Magick Squares Of The Planets

Magick Squares Of The Planets Cover
Although the Magic Squares are a prolific branch of recreational mathematics it is the seven Kameas, or Planetary Magick Squares that are of interest to students of Ceremonial Magick. Since first being published by Agrippa in De Occulta Philosophia in 1510, these squares have been employed in making talismans with an almost unchanged method of use ever since. The Kameas formed a large part of the Golden Dawn teaching on Talismanic Magick and figures prominently in Franz Hartmann’s classic Magick White & Black.

The calculation of the Magick Squares of the Planets is a simple matter involving a few simple mechanical operations and only the most rudimentary mathematical ability.

The calculation of the Squares of the odd numbers is a simple process. Write down the numbers of the square in their regular succession from left to right and top to bottom. Next, separate the central numbers by enclosing them in a square grid turned at a 45 angle to the series of numerals. Finally, insert the segregated numbers into their opposite places in the turned grid.

The construction of the Magick Squares of the even numbers is slightly more complicated, and will require a little more experimentation. Taking the Square of Four, for instance: write the numerical sequence from right to left, and top to bottom. Next, as the diagonals are already in their correct positions, the others need simply to be rotated in a regular fashion. The top two middle squares drop straight down into their opposite squares, whilst the bottom two number exchange places to make the top line to be the sequence : 4, 14, 15, 1; and the bottom line : 16, 3, 2, 13. Lastly, the remaining numbers exchange places by the same method, the two on the right moving straight across and the two on the left trading places as before.

For the square of six, the process is slightly more complex again, but still only a matter of mechanical manipulation. Once again, write the numerals of the sequence into their squares in order, from right to left and from top to bottom. Again, the diagonals are already correctly placed. Again, the four innermost exchangeable numerals are moved as above. Finally, the outer ring of numerals then trade places by the same principal, with the middle two pairs rotating diagonally and anticlockwise, so that all four numerals change places and partners.

All of this sound much more complicated than it really is, and an half an hour of effort will clear the matter up for all but the least mathematically endowed among us. By simple experimentation, the correct solutions can easily be found for all of the Kameas, and their veracity checked by the simple process of addition.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Anonymous - Basic Principles Of The Craft
Bernard King - Meanings Of The Runes

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Good News For Self Initiates And Solitary Practitioners

Good News For Self Initiates And Solitary Practitioners Image
"Initiation" simply means "to begin." Can someone "begin" the magical life through self-initiation?


Like learning any new hobby, learning ritual magic is something anyone can begin at home with a good book, perseverance, and practice. But, like learning a sport, to get good requires an effective coach. Some people may want to hire a good coach from day one to avoid developing bad habits and a steep learning curve. In contrast, some are not sure if they are ready for that level of commitment and are willing to tackle the challenge alone until they are convinced it's right for them.

Either way, you will have to find a few good resources to start you out. You may be asking yourself a few questions. Have I made the right choice in choosing Ritual Magic? Did I pick the "best" book to guide me through the process? Will I end up creating bad habits that set me back later? Who can I trust with questions as I progress? How will I know if I am really doing it right? Most importantly, you might be asking if self-initiation is really possible.

"Let me share with you my own story in facing this problem over the last two decades..."

"If you would have asked me about Self-Initiation eighteen years ago, when Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Praemonstratrix, Cris Monnastre, first appointed me HOGD Imperator, I would have told you: "Self-Initiation is as impossible as self-psychotherapy."

My understanding of the Golden Dawn has evolved a great deal over the past two decades, however, especially after establishing contact with the Secret Chiefs of the Golden Dawn's Third Order in 2002.

Back in my early years as Golden Dawn Imperator, my opinion of Self-Initiation was greatly colored by what was then touted as Self-Initiation, yet whose methods more closely resembled New Age guided fantasy than any Golden Dawn spiritual practice.

There is, of course, nothing "wrong" with New Age guided fantasy - as far as it goes. Let us remain mindful, however, that the Golden Dawn tradition is MAGICAL rather than New Age.

After 18 years as Golden Dawn Imperator, I remain convinced the absolute best way to create a magician is with traditional Golden Dawn initiation - with the Initiate physically present together with a fully trained Hierophant in a physical Golden Dawn temple.

This is because...

