Focused Relaxation A Key To Mastering Astral Projection

Focused Relaxation A Key To Mastering Astral Projection Image
The specific methods of astral projection vary, but one thing always stays the same. No matter what astral projection methods you use, the first step is always getting focused and relaxed. You have to have a quiet mind and a mind set that will let you reach beyond your physical boundaries. Once you do this you are ready to explore the endless universe.

Getting into a relaxed state that is still focused is not an easy task. You have to relax all the muscles in your body while keeping your mind alert and conscious. Most attempts at astral projection do not work because the person is not able to stay focused while also being completely relaxed and the result is the person ends up asleep.

To start getting into the necessary relaxed state you need to start the astral projection methods, you should prepare by dressing in loose clothing. Sit is a place where you won't be distracted or disturbed. You should avoid laying down as a beginner since it is too easy to become too relaxed in that position and fall asleep.

Now you will imagine that your whole body is wrapped like a mummy You are tightly wrapped in a bandage from head to toe with everything being tightly constricted. Starting at your toes you will begin unwrapping the bandages. The blood flow returns to toes and you can now wiggle them as they are free.

Now the balls of your feet through the arches and heels, up to the ankles are unwrapping. Keep moving up the body, unwrapping each body part until you everything is free up to the top of your head.

You should be in total relaxation, but still clear minded. You are ready to try one of the methods of astral projection.

The principle method for astral projection is the rope method. Before beginning the relaxation phase, and individual should tack a section of twine to the ceiling just beyond reach if in a sitting position. One should then sit beneath the "rope" and reach up while closing his or her eyes in order to get a mental impression of the rope's proximity.

Once this is accomplished, an individual will have an easier time "finding" the rope with his or her astral fingertips, which will float through the physical skin in pursuit of the rope once an individual is sufficiently relaxed. This process of finding the rope may be difficult at first, but with time and patience it will happen. Stay focused.

After finding the rope, concentrate on pulling the astral self up and out of the physical body as if climbing up the length of rope. Imagine the process without regard for weight, as the astral body is weightless and can climb effortlessly. A sense of dizziness may occur at this point, but it's important to ignore this feeling, otherwise one may jeopardize the projection attempt.

Continue "climbing" the rope until liberated from the physical body, all the while ignoring any sensations of vertigo, nausea, humming, warming, heaviness and/or tingling that may accompany the process. Any and all of these sensations are normal to a successful astral projection experience.

You may also hear of slight variations of the rope method. Some of these include the lift method of lifting the astral body out and hovering above the physical body. There is the roll out method of rolling out of the body to end up beside the body, mostly done when lying down. The fixed and moving anchor methods are two other methods.

The fixed method and anchor method involved picturing an object. In the fixed method you are pulling your astral body to the object and in the anchor method the object is pulling your astral body to it. Once you are free your astral body can then roam and explore.

It's important to know that as with any new endeavor, it takes time and practice to learn this process, so it's important to remain positive if one's first attempts at astral projection do not succeed. An unsuccessful attempt may be due to a variety of causes such as too much stimuli in the room, insufficient relaxation, or just the opposite, too much exhaustion in the body to control at a particular time.

If you are really dedicated then your astral projection methods should come easier sooner. You should find it easy to figure out any issues you have and master the techniques. Eventually, you will find it easy to step out of your physical body and explore the universe.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Richard Spence - Secret Agent 666 Introduction
Robert Bruce - Treatise On Astral Projection

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