Rituals And Spell Objectives Yellow Magic

Rituals And Spell Objectives Yellow Magic Cover
Most of the extant texts on what is traditionally called "solar magic", contradict each other or suffer from internal confusion. Astrological commentaries on the supposed powers of the sun are amongst the most idiotic nonsense that discipline can produce. This is because the yellow power has four distinct but related forms of manifestation within the psyche. This fourfold division has led to immense problems in psychology, where various schools of thought have chosen to emphasize one in particular and to ignore those which
other schools have alighted upon.

The four aspects can be characterized as follows. Firstly the Ego, or self image, which is simply the model the mind has of the general personality, but excluding most of the extreme behavior patterns that the selves are capable of. Secondly Charisma, which is the degree of self-confidence that a person projects to others. Thirdly, something for which there is no single English term, but which can be called Laughter-Creativity. Fourthly, the urge to Assertion and Dominance. All these things are manifestations of the same yellow power; although their relative emphasis varies greatly between individuals.

Success in most human societies usually results from a skillful expression of the yellow power. The strength of the yellow power in an individual seems to bear a direct relation-ship to levels of the sexual hormone testosterone in both sexes; although its expression depends on personal psychology. There is a complex interplay between testosterone levels, self-image, creativity, social status and sexual urges, even if they are unexpressed. In esoteric terms, the moon is the secret power behind the sun, as most female magicians realize instinctively, and most male magicians discover sooner or later. The Ego gradually accretes through the accidents of childhood and adolescence, and, in the absence of particularly powerful experiences thereafter, remains fairly constant even if it contains highly dysfunctional elements. Any type of invocation should make some difference to the ego, but direct work with it can achieve much more. Several tricks are involved here. The very recognition of the ego implies that change is possible. Only those who realize that they own a personality rather than consist of a personality, can modify it. For most people a preparation of a detailed inventory of their own personality is a very difficult and unsettling activity. Yet once it is done it is usually quite easy to decide what changes are desirable.

Changes to the Ego or self image or personality by magic are classed as works of Illumination and are mainly accomplished by Retroactive Enchantment and Invocation. Retroactive Enchantment in this case consists of re-writing one's personal history. As our history largely defines our future, we can change our future by redefining our past. Everybody has some capacity to re-interpret things which were considered to have gone wrong in the past in a more favorable light, but most fail to pursue the process to the full. One cannot eliminate disabling memories, but by an effort of visualization and imagination one can write in parallel enabling memories of what might also have happened, to neutralize the originals. One can also, where possible, modify any remaining physical evidence that favors the disabling memory.

Invocations to modify the ego are ritual enchantments and personifications of the new desired qualities. Attention should be given to planned changes of dress, tone of speech, gesture, mannerisms and body posture which will best suit the new ego. One maneuver frequently used in yellow magic is to practice the manifestation of an alternative personality with a specific mnemonic trigger, such as the transference of a ring from one finger to another.

Various god forms such as Ra, Helios, Mithras, Apollo and Baldur are useful to structure fresh manifestations of the ego, and for experiments with the other three qualities of the yellow power.

Charisma, the projection of an aura of self confidence, is based on a simple trick. After a short while there is no difference at all between the pretense and the actuality of self confidence. Anyone wishing to remedy a lack of confidence and charisma, and uncertain as to how to begin pretending to these qualities, may find that a day or two spent pretending to absolute zero self confidence will quickly reveal both the effectiveness of pretense and the specific thoughts, words, gestures and postures required to project either

Laughter and Creativity may not immediately seem to be related, but humor depends on the sudden forging of a new connection between disparate concepts, and we laugh at our own creativity in forging the connection. Exactly the same form of elation arises from other forms of creative activity, and if the insight comes suddenly, laughter results. If you don't laugh when you see a seriously brilliant piece of mathematics then you have not really understood it. It also takes a degree of positive self-esteem and confidence to laugh at something creatively funny. Persons of low self-esteem tend only to laugh at destructive humour and the misfortunes of others, if they laugh at all.

