able to use much more breath.
Now let's take one of many Sacred names of God..... "Agla" now we'll vibrate it..... AAAAAAAhhhh-Glaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.
When you vibrate the name... try to feel it permeate your entire being and try to send it out into the Universe. Imagine it carrying out the vibration across the galaxy to God himself. Feel it vibrate all the parts of your body.

You must understand that certain words or names have Power when used correctly, with the proper tonal qualities and pitch and it attracts energies of the beings that are associated with them. When vibrating names of God... you are calling out to him and asking his Divine Presence to descend upon you. After much Practice you will feel his power as you vibrate his name. For it is the Power of the spoken word. Sort of a Hotline to God and his Hierarchy.
There are many Names of God that can be used to vibrate.... it all depend on whom you wish to invoke.
Also... it does not have to be a name of God. It can be a word such as "Om" which means, the Divine which manifests in all that is. It is the beginning and the end... the Alpha and the Omega.

Now for you perfectionists out there.... yes there are other more complex ways to vibrate names and words. I am simply giving the basics to those who are in the beginning stages of learning.... to help them get started on Path to enlightenment.
To help them Invoke God so he may hear their needs.

One last word of advice.... Always treat names of God with respect, for God is a Hierarchy of many beings that make up the whole and he will come when properly called upon and he will cast down those whom do not give respect.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms Of The World
Aengor - Origin Of The Names Of The Days
Anonymous - Divination Spreads

Labels: magickal seduction  enoch tale jewish  magic frater  empirical diary  laws magick  pronunciations angel names  magick 3  ascent jewish  comparative hierology  pocket witchcraft  angelorum version  choice segments  interpretations witch hunts  seax wiccan alphabet  

The Principles Of Discordian Magick

The Principles Of Discordian Magick Cover
A document to be included in the forthcoming "Confunomicon" by Lord Falgan, F.M., K.S.C. Novus Ordo Seclorum Erisium

...dedicated to The Prettiest One...

Okay, this is a discussion on magick, eh? Whoa, like, conjuring demons, throwing hexes, and predicting the future? Manipulation of the Hodge/Podge to TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION?! No. First off, any demons that might be around aren't gonna waste time with Discordians (they're after the Greyfaced Religions, 'cause the guilt they can lay on them...). Throwing hexes is painful, and bad for the joints. And if you are worried about the future, and world domination, then you have no business trying out magick anyway. So, like, what is Discordian magick, eh? Okay, Discordian Magick is a way in which the Discordian practicing it (called a Phool) to either add to or create Eristic Vibes or to deflect or destroy Aneristic Vibes.

Some Terms:

Vibes: Psycho-emotional energy given off be humans and other creatures.
Eristic: Pertaining to Eris; pertaining to chaos in general.
Aneristic: Against Eris; pertaining to order in general.
Phool: one who is aware of the presence an actions of Vibes and uses Discordian Magick to manipulate the same
Face: An aspect of Discordian Magick; the category of magick
Nature: The end-product of Discordian Magick
Hodge: The pseudo-Zen force of Order in the world
Podge: The pseudo-Zen force of Chaos in the world
The Doctrine: things have a tendency to work out ok in the end
Ju-Ju: The "aftershocks" of Discordian Magick; the long-term effects.
The Sacred Chao: The image of the Hodge and Podge.
Greyface: One who unconsciously generates Aneristic Vibes.
THEM: A group who consciously generates Aneristic Vibes; Phools gone Greyface.
Discordian: One who unconsciously generates Eristic Vibes.

Norm: A normal, vibe-unaware, guy-on-the-street. Typically Aneristic, due to the great amount of ambient Aneristic Vibes in the world.

Vibes: what they be.

Okay, vibes are like energy which is given off by all creatures. You may know of Vril or Kirlian Aura or Alpha Waves or some other nonsense. Vibes may or may not be them, its really not important. What IS important is that they exist, and if they exist, then they can be manipulated and created and destroyed. (Destroying waves can be bad Ju-ju. Be careful.) How do we know vibes are there? Because, if you open up, you can feel them. You're being hit by them all the time, just most people aren't aware of them. Next time someone is being extremely chaotic, notice how that person's actions and presence affect you... the same for someone being extremely ordered. Sometimes, the vibes can change your mood, your attitude, even y our health. So, now that I know the vibes are there, what can I do with them? Okay, eh? So, there are two basic kinds of vibes: Eristic and Aneristic. Eristic Vibes are pulses of chaotic energy, while Aneristic Vibes are pulses of ordered energy... this means the fundamental concepts of chaos and order, not the waves themselves. (I.E. if vibes have a structure, both Eristic and Aneristic probably have the same structure. It is the kind of energy which differs, not the structure.)Eristic Vibes USUALLY cause Chaos, Discord and Confusion (the first three Faces (q.v.)) and Aneristic Vibes USUALLY cause Beurocracy and Aftermath (the last two Faces). I say USUALLY because, like most things, there are several occasions when the five will cross over. A Phool must learn to appreciate the spinning of the Chao, and the counter-push-pull of the Hodge and Podge, and learn when Eristic Vibes are needed, and when Aneristic Vibes are needed. As a very general rule, the world needs more Eristic Vibes... there are far more Greyfaces in the world than there are Discordians.