"A good Hierophant can awaken the magical Forces in your energetic body FOR you...... since these Forces are fully active in the Hierophant's own energetic body already."

Self Initiation books - with working methods more closely resembling New Age guided fantasy than Golden Dawn spritual practice - have contributed to a popular misunderstanding of the true nature of Golden Dawn spritual work. Golden Dawn spiritual practice traditionally uses Ritual Magic and Alchemy rather than New Age methods.

Why go beyond New Age guided fantasy and channelling?

"To become a Magician!"

Traditional Golden Dawn initiation is about the magical awakening of the LVX current in one's energetic body as well as the awakening and balancing of the Magical Forces of the Elements, Planets, and Zodiac.

What is the significance of awakening Magical Forces?

"It is what a Magician does!"

In the Golden Dawn's outer order, Earth is awakened in the energetic body in the Zelator grade, Air in Theoricus, Water in Practicus, and Fire in Philosophus. The force of Spirit is then awakened in the Portal grade, before these 5 fully awakened magical elements are balanced and equilibrated in the energetic body of the initiate.

Is it possible to accomplish this on one's own with Ritual Magic?


But - it is also possible to ride a bicycle from San Francisco to New York! - Then again - Why ride a bike, when you can take an airplane and arrive at your destination in only a few hours instead of weeks?

Why initiate through a Hierophant rather than Self Initiation?

"To become a Magician easier and faster!"

Why try to reinvent the wheel with Solitary Practice of Ritual Magic? The Alpha Omega is not just about "Beginning"...



To "begin" is clearly possible on your own, but "to finish" requires help. No matter how talented, every professional has a coach or teacher. What resonates with me is that Ritual Magic can be mastered by any actor, but our goal is not to simply perform a ritual - it is to be a magician. Actors convincingly portray soldiers, surgeons, therapists, and great heroes of all kinds. However, they have not BECOME these people, they only portray them.

All portrayal is not bad either - not by any means. This is the path of "fake it until you make it." If I act like a surgeon while I learn to become a real surgeon, in the end I will BE a surgeon. In contrast, if I act like a surgeon but never learn medical science, I am just an actor. Now, as long as I know I am an actor there is no harm done.

The danger is when I start to believe I am one simply because I can portray one so well that people cannot tell the difference (until I am in the operating room, that is!). My fear of Self-Initiation is someone can portray a magician without ever really becoming one. If someone learns to portray a magician perfectly, they may trick themselves and waste a lifetime living a delusion. The real question is:

"What do YOU want?

... To just do Ritual Magic...

... or do you want to be a Magician?"

Sadly, at the beginning of the 21st Century, there are still not enough Golden Dawn temples to provide traditional initiation for all aspiring magicians who seek it. Moreover, as I mentioned earlier, there are people who are just not sure if they are ready for that level of commitment and are willing to tackle the challenge alone until they are convinced it's right for them.

This is why the Alpha Omega recently launched our 1,000 Points of Light Initiative, to make Magicians - by providing guidance, corrections, etc. for Ritual Magic practice in a series of live Webinars - and by encouraging people to create their own Personal Temple altars and spaces.

This is also why I wrote the Ritual Magic Manual...

The Ritual Magic Manual fills an essential need for would be Golden Dawn magicians by providing everything you need for the magical component of Self-Initiation on your own, in a complete - step by step - user-friendly format.

In the Ritual Magic Manual, you will find all of the pentagrams, hexagrams, Egyptian God Forms, Enochian and Qabalistic names sigils and names of power, flashing colors, etc. - all in one place!

Why do Ritual Magic?

"It is the method of the Magician!"

The Ritual Magic Manual contains not only the Elemental invocations necessary for the successful magical completion of the Golden Dawn's outer order. Additionally, ALL of the magical Forces of the Planets, the Zodiac, and the Qabalistic Sephiroth are included as well, each using a complete, traditional Golden Dawn Ritual invocation.


I am also concerned about how expensive the Ritual Magic Manual has become. With scalpers asking insane prices reaching 1,000 for a new hard bound copy, the Manual has moved beyond the financial reach of many aspiring magicians today.

In the Alpha Omega, we reward Magicians who demonstrate merit. Therefore, I will be giving a complementary electronic copy of The Ritual Magic Manual to all sincere, aspiring Magicians who attend the Ritual Magic Webinar on October 27.