Laughter is often an important factor in the invocations of the god forms of the yellow power. Solemnity is not a prerequisite for ritual. Laughter is also a useful tactic in drawing conscious attention away from sigils or other magical conjurations once they are finished with. The deliberate forcing of hysterical laughter may seem an absurd way of ending an enchantment or an invocation, but it has been found to be remarkably effective in practice. This is yet another sleight of mind maneuver which prevents conscious deliberation.

The "pecking order" within most groups of social animals is usually immediately obvious to us, and the animals themselves. Yet within our own society such dominance hierarchies are equally prevalent within all social groups; although we go to quite extreme lengths to disguise this to ourselves. The human situation is further complicated by the tendency of individuals to belong to many groups in which they may have different degrees of social status, and status is often partly dependent on specialist abilities other than displays of naked force.

However, assuming that a person can appear competent in the specialist ability that a social group requires, that person's position in the group depends almost entirely on the degree of assertion and dominance that person exhibits. It is basically exhibited through non-verbal behavior which everybody understands intuitively or subconsciously but which most people fail to understand rationally. As a consequence they cannot manipulate it deliberately. Typical dominance behaviors involve talking loudly and slowly, using lots of eye
contact, interrupting the speech of others whilst resisting the interruption of others, maintaining an upright posture of concealed threat, invading the personal space of others whilst resisting intrusion into one's own, and placing oneself strategic-ally in any space at the focus of attention. In cultures where touching is frequent, the dominant always initiate it, or pointedly refuse it. Either way, they control it.

Submissive behavior is of course the reverse of all the above, and appears quite spontaneously in response to successful dominance from others. There is a two-way interaction between dominance behavior and hormone levels. If the levels change for medical reasons then the behavior tends to change, but more importantly, from a magical point of view, a deliberate change of behavior will modify hormone levels. Fake it till you make it. There is nothing particularly occult about the way some people are able to control others. We simply fail to notice how it is done because nearly all the behavioral signals involved are exchanged subconsciously. Dominance signals do not tend to work if their recipients perceive them consciously. Thus in most situations they must be delivered subtly and with gradually increasing intensity. One of the few situat-ions where such signals are exchanged deliberately is in military hierarchies, but this is only possible because of the immense capacity for direct physical coercion that such systems exhibit. Break the formal rules of non-verbal communication with an officer and he will have a sergeant instill some submission by direct means. Eventually the formal rules become internalized and function automatically, allowing enough obedience to permit mass self-sacrifice and slaughter. The yellow power is the root of most of the best and the worst of what we are capable.

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The Physics And Ethics Of Magick

The Physics And Ethics Of Magick Cover
What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, that in some sense, we are. The mere aspiration, by changing the frame of mind, for the moment realizes itself - Anna Jameson

Magick has always been part of Witchcraft. From the dawn of humanity it has been a tool used to help alter the forces which shape our lives. Today's Pagans have reclaimed this viewpoint; we are not merely helpless masses of flesh, void of any personal power, groveling at the mercy of the fates.

The precise content of our spells has changed over the centuries, but not the methods, and certainly not human need. It is interesting to note that the magickal desires found in weathered grimoires are the same desires we have today, principally: love, security, health, and fertility.

What Magick Is and How It Works

Our detractors try to tell us, and anyone else who will listen, that magick is inherently evil; that it utilizes "unnatural" or evil forces in order to work. They believe that mere humans cannot naturally possess any power of their own; therefore it must be obtained from some supernatural source and, they illogically rationalize, any force that would aid human desire must therefore be wicked and ask a perverse allegiance in return. This source was personified as (need I say it?) their Satan, or anti-God.

It is this inherent power, one with which we are all born, that is the force behind successful magick. Often we may combine this personal energy with that of nature (by using herbs, stones, etc., as our catalyst and focal point), or with that of the elemental world (by aligning our inherent power with that of faeries, elementals, or of the elements themselves), or by working in tandem with the creative power of Gods and Goddesses. But no matter how many of these combinations we try, we, the practicing magickians, are the ultimate source of magickal power.

