Denial Ronald Hutton And Peregrin Wildoak
...Believe it or not - the 20 year old Witch Hunt against our order unsurprisingly continues unabaited - with Peregrin Wildoak (who hides his real name to avoid prosecution for libel) again using "anonymous" Sock and Meat Puppets to attack our order.
For the benefit of new readers:
"Peregrin Wildoak" is a Historical Revisionist:
* who never uses his real name, hiding instead behind anonymity to avoid prosecution for libel
* who denies that there was any Pagan Holocaust at all
* who disputes that there were any Pagans ever killed by the Inquisition at all, and
* who even disputes that there ever were any Pagan or Egyptian mysteries!
"Peregrin," while hiding behind anonymity, has been one of the most venomous attackers of our order in the 20 year Witch Hunt waged on the Internet against the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha et Omega.
Historical Revisionist
"Peregrin Wildoak"
In a desperate and highly transparent bid to maintain strife in the Golden Dawn community, Peregrin is again using sock puppets - in a fruitless attempt to scuttle the upcoming Golden Dawn Peace and Harmony Pow Wow in order to continue the two decades old Witch Hunt against our order. Clearly, there are those who would stop at nothing to prevent peace and harmony in the Golden Dawn community!
Unsurprisingly, Peregrin's latest "anonymous" sock again sets up and knocks down the same straw man arguments we have witnessed Peregrin publish time and time again, this time misrepresenting statements I have made critical of the scholorship of Professor Ronald Hutton of Bristol University.
For the benefit of new readers, Peregrin and his various sock/meat puppets have been republishing "ad nauseum" the same tired propaganda talking points on this subject over and over for years now, yet Peregrin never addresses even one scholorly objection to his straw man arguments!
In other words, the real question here is:
This is a highly relevant question, considering Peregrin's claim to have allegedly abandoned Paganism to become a Buddhist convert, whereas Peregrin instead consistently writes as a Christian propagandist and has even bragged about being a Christian apologist. Add to this Peregrin's utter obsession with the subject of Pagan survival since antiquity in his writings, and something begins to smell as fishy as an outdoor fish market on a hot summer's afternoon.
To avoid confusion arising from Peregrin's socks' latest propaganda, below I repeat my "actual" objections to Prof. Hutton's scholorship in "Triumph of the Moon." I might add that Hutton has never addressed these criticisms, even though he has replied to several other issues I raised here.
Demigod Professor - Ronald "Q" Hutton
TRIUMPH OF THE MOON is a monumental study for which Professor Hutton deserves accolades regarding the origins of Wicca in Southern England. However, Hutton clearly states in Triumph that the scope of his study is limited to Wicca in Southern England.
My primary objection is the manner in which Hutton, in later chapters of Triumph, makes sweeping generalizatioins about the lack of survival of elements of ancient Paganism in Continental Europe without providing a single shred of historical data to to back up such unprofessional statements, which completely violate the stated scope of Hutton's study.
That Hutton disproved the origin claims in antiquity of Wicca in BRITAIN is one thing. That he makes unsubstantiated, sweeping judgements on the rest of the European continent is quite another matter, however, especially when the scope of Triumph of the Moon was limited to Wicca in southern England. The greatest problem with Hutton, in my opinion, is that, in his anglo-centered world view, Hutton conflates Wicca with Witchcraft.
Secondly, if Hutton truly discounts "oral tradition," why does he rely so heavily on it in Chapter 20 of Triumph?
Finally, my most important objection to Triumph is the way that Hutton cites personal anecdote as though it were data. Hutton may be a respected historian, but he is not an anthropologist and lacks training in the rigors of the ethnographic method.
Had Hutton not violated the stated scope of "Triumph of the Moon" and had he not tried to play anthropologist by presenting personal anecdote and conjecture as though it were data, Triumph might have deserved the fauning praise it has gotten from the anonymous "Peregrin" and his various sock and meat puppets. Sadly, however, as a fatal flaw, Hutton violated several fundamental rules of academia in an otherwise fine study.
Regarding the actual survival of elements of Paganism since antiquity, Professor Paolo Portone, president of the CIRE institute of ethno-historical research, has shown in his article, "Aradia, Myth and Reality of Witchcraft," how the myth of the "evil witch" was made up by the Inquisition out of whole cloth from the remnants in Italy of the Pagan cult of Diana, the Lady of the Game, or Domina Ludi. Portone's argument is compelling, taken directly from the trials of Sibilla and Pierina before the Inquisitor of Milan, first in 1384 and then again in 1390.
Finally, I have several times suggested that historians of ancient Paganism have been looking in the wrong place for traces of elements of Pagan survival since antiquity, as they have never yet bothered to examine in this context in the texts and rich imagery of Hermetic alchemy!
Finally, an open message to the anonymous "Peregrin":
Peregrin, You are not fooling anyone. EVERYONE sees through your sock and meat puppetry.
Unlike you, I have no need to to hide behind fake names or the skirt tails of "anonymous" sock puppets. Unlike you, I use my REAL name. If I have something to say, Peregrin, I say it to your face like I am now, and I stand behind MY words like a man. Are you not man enough to take responsibility for YOUR words under YOUR real name? Or are you just afraid your GD students will call you on your stirring strife in the GD community yet AGAIN? In any case, you and your socks are the only ones still stiring strife in the GD community today. Keep it up, Peregrin, and you will share the same fate as Robert Zink, with your GD students voting with their feet. The time for Peace and Harmony in the Golden Dawn community is NOW, whether Peregrin Wildoak and his anonymous puppets like it or not. - David Griffin99% of the Golden Dawn community wants peace and harmony and an end to 20 years of internet bullshit causing strife in the our community. Don't miss the International Golden Dawn Peace and Harmony Pow Wow, March 29 - April 9, 2013 near Las Vegas, Nevada.
EVERYONE is invited - Even the 1% still attacking our order. What a great way to put strife behind us - by all sitting down, relaxing, and sharing together as brothers and sisters!
Come share a full week of good food, good company, and new magic released especially for this occasion by the Secret Chiefs of the Golden Dawn's Third Order! You can find complete Pow Wow details here.
We look forward to receiving you at Alpha Omega Temple.
Your Hosts,
David and Leslie Griffin
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