"See you at the Webinar!"

by Golden Dawn Imperator David Griffin

Invocation Of The Elements

Invocation Of The Elements Cover
Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of Astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!

In the circle, rightly cast,
Safe from psychic curse or blast,
I call you now, attend to me!

From cave and desert, sea and hill,
By blade and wand, cup and pentacle,
I call you now; attend to me!
This is my will, so mote it be!

[This invocation may be chanted while moving or dancing around the altar to raise elemental energy for magickal workings.]

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Eliphas Levi - The Conjuration Of The Four Elements
James Eschelman - Invocation Of Horus

Labels: circle consecrated  elemental fire  magic information  ritual rune  garlic evil  physics magick  rules magick thyself  elemental cauldrons  templi orientis letter  druids ruled peasants  workshop participation workshop  kabbalah science  pagan spells bath  wisdom introduction studying  wizard myth  

Sigil Magic For The Professional Magician

Sigil Magic For The Professional Magician Cover
I will assume that you are already initiated into the secrets of Austin Spare's sigil magic. Consulting with my clients as a professional magician, I am always confronted with the same question: Is the client's will identical with my own? If it is, there should be no problem involved in charging the sigil in the client's stead by myself. (The client, one must remember, will usually not be familiar with the basic tenets of sigil magic or even magic in general and will probably hesitate to try it out for himself.) However, I believe as a matter of principle that everybody should vaccinate his will for himself. I do not feel happy with charging myself i.e. my subconscious with other people's desires. For example: if Mrs. X wants to be brought together with Mr. Y by a sigil (love spell), it could be interesting to know what might happen if the pertinent sigil were charged by myself.

Accordingly I had to find a means to implant sigils into my individual clients in such a way that they are not aware of what they are really doing. At first, talking with the client, I will try to find the "smallest common denominator" out of a tangled mass of multiple desires. This will continue until the client is able to word his or her statement of will (henceforth to be termed "will sentence") in plain and unambiguous language. Following this all contact between the client and myself will be abandoned for two or tree weeks. In the meantime I will construct the sigil, usually employing the word method, and sketch it on a piece of parchment. Very often the client's name will be encoded applying the magical camea of the planet pertinent to the client's desire. I may then supplement the sigil with this personalized glyph. Then I will outline a short ritual for the client in which will be hidden the charge proper of the sigil (employing either the mantric method or a variation of the so-called "death posture").

After a while I will send the client this constructed sigil by mail including instructions on how to charge it plus possible additional admonitions, if necessary. Most probably the client will have forgotten the precise wording of his/her will sentence by now; neither will he or she be able to draw any conclusions from these strange glyphs. After having been charged the sigil can be sealed and constantly worn in a locket, it can also be put perma-nently in view e.g. as a wall decoration. Some of my clients have placed or hung their sigils nicely framed in their office rooms.

To charge a sigil the following method is very effective. The client arrives for consultation. In some cases has to bring along some substance imbibed with his or her Odic. During a small ritual client must close his/her eyes and place the odic substance on the sigil which will be lying open in front of him/her. Then I will take the client's finger and prick it quickly and sharply with a small chirurgical lancet. After the blood drop has been smeared onto the sigil, the latter will be folded and sealed immediately. I then admonish the client to bear in mind that this talisman must never get into other people's hands. This charging method is especially effective in working with protection or "antipersonnel mine" sigils.

Here are some examples relating to client's feedback:

30.04. Sigil as wall decoration
24.06. Business enterprises developed well.
12.07. Protection/defense sigil charged employing chirurgical lancet.
14.07. Client feels well and secure.
23.06. Sigil as a defense "antipersonnel mine" with codification of client's name by the magical camea of Mars, charged with lancet.
09.10. "Mine" fully operative: sickness and accidents of 2-3 enemies.
11.10. Sigil employed as a wall decoration.
11. Business successful. Sale of real estate to a monastry (!) has been agreed upon.
27.12. Sigil, mantric charge.
14.02. Client's partner becomes more friendly and loving.
18.03. Partnership satisfactory.
17.06. Sigil charged spastically by myself in client's stead.
18.06. Shortly before the potential buyer arrived for inspection in the afternoon, the last seat in the coffeehouse (sales object) had been taken, suggesting excellent business; immediately after inspection number of customers decreased again.
07.12. Fast charge of a "combat sigil".
21.12. The idea incorporated by the sigil incarnates as a conscious wish in the target person's love partner.