Belief in magick as part of religious practice was an accepted part of everyday ancient Pagan life, and flourished for many, many centuries before Satan became an accepted theological construct of Christianity nearly two thousand years ago. For the old Witches, magick was not viewed as an operation of supernatural forces since, logically, nothing supernatural could exist. Whether one believed the universe was created by a sentient deity, or wished to believe that it exploded into existence of its own accord, the fact remained
that certain natural laws operated from which no deviation could occur. Cats don't sprout antlers overnight, autumn does not suddenly appear to follow winter, and a maple tree doesn't become an elm at will. Everything has its place in the time/space continuum - including magick.

Magick has long been understood by its practitioners to be no more than the manipulation of natural forces not yet understood by either science or psychology. To create a spell we teach ourselves to sense and "see" these energies, and invest them with our own energies in order to bend them to our will. On the physical plane we can see this same concept used in the martial art known as Judo. Through Judo one is taught to take advantage of the natural energy and momentum of one's opponent, making it possible for a ninety-pound
woman to toss a two hundred-pound man over her head. The natural energy that makes this feat possible is there, waiting to be harnessed and directed to release itself to the desired outcome.

Look around you. Right now. Put down this book and note all the items in the place you are in at this moment. Note all those modern miracles of technology you take for granted that would have gotten you hanged for being in league with the Devil only two hundred years ago: your car, your television, your CD player, radios, electric lights, even a simple ballpoint pen. All of these things would have been seen as manifestations of magick by virtually everyone, and as a sign of the presence of evil by more than just a few. But for
those who understand - or pretend to understand - the factual scientific principles on which these items work, they are not "magickal" at all. They are simply things which operate through natural scientific principles.

It is highly likely that the magick of today will be the science of tomorrow, that eventually we will discover what it is about the energy of the trained magickal mind that can manifest wishes and desires. As scientists and psychologists continue to study the evolving human mind, they may unlock the secrets of creation from a single directed thought. This conceptual hinge upon which all magick is hung may be seen as being overly simplified, but it is the basis of all spellwork. Everything that exists – everything - had to first begin as a single thought, and somehow those thoughts had to be directed, both on the mental and on the physical planes, in order to manifest as reality. (Even Judeo-Christian mysticism teaches that we are merely thought-forms in the mind of God and, when he ceases to think about us, we will perish.)

Five basic ingredients are needed for any successful spell.

1. The desire or need for something
2. An emotional investment in the outcome of the spell
3. The knowledge to work the spell
4. The belief that it exists on the mental/astral planes
5. The ability to keep silent

Without desire and need there can be no spark of the imagination that fires the emotions to drive the spells. Without magickal knowledge a Witch has no idea of what to do to make the magick. Without belief that focused thoughts create a reality that can be brought into the physical world, there is no magick at all.

Keeping silent about magickal work is another very old belief. It may have stemmed partly from fear of discovery by the Witch hunters. On another level there is an old adage that energy divided is energy lost. In other words, the more you speak to others of your work, the more energy you lose, energy which could otherwise be channeled into your desired outcome. You may also find yourself talking to someone who does not believe in the power of magick, or has some vested interest in your failure, perhaps jealousy or a need to "prove" the unworkability of magick. Such people can do great damage to your magick by their counter-energy. Never mind that they do not believe in what you are doing. We all have the power to project energy, and their mental output can work against you.

Those who do not understand the principles of magic fear the mysterious source of the manifestation more than the manifestation itself. If we look again to the natural laws of the universe for answers, we find there is really no mystery. All of us were taught the basic law of physics in junior high science which states:


Unlike television Witches, such as the ever-popular Samantha Stephens, we cannot wiggle our noses and create something from nothing. In order to manifest a house on a vacant lot we do not - and cannot - create matter. Rather, we set up energy patterns that draw the energy to us and shape it into the form we want to see. This would involve consorting with a good contractor rather than with demons.

