Days Of The Week

Days Of The Week Cover
MONDAY: Day of the MOON

Monday comes from Moon day and represents the day that is connected to the night and to lunar events. Most western people represent the moon as female, this is not universal as most native americans represent the moon as male.


Tuesday comes from Tyr's day. Tyr, Tiw or Tiwaz was an ancient teutonic god of war and vengeance, he also represents justice and honor. He had only one arm, the other one lost to the Fenris wolf.


Wednesday is named for Wotan, or Wodin or Odin or Odun. Odun was the leader of the pantheon of Norse deity{s. He was a wise magician that sacrificed much, including his own eye, in order to gain the wisdom that his people needed.


Thursday is named for the best known of the Norse deities, Thor or Thunnar. He gives his name to many current English words such as Thunder and Stun. He was the chief defender of the Aesir (the Asa gods, or ruling Norse pantheon). His strength was unmatched, except perhaps by one of his sons.


Freya's day is the day of fertility and love/lust. Freya and her twin brother Frey were Vanir Gods, from another pantheon. They were joined to the Norse pantheon to live amongst the Aesir as an effort to make peace between the two warring tribes.


Saturday is a real queer day, it takes its name from the Roman God Saturn. Saturn, however has a clear counterpart in Teutonic Mythology, Ymir. Saturn is an old Titan, who is represented as Chronos in the Greek myths or Father time in more popular mythology. Chronos/Saturn/Ymir was slain by the younger Gods and his body used to make various important things. In the case of Ymir, his flesh made the world, his skull the sky and his bones the mountains, his blood the sea. The Aeflar and Dokaelfar, elves and dwarves, were the maggots that lived in his armpits and the clouds are the remnants of his brains. The stars at night are the cracks put in his skull by the three brothers, Odin, Villi and Ve, who slew him.

SUNDAY: Day of the SUN

The Sun was not a god or goddess in the Teutonic pantheons. It was a great fiery orb that was chased by wolves across the sky.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Nicolas Schreck - Demons Of The Flesh
Michael Smith - Ways Of The Asatru

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