by Areosol

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Oberon Zell Ravenheart - Grimoire For The Apprentice Wizard.pdf
Stephen Mitchell - Learning Magic In The Sagas
Medieval Grimoires - Arbatel Of Magic Or The Spiritual Wisdom Of The Ancients

Labels: rituals spell objectives  solomon triangle  empirical rules magick  magickal seduction  study magick theory  healing banishing  magick psychology  magick face  jean despagnet  thurisaz  christianity church practices  history century magicians  

The Art Of Hypnotism Self Hypnosis And Hypnotizing Others

The Art Of Hypnotism Self Hypnosis And Hypnotizing Others Cover
Many years ago I went to a Hypnotist to learn the Art. He taught me how to hypnotize myself and others. It is actually an easy process involving very little study and practice. You must remember.... not everyone can be hypnotized. Some people are so wrapped up in their thoughts of every day worries that they can not simply concentrate. In order to be hypnotized... you must be able to relax and clear your mind just the same as you would during meditation..
I would suggest trying it on yourself before trying it on others. Here are the steps to hypnotizing yourself....

1. Sit on a couch in the upright position and close your eyes and your arms at your side or in your lap. Do not move around. Just sit there and relax for a minute.

2. Clear your mind of all thoughts. How do you do this?.... simply imagine a big Dumpster or a very large metal box on your mental screen. Then see it open and put all your thoughts and worries in it one by one.... bills... your lovelife.... problems.... your children.... your job... everything you can think of. Then close the lid and lock it! Then push it off your mental screen.

3. Now sit there quietly with no thoughts for a minute. When you are ready to start... do not forget to tell yourself as you go through each part of the body that you are becoming more and more relaxed as you go. YOU MUST TELL YOURSELF THIS!

4. Now... start with your head.... imagine every part of your head relaxing... start with your eyes.... then go to your ears.... the mouth... all your facial muscles. spend time with each part to make sure it is fully relaxed.

5. Now go to your neck and do the same.

6. Now go to your whole chest and stomach region and start with your heart... slow it down and make it at peace. Relax all you chest muscles and then your stomach area.

7. Now relax your arms feeling them going limp. Relax every muscle in your arms one by one including your fingers.

8. Next go to the groin area and relax all the muscle there.

9. Now it is time to do your legs.... start with the thighs and work your way down to the feet relaxing each and every toe.

By this time you should be like a big lump of silly putty... totally relaxed and and at peace. Now here comes the fun part. This is where you will get to hypnotize yourself and see if it really works.....

1. Site there with you arms in you lap and or at your side and tell yourself that your right arm is getting very light. It is getting very, very light. Keep telling yourself this and feel how it is getting lighter. Tell yourself that it is getting so light that is is staring to raise up off your lap. Feel it it getting light as you keep telling yourself this and feel it raising up off you lap. It is getting lighter by the second and it is raising up higher and higher until it is up in the air.

2. Once you have achieved this and your arm is up in the air you may tell yourself it is getting heavy again and lower it to your lap. You will now tell yourself that you will awaken fully refreshed with energy and a clear mind.

3. Open your eyes and evaluate what you have done. Write down your experience in your magical journal. If you did not have success... try again later that day and keep trying until you are satisfied. If it never works for you.... you may be one of those who cannot be hypnotized.

Now.... this method can be used on someone else. Try it on your best friend... except you are the one who will be telling them to relax each part of their body. Then do the arm raising stunt with them and see if it works. Remember.... as you go through each part of the body with them... tell them they are getting more and more relaxed and sleepy. If this works then you can try more difficult things like making them do funny things...


You can also use this method to remember things and program yourself to lose weight or study better or what ever you so choose!

If you have been successful.... Congratulations! You now know how to Hypnotize!

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Israel Regardie - The Art Of True Healing
Robert Ambelain - Martinism History And Doctrine

Labels: empirical rules 15  coltsfoot wealth  straight face 6  make luck  money rite  straight 1  ouija boards  health self  book truth  modern ancient  norwegian valkyrie  runes around continent  tantra magic  

The Wishing Well Or Releasing The Butterfly Of Chaos

The Wishing Well Or Releasing The Butterfly Of Chaos Cover
The general function of a Wishing Well is understood from an early age by most people. The user projects some required outcome of events, or "wish" into the well, perhaps accompanied by a symbolic financial donation, and waits for events to take their course. Similar properties are attributed in popular tradition to acts of cutting a birthday cake and breaking a wish-bone while devouting certain species of poultry.