The language that has evolved around magick over the centuries also tells us that it is not an instantaneous event, but a process of building piece-by-piece. Various mythologies tell of Goddesses of magick who are spinners and weavers, creating their reality step-by-step as a seamstress embroiders a tapestry. With her patience and persistence a rich picture is born, and it is no accident that we have adopted the words spinning, weaving, casting, working, crafting, and creating to describe our spellwork.

There is no rule anywhere in Paganism to tell us how much or how little magick we must weave, or even that we have to make magick at all. If you are not sure about its working principles, or feel that you are not ready for magick in your life, then don't do it. If you continue to follow a Pagan path the time will eventually come when you win find yourself casting a spell as easily as you call upon your deities.

Once you decide to create a spell to meet a need, begin constructing it by following these twenty-four steps:

1. Clearly understand and define your magickal goal. Write it down or state it out loud to help form it solidly in your mind. By doing this you begin to invest the spell and the desired outcome with your emotions and energy. If you have more than one need, you may wish to spread them out. You can work more than one spell at a "session," but doing so will dissipate and scatter your energies, leaving less for each spell. If you feel you must do multiple spells, limit them to three and try to relate them in some way, so that the energy you raise remains as focused as possible.

2. Be sure of the ethics of your hoped-for outcome. Approach the spell from all angles to satisfy yourself that you are not violating anyone else's free will or being manipulative. Many Witches like to do a divination first, to be doubly sure that their spell will not have any unforeseen ramifications. If the results of the divination are negative, try rethinking your intent to see if you can circumvent the problem. Then do another divination and see what comes up.

3. If you wish to use a specific element as a focus for your magick, decide which one is most appropriate and collect items to represent that energy.

4. Plan how you will visualize your goal and believe in what you see. The powers of the mind are only just now beginning to be explored by science. We have all heard stories of terminal patients who have healed themselves, and of faith healers who use belief to manifest miracle cures. Visualization uses that power to form mental pictures that are invested with personal energy and emotion. It is the soul that breathes life into all magick, and the soul that is the most important element in its outcome. The moment you start visualizing the resolution of a magickal need is the moment you begin to create the changes in your deep mind necessary for the magick to manifest.

5. If you are working with advanced natural magick you will need to prepare a long-range plan in accordance with the above guidelines. This will entail checking moon phases, laying in enough supplies for the duration of the spell,and planning how the energy can be sustained through each day.

6. Gather candles, stones, or whatever else you intend to use as a catalyst for your focus or to direct the energy you will raise. Empower those items with your personal energy by projecting into them the energy of your goal. Keep in mind that these tools, including your cherished ritual tools, have no power in and of themselves. The power is not in the tools, but inside the Witch trained to use them. Without you, they are useless. They merely provide a way to focus your energy and a means for directing it towards its goal.

7. Decide upon your "words of power," the words or chants you will use to help focus and raise energy. You may write them out, or simply remember key phrases you wish to use as you improvise. Some Witches like to create simple poems so they will be easier to remember.

8. If you wish to use a special deity or mythic figure in your magick, decide on which one or ones, and on how you will evoke, invoke, and/or honor them. You may wish to write out special prayers or blessings and memorize them.

9. Decide when you want to do the spell. This can be any time you personally need the magick, at the time when your coven regularly meets, or you may wish to take into consideration moon phases and/or other astrological influences. If your life is as busy as most people's today, you may have to choose the only night when you will be free and alone. The timing is much less important than the energy you bring to the spell.

10. At the appropriate time, gather what you will be using and go to the place where you will perform the spell. This can be at your altar, indoors or outdoors, at your coven meeting site, or anywhere else that feels appropriate, comfortable, and private.

11. Cast your circle and, if you like, call the quarters, or do as you would when opening any other ritual. If you are using advanced magickal techniques you win definitely need to employ these visualizations to be effective.

12. Your magick is now beginning in earnest. Invite whatever elementals, faeries, spirits, or deities you wish to have present as you work. They should always be welcome, but they are not necessary for spellwork.