Okay, eh, Discordian Magick is not exempt from the Law of Fives. There are five facets to Discordian Magic, just like the five faces of a pentagon. Ergo, to keep in line with this analogy, these aspects of magick have been termed "Faces". The 5 Faces are, naturally: Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Beurocracy, and Aftermath.

When a Phool manipulates Vibes, the method in which the Vibes are manipulated is defined by the Face.

Some brief explanations:

Chaos: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Chaos, generally speaking, are designed simply to increase the amount of Eristic Energy in the area. Chaos magick is specifically unorganized, and often purposeless. It is used to change mood, tone, and is also a way to banish Greyfaces.

Discord: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Discord are deigned to affect large numbers of Norms, and sometimes Greyfaces. It is the second most destructive form of magick, and requires care in its use. It causes Norms to act in ways they would not normally, often for reasons they do not fully comprehend.

Confusion: The most common form of magick, Vibes manipulated within the Face of Confusion is a Discordians primary weapon against Anerism. It is a subtle form of magick, designed to gradually wean norms and Greyfaces from their hopeless addiction to Aneristic Vibes.

Beurocracy: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Beurocracy must be treated with care, as they can easily slip into Aneristic ones instead of Eristic. Beurocratic Magick is designed to affect a large number of Norms into unconsciously succumbing to Eristic Influence. When used especially well, this form of magick is particularly effective against Greyfaces, as they may not even know that they are being manipulated.

Aftermath: Vibes manipulated within the Face of Aftermath are the most dangerous tool a Phool can use. They are by far the most destructive, and involve a permanent destruction of Vibes, and a ceasing of the Spinning of the Chao. Aftermath Magick is serious stuff. It means a closing and a te rmination of Energy. Don't use this stuff unless you're, like, really sure of yourself and are prepared to accept responsibility for the Ju-Ju you may cause.

Nature, eh?

The Nature of Magick is not really an integral part of the Magick, but it helps the Phool to classify the effect his magick will have on the world. There are many natures, but some of the basic ones are:Creative: Designed to create ambient vibes. Usually called "Eristic Creative" or "Aneristic Creative".

Destructive: As Creative, but designed to destroy the vibes in question.

Anti-Greyface: Countering Aneristic attacks by Greyfaces, or planting seeds of Chaos in their subconscious.

Personal: Magick designed to alter the Phool's own moods, feelings, and attitudes. Helps recover from Aneristic attacks.

Ritual: The ritual is a means of simply causing Ju-Ju. It rarely has immediate effects, but when done, the Vibe Ju-Ju will cause long-term effects which the Phool may desire.

Oracle: A means of "seeing t he future"... not really, but what it does is open the Phool's mind to ideas which may indeed affect the future.

Part Five

This has been a very basic introduction into the theories and practice of Discordian Magick. It has been presented in hoped of laying a groundwork for further study and explanation in the upcoming work _The Confunomicon_. If there are any who would like to share their observations, make comments or suggestions, or offer to publish the book, I will be at the listed space/time hodge/podge locale until May 1, 1991:

Lord Falgan, F.M., K.S.C.
Pineal Research Lab
Mu Cabal, Novus Ordo Seclorum Erisium
5210 16th Ave NE
Seattle, WA, 98105
USA, Earth, Galactic Quad: ZZ92ZA

Hail Eris!
All Hail Discordia!
(K) 3175 Cabaletta Texts- All Rites Reversed,
Reprint what you like... but please credit me, fnord? Thanks...

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Melita Denning - The Foundations Of High Magick
Eliphas Levi - The Ritual Of Transcendental Magic
Anonymous - The Basics Of Magick

Tags: religion wicca  works hermes trismegistus  place intellectual  moon phase magic