In every sense, the act of making a wish using any of the above ritual props is a magical operation though experience suggest that Wells tend to be more effective than both chicken bones and all but the most esoterically decorated cakes in achieving the intended result.

As of late, many Wishing Wells have been withdrawn from public access; and, moreover, recent opinion polls have indicated high levels of dissatisfaction with the scarcity of wish-fulfillment opportunities, particularly among vegetarians. This paper attempts some analysis of the dynamics involved in successful wish-making, and offers a ritual procedure which readers may find useful pending the launch of another "Wishing Well Withdrawal" from the public eye.

Anyone who has studied non-linear dynamics (or Chaos Mathematics) as applied to the interaction of complex systems (for instance life-in-general) will be aware of the extreme sensitive of such systems to initial conditions. This is illustrated by the so-called Butterfly Effect; a model of the process by which a butterfly flapping its wings on the Caribbean Islands can set in train a series of atmospheric interactions which may culminate, after some elapsed time, in the occurrence of a hurricane in London.

The hypothesis in this context is that the ritual act of making a wish sets up initial condit-ions for a Chao/dynamic process which culminates, after some elapse time, in the occur-rence of whatever event was the original objective of the wish; hence the subtitle "Releasing the Butterfly of Chaos". Atmospheric effects are often synchronous with successful magickal operations as was observed, for example, by those who were present for (or within earshot of) the 4,000 watt "Enochian Verse Recital" in South London, 17.30 Hrs, Monday, 28 May, 1990; but where magic is concerned the atmospherics are felt to be little more than by-products of casual sequence which is primarily electromagnetic in character.

The actual process by which a successful wish is transformed into its outcome is, of course, magic; at least in the sense that modern TV receiver might be acknowledged as such by Agrippa or Abra-Melin the Mage - Was there ever a more effective acrostic "for divers visions" than an infrared remote control? A detailed explanation of how the magical process appears to work would fill a book (reasonable offers from reputable publishers accepted); suffice it to say that no rewrite of either the Laws of Physics or the Axioms of Mathematics is required, and to mention that the Astrological elements of the hypothesis will form the substance of a paper to be presented to a forth coming meeting of the "Talking Stick".

For the purpose of this exercise, the process may be appropriately visualized by consider-ation of nothing more complicated than a humble smoke-ring. In mathematical terms this is a Torus (a ring-doughnut shaped structure) which has a clearly defined, coherent and self-contained existence for an extended period within a fundamentally chaotic matrix; i.e. it can hung around for several seconds retaining its structure in the turbulent air of a smoke-filled room. Such ordered structures fall quite naturally out of the Chaos Mathema-tics which models the behavior of gases and liquids (Fluid Dynamics for the technically inclined). Examples of such ordered structures in a chaotic environment abound, and not only on this planet. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter, for instance, has been in existence at least since Galileo observed it in 1610, though the chaotic nature of that planets atmos-phere was not appreciated until the fly past of the Voyager spacecraft of 1979.

A perfect smoke-ring requires very little expenditure of energy to be brought into exist-ence, though that energy, in the form of a controlled pulse of gas projected from its creator lips has to be quite precise - i.e. smoke-rings don't always work, particular if someone is watching, and the best ones of all usually happen quite by accident! Significantly, the only way an observer can know if a smoke-ring is there because it has smoke in it. If an identical pulse of gas is projected from a non-smoker, the Toroidal ring structure will be established in the just the same way within the atmosphere, but its presence is almost impossible to detect, even with the most sophisticated of scientific instruments.

The atmosphere is not the only chao/dynamic envelope surrounding our planet; there also exists the magnetosphere, which we perceive at ground level as the earth's magnetic field. At present it exerts a force which causes a compass needle to point approximately towards the North Pole.