13. Clear your mind and begin visualizing your goal. This is probably the most important step in the spell-casting process and you should invest the mental image with as much energy as you can muster. Recall your need and make your emotional connection with it as deep as you can, on as many levels as possible.

14. Raise energy within yourself and pour it into the magickal object(s) in whatever way feels right to you. This can be done as a mental projection, through dance or song, or intense visualization.

15. Do whatever physical actions your spell requires. Some need no special actions, but many require some basic movement, even if it is only lighting a candle. Use your words of power, light your candles, bury your herbs, mentally charge your stones, and/or raise your cone of power.

16. Take advantage of natural phenomena that can help you raise energy. A storm, for instance, is an excellent source of energy that any Witch can draw upon to help feed a spell. Allow yourself to become part of the storm and feel yourself psychically drawing on its vast stores of energy as you seek to raise your own energies or cone of power.

17. When you feel you have put as much energy into the spell as you possibly can, send the energy out to do your will. You can visualize this as a cone of power being sent out, or use any other mental image you like. Body language helps, too. Relax, throw up your arms, raise a tool, kneel, send out a cone of power, or do whatever else makes you feel the energy go forth. Be sure to direct it out from you visually as well.

18. You should finish your spell with words such as the traditional "So Mote It Be.' Mote is an obsolete word for "must' The phrase is synonymous with "Amen," "So It Is," and "It is Done" It is a statement of completion and an affirmation that you know your magick is successful. All magick is worked from the point of view that the desired goal is already manifest - it will not come to be, but IT IS. Always phrase your magickal desires in the present tense; for example, "I have love in my life now," or, "My bins are now paid in full.' Talking of magick happening in the future will keep it forever in the future, always just out of reach.

19. Meditate briefly on your goal. Again, visualize it as already manifest. Smile, breathe a sigh of relief, and know the magick is already at work for you.

20. Thank and dismiss all faeries, spirits, and deities who have come to witness or aid in your magick.

21. Ground your excess energy into the earth and open your circle. Excess energy, raised during your spell work but not fully sent away from you when you sent it to do its job, lingers on and around you, The best way to ground this excess is to place your hands palms down on the earth, into a bowl of soil, or on the floor of your home. Physically and psychically feel the excess energy draining out of you. Know that it is being absorbed and dispersed into mother earth.

22. If you have ritualized your spell, dismiss your quarters or do whatever other endings your rituals traditionally require. If you are working your magick with a coven this is standard practice.

23. Record your spell in your Magickal Diary or Book of Shadows with the date, time, weather conditions, and any astrological data you wish to include. This will be useful later when you have done enough spells to look for patterns. For example, you may see that your most efficacious spells were done on Sundays or when it was cloudy or snowing, or when you had faeries present, worked with a particular deity, burned green candles, or when the moon was full. Everyone has different affinities. These patterns will help you pick the best times for your spell work.

24. Back up your desire on the physical plane. This is a must. For example, if you have done a spell for healing don't avoid seeing your doctor. You will need all the help at your disposal to overcome your illness, and magick and medical science make great partners.

Until you achieve your magickal goal you should spend some time each day focusing on it by dearly visualizing it as a fait accompli. These added boosts of daily energy can often mean the difference between success and failure.

**This is an excerpt from Lady of the Night – A Handbook of Moon Magick & Rituals by Edain McCoy, 1995. If you like this information, please buy a copy of this book. It will make a great addition to your book collection. ISBN 1-56718-660-2

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Melita Denning - The Foundations Of High Magick
Israel Regardie - The Art And Meaning Of Magic
Anonymous - The Basics Of Magick

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The Empirical Rules Of Magick 08 Diary

The Empirical Rules Of Magick 08 Diary Cover
You should also keep a daily diary. It too, is a line to your Little Self. Use this to record the events of the day and your thoughts and feelings. These will reflect what is going on inside you. Use it also for introspection. You must do a lot of soul searching to learn about your Little Self, this is most effective when written.

