Rituals And Spell Objectives Orange Magic

Rituals And Spell Objectives Orange Magic Cover
Charlatanry, trickery, living by one's wits and thinking fast on one's feet are the essence of the orange power. These mercurial abilities were traditionally associated with the god forms which acted as patrons to doctors, magicians, gamblers and thieves. However the profession of medicine has now partly dissociated itself from charlatanry since doctors discovered that antibiotics and hygienic surgery actually worked. Nevertheless about eighty percent of medications are still basically placebos, and the profession still retains the mercurial caduceus for its emblem. Similarly the profession of magic has become less dependent on charlatanry with the discovery of the quantum-probabilistic nature of enchantment and divination and the virtual abandonment of classical alchemy and astrology. Pure magic is now best described as an expression of the octarine power, having a Uranian character. Yet charlatanry still has its place in magic as in medicine. Let us not forget that all "conjuring tricks" were once part of the shamanic warm up repertoire in which something lost or destroyed is miraculously restored by the magician to get the audience in the right mood before the serious business of placebo healing began. In its classical form, the magician puts a dead rabbit in a hat before pulling out a live one.

To the list of professions drawing heavily on the orange power one must now add sales-man, confidence trickster, stockbroker and indeed any profession with an extreme heart attack rating. The motive power of the orange gnosis is basically fear, a species of fear which does not inhibit the user, but rather creates an extraordinary nervous speed that produces quick moves and answers in tight corners.

The apotheosis of the Wit-self is the ability to enter that state of mental overdrive in which the fast response is always forthcoming. This ability is, paradoxically enough, created by not thinking about thinking, but rather allowing anxiety to partially paralyze the inhibitory process themselves so that the subconscious can throw out a quick witted response without conscious deliberation.

Invocations of the orange power are best delivered at frantic speed and gnosis can be deepened by the performance of mentally demanding tasks such as adding up large lists of numbers in one's head or ripping open envelopes containing difficult questions and answering them instantly; activities which should be persisted with until a breakthrough to the experience of thinking without deliberation is achieved. Varied god forms can be used to give form to the Wit-self. Hermes, Loki, Coyote the Trickster and the Roman Mercurius are often employed.

Orange magic is usually restricted to invocations designed to enhance general quick wittedness in secular activities such as gambling, crime and intellectual pursuits. Enchantments and evocations performed subsequent to an invocation of the orange gnosis rarely seem to give results as effective as the invocation itself in my experience. Perhaps something should be said about crime and gambling for the benefit of those hotheads who may misunderstand what can be done with orange magic in support of such activities. Theft is ludicrously easy performed methodically yet the majority of thieves get caught after a while because they become addicted to anxiety, which they experience as excitement and start taking risks to increase it. The novice thief who, in state of extreme anxiety, takes something in a situation of zero risk, does not of course get caught and neither does the careful professional. However there are few careful professionals because there are far easier ways of making money in most societies for people with that kind of ability. The great majority of thieves however always manage to find some way of incriminating themselves because the anxiety of the theft itself fades, only the anxiety of punishment remains. Those quick witted and outwardly cool enough to thieve successfully can easily make
more from salesmanship.

There are three types of persistent gambler. The losers account for two types. Firstly there are those addicted to their own arrogance, who just have to prove that they can beat pure chance or the odds set by the organizers. Secondly there are those addicted to the anxiety of loosing. Even if they win, they invariably throw it away again soon afterwards. Then there are the winners. These people are not gambling at all, either because they are organizing the odds and stakes, or because they have inside information, or because they are cheating. This is true orange magic. Poker is not a game of chance if played skillfully, and skillful play includes not playing against persons of equal or superior skill, or persons holding a Smith and Weston to your Four Aces. Most conventional forms
of gambling are set up in such a way that the use of anything but the most extreme forms of psychic power will make little difference. I would not bother to bet on odds that I had reduced from an hundred to one to merely sixty to one. However certain results obtained using double blind prescience with horse racing show encouraging potential.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Eliphas Levi - The Ritual Of Transcendental Magic
Scott Cunningham - Earth Air Fire And Water More Techniques Of Natural Magic

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Calling The Quarters

Calling The Quarters Cover

"Ye, Wanderer of the Wind, come join this moment of rest. Come and
let us speak of Thought and Concept. Tell your tale here, that I
might partake of your wisdom, and learn of your experiences.


"Ye, Wanderer of the Sun, come join in this moment of rest. Come and
let us speak of Passions and Glories. Tell your tale here, that I
might partake of your wisdom, and learn of your experiences."


"Ye, Wanderer of the Storm, come join in this moment of rest.
Come and let us speak of Love and Peace. Tell your tale here,
that I might partake of your wisdom, and learn of your experiences."


"Ye, Wanderer of the Earth, come join this moment of rest. Come and
let us speak of Honour and Home. Tell your tale here, that I might
Partake of your wisdom and learn of your experiences."


"Ye, Wanderer of the Essence, come and join this rest. Come and
let us speak of Creation and Life. Tell your tale here, that I
might partake of your wisdom, and learn of your experiences."


"Ye, Wanderer of the Realm, come and join this rest. Come and let
us speak of Blacksoul and Path. Tell your tale here, that I might
partake of your wisdom, and learn of your experiences."

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - In The Vault
Bernard King - Meanings Of The Runes

Labels: historical magic  magick basic ritual  elemental quarters  empirical 09 pendulums  models magic  ethics magick  rituals objectives magic  coltsfoot wealth  naumkeag historical city  the craft movie  liber summa  critical essay crowley  myths britain