The magnetosphere extends out into so-called empty space well beyond the atmosphere of the planet, and is anything but static in character. Complete polarity reversals can occur. A record of these is preserved in the sequence of North and South oriented volcanic rocks which have been mapped in the ocean floor extending outwards from mid-oceanic ridges, such as that which runs the length of the Atlantic. The magnetosphere exhibits its own "weather" patterns which, like the atmospheric weather, are driven primar-ily by radiation from the Sun/Solar Winds. Magnetic and electric storms which affect TV and radio reception are a phenomena of magnetospheric weather, and interaction between the magnetosphere and the atmosphere can result in phenomena such as the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. Other manifestations include ball-lightning and St. Elmo`s fire.

The ritual procedure put forward here postulates a process whereby a sudden pulse of electro-chemical energy, through an operators nervous system, establishes a magnetic structure which is the mathematical equivalent of a smoke-ring. It is suggested that this can occur on the onset of orgasm or accompanying a powerful martial arts styled shout or KIAI, by a process akin to that of the Faraday Induction described in any half-decent textbook. The "magical" part of the process involves injecting a flash-visualization of the
eventual desired outcome of the magneto-smoke-ring as it is being established. The rest of the process of wish fulfillment is left to the wondrous dynamics of Chaos. It may be helpful for the operator to face towards the geographical (magnetic) North Pole.

If performed as a solo working, this ritual may usefully be preceded by a banishing and visualization exercise. The ritual text is written in the Enochian language of the angelic calls which were devised or discovered by Dr. John Dee in the 16th Century. In the sense that Enochian can be seen as a system of control (or cyber-) language for "life, the univ-erse, and everything" it has many of the characteristics of a computer programming language. Among such properties would be those of recursive self-reference (i.e. the ability to
modify itself), and some of the phraseology of the preamble to the ritual is designed to apply ideas developed by Douglas Hoffstadter in his book Godel, Escher, Bach to the Enochian language. Specifically, the text of the ritual should increase its own potency with repetition.

After the Enochian preamble, the participant(s) should make a vocalized statement of a "wish" or willed endpoint for the working, at the same time strongly visualizing the desired outcome. This "wish" may be of a benefice or malefic intent, but beware! the Enochian preamble carries a force of personal honor, in wishes of a dishonorable character they are likely to backfire.

The pre-climatic mantrum "Zarzas Zarzas Nasatanata Zarzas" is held to be untranslatable. It is, by tradition, a formula which opens the Gates of Hell or the Abyss; in this context it is used to invoke the dynamic process of Chaos by which the wish can be fulfilled. Some occult authorities, Crowley among them, assert that the Zarzas formula is dangerous and advise against using it. Modern Chaos magicians do not share that view and, besides having employed it for years with no particular ills impacting the user, is consistently been found to enhance the effectiveness of most categories of magical working.

The final climatic KIAI may be shout such as that projected by a martial arts practitioner in the process of shattering a concrete block (or someone's sternum) or else an exaggerated cry of orgasmic ecstasy. Prospective participants with orgiastic inclinations may care to experiment with variant techniques to effect the final KIAI exclamation which sets the magical "butterfly effect" process in motion. For example, the Enochian couplet following the statement of the wish might be committed to memory by operator of either gender, and repeated while other participants stimulate that operator to a frenzied pitch of ecstasy, culminating in the final KIAI. Such variants are for the more experimentally inclined, but it is the sort of experiments which magicians of an inhibited frame of mind (or body) may find it enjoyable to carry out as an end in itself. Any feedback on results would be welcome! by Frater Choronzon

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Susan Greenwood - The Nature Of Magic An Anthropology Of Consciousness
Donald Tyson - The Magican Workbook Practicing The Rituals Of The Western Tradition

Tags: chymical christian  myths from stone  hidden life freemasonry  qadusha greater holy  god thoth  

Coltsfoot Wealth Spell

Coltsfoot Wealth Spell Cover
For wealth and prosperity for a year, take the husk from an ear of corn and put a dollar bill along with a note written on parchment:

"Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like much,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at (write your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name.

Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with coltsfoot leaves. Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon. Hand the token up above the entryway with green cord. That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Colour Out Of Space
Kathryn Paulsen - Witches Potions And Spells
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Bath Spells

Labels: spell objectives green  laws magick 2  book magickal  magick 04 attitude  path crossing  nature spirit magic  path crossing  with 7  witch pagan practitioners  septem sanctorum kings  worlds complete astral  palace king  concerning witches witchcraftes  english thesis 1953