It is even more important to track the progress of your magickal work. Each time you do a spell or ritual record your goal, your feelings before and after and your methods. Before you get to this point, you should also have explored all your feelings associated with it. Then pay careful attention to all that happens to you (part of the reason for the daily diary). Often, a spell will work and we will not even notice.

Since magick works with what we believe, things come to us in the way we expect or allow. When you do a healing, it will tend to look entirely natural, rather than miraculous. If you do a prosperity spell, receiving a tax refund check the following month could be the universe's response. Keep an eye out for any hint of possible results. Even the weakest indication is very positive. It may not be enough to satisfy, but it means that you are being effective. If you keep working, you will be able to improve until you achieve the result you desire. When you give yourself credit for even the smallest success, you build the relationship between you and your Little Self.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Anonymous - The Basics Of Magick
Benjamin Rowe - The Essential Skills Of Magick

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Models Of Magic The Energy Model

Models Of Magic The Energy Model Cover
The rise of the energy model in the West is marked primarily by the appearance of Mesmerism towards the end of the 18th century. Anton Mesmer, who was not an occultist but who was on the other hand regarded by his contemporaries to be a "miracle worker" of sorts, rediscovered amongst other things the ancient healing disciplines of hypnosis and magnetism. He popularized his theory of "animal magnetism" which he saw as a subtle force inherent in organisms, but he also made heavy use of metal magnets for healing purposes.

While the French Revolution put a temporary end to Mesmer's movement, his ideas were not lost. They were taken up by a number of others, primarily occultists, who drew on them while developing their own theories of magic. One of the first to do so was Bulwer Lytton of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), who postulated the existence of a subtle energy which he termed Vril, possibly deriving from Latin virilitas or "force, power, strength". (This was actually the model for the naming of Bovril, from Latin "bovis" or "ox", and Vril or "life force".) We can observe interesting parallels to this concept in the vitalist theories of biology which emerged around the same time. Other exponents of the energy model of magic (not then so termed) were Reichenbach with his concept of Od, Eliphas Levi and his Astral Light and Mme. Blavatsky, who adopted the theories of Prana from Yoga physiology. This was also the time when anthropology and ethnology discovered the Polynesian concept of Mana and Asiatic scholars began to concern themselves with the Chinese principle of Ki or Ch'i (Chi). The latter two go to show, of course, that the idea of subtle energies utilized by magic is far older than the 18th century. In fact, we can observe it already in early Shamanic cultures. Shamanic magic is very frequently a mixture
between spirit and energy model, e.g. the shaman may call upon his spirits or gods to give him "power" or he may, vice versa, use his power to extort favors from them.

In its pure form, however, the shaman or magician is not in need of spirits and other entities. The world is viewed as being "vitalized" by subtle forces or energies and his primary task consists in mastering the art of perceiving and manipulating them. As all phenomena are basically energetic in nature, the existence of an otherworld is not strictly required. Thus, the magician is more of an "energy dancer" than a "fence rider" or go-between. But even here the key to the perception, charging and general utilization of these forces is again the magical trance or, as Chaos Magic terms it, gnosis.

Theories and practices pertaining to the energy model can be found with many magical authors but it has seen its real, large scale popularity only since the seventies of our century when the general influx of Eastern thinking (pace the Hippie movement) made concepts such as chakra and kundalini work a mainstay of most occult disciplines. Strong energy model elements can also be found in Franz Bardon's system of "electromagnetic fluids", "condensators" etc.

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To Obtain Love From A Specific Person

To Obtain Love From A Specific Person Cover
At night, light a small fire in a cauldron or whatever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3" x 3". Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this, be thinking of the person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you. Think of his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name of the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity...

"Fire come from below,
Bring me love that I do know,
Make my heart blaze and shine,
To bring the love that will be mine.
Soon my love will come a day,
Three times strong and here to stay.

Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true. After you are finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire. Soon your love will come to you!

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