Religion In India

Religion In India Image
Swami Vivekananda (January 12, 1863 - July 4, 1902) was a Vedantic monk who at one time saw women as an obstacle. However on realising the highest truth he saw no distinction between sex and saw in women the presence of the Divine Mother.

Swami Vivekananda worked effortlessly to try and uplift the plight of women, in particular Indian Women. These are few of the collection of his thoughts on women.

~ Soul has no sex, it is neither male nor female. It is only in the body that sex exists, and the man who desires to reach the spirit cannot at the same time hold sex distinctions. (CW,V.4, P.176)

~ The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women.

~ There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved.

~ Woman has suffered for aeons, and that has given her infinite patience and infinite preserverance.

~ The idea of perfect womanhood is perfect independence.

~ It is very difficult to understand why in this country [India] so much difference is made between men and women, whereas the Vedanta declares that one and the same conscious Self is present in all beings. You always criticize the women, but say what have you done for their uplift? Writing down Smritis etc., and binding them by hard rules, the men have turned the women into manufacturing machines! If you do not raise the women, who are living embodiment of the Divine Mother, don't think that you have any other way to rise.

~ [Talking to an American audience] I should very much like our women to have your intellectuality, but not if it must be at the cost of purity. I admire you for all that you know, but I dislike the way that you cover what is bad with roses and call it good.

Intellectuality is not the highest good. Morality and spirituality are the things for which we strive. Our women are not so learned, but they are more pure.

~ In India the mother is the center of the family and our highest ideal. She is to us the representative of God, as God is the mother of the universe. It was a female sage who first found the unity of God, and laid down this doctrine in one of the first hymns of the Vedas. Our God is both personal and absolute, the absolute is male, the personal, female. And thus it comes that we now say: 'The first manifestation of God is the hand that rocks the cradle'. (CW V.4 p.170)

- Swami Vivekananda / credit [+] Please visit MysticSaint.Info For full multimedia experience and enjoy special music.


Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Algernon Blackwood - A Prisoner In Fairyland
Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - Notes On Pagan India
William Alexander Craigie - Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia

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Sonic Meaninglessness

Sonic Meaninglessness Image
"Sound poetry began with the dawning of language itself," explains Peter Finch. "Tribal chantings, group wailings, rhythmic mumblings in celebration of gods and victories. These were the pre-literate verbalisings that are actually claimed as a common source by all poetries. Through the centuries they became mantras, meditational repetitions, sonic meaninglessness: Try this-Om Amkhara om om. Or this-ababra abrakakraka abrakal abrakal abrakal abraka abra abrabcadarrab era abaracadabara. Recognise them? Of course you do. In Babylonian times spells like these were installed in the corners of houses as traps for demons. The text was written in the shape of an inward turning spiral. The demon, only ever able to read in one direction, would follow the spell in its irresistible progression and end trapped, hard in the centre. The first ever visual poetry. And one with a purpose. What is poetry for? For catching the dark things at the back of our heads and fixing them for all to see" ("Sound Poetry" [2003]).

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Pansophic Freemasons - Masonic Symbolism
Aleister Crowley - Concerning Blasphemy
Bernard King - Meanings Of The Runes

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Spring Maiden Ritual

Spring Maiden Ritual Image
Spring Maiden Ritual By Lina-Elvira Back

Ritual tools
wild water (dew, springwater)
one white candle
crystals (onyx or tigers eye)
nine fruits with lots of seeds (I use rosehips)

A place to be ALONE preferably outdoors

Take a salt-bath, and add some peppermint oil (if essential oil, 4-5 drops).
Soak until the water gets cold. Dry off, put on dark clothes. Not too many clothes, it will disturb your aura.

Go to wherever you are holding the ritual. If it is snowy and chilly outside, put on more clothes and jam your pockets with energy-raising crystals.

The ritual begins

Draw a circle of seasalt where you're going to perform the ritual.

Place the four candles at the four cardinal points.
Place the wild water-filled chalice in the West, the candle in the South, the athame in the East and the crystals in the North.

Invocation to Hecate

Hecate, min moder och mentor (Hecate, my mother and mentor)
Kom till mig i denna gryningen av en ny rstid. (Come to me at this dawn of a new season)

Och dela med dig av Kraften (and share with me the Magick)
Jag skall terbrda den trefaldigt (I will return it threefold)
Som det ar sagt (as it is said)
Lt det ske! (So mote it be!)

Place some yellow flowers on your altar, while reading this poem.

Vrjungfruns hymn
The Spring Maiden hymn
Gryningen kommer (Dawn comes)
och satter himmelen i brand. (and strikes fire in the sky)
Nu kommer Hon, (Now She comes,)
i en skrud gul som den uppstigande solen. (in a robe as yellow as the rising sun.)
Undan viker vintern, (Away goes the winter,)
dar Vrjungfrun gr fram. (where the Spring Maiden walks.)
Men latta steg kliver hon ver myllan, (With steps so light she wanders over the soil)
och i hennes fotspr gror frn. (and in her footsteps seeds grow.)
I sina gyllengula skrud, med armarna uppstrackta (In her golden robe, with arms in the air)
valkomnar hon solens terfdelse. (she greets the rebirth of the Sun.)
Bland tussilago dansar alvorna (Among coltsfeet the faeries dance)
och vacker de andra blommorna. (and awaken the other flowers.)

If the ground isn't frozen, bury the nine seeds by a birch-tree (if you don't have any birches in you area, choose another tree that speaks to you.)


Med dessa nio frn (With these nine seeds)
och detta vilda vatten (and this wild water)
visar jag min goda vilja. (I pledge to you my good will.)
Throw out the wild water over the seeds. If it isn't too cold, sit outside in your circle until dawn the next day. Light a fire if you like, but outside the sacred circle.

When done; Thank the elements and Hecate. Dissolve the magickal circle. Go home.

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Chaoism And Chaos Magic A Personal View

Chaoism And Chaos Magic A Personal View Cover
As there are as many Chaos Magicians as there are Chaoists practicing magic, I cannot speak for the subject in general but only for my own Chaoism and Chaos Magic.

However, if you want a one-line definition with which most Chaoists would probably not disagree, then I offer the following. Chaoists usually accept the meta-belief that belief is a tool for achieving effects; it is not an end in itself.

It is easy to see how other people and cultures are the victims of their own beliefs. The horrors of Islam and the ghasty state of politics in sub-Saharan Africa, are obvious examples, but we rarely pause to consider the extent to which we are the victims of our own beliefs, and the ability we have to modify them if we wish.

It is perhaps worth considering the recent history of belief in Western cultures before mounting an attack on the very foundations of the contemporary world view. For about a millennia and a half the existence of "God" was an incontrovertible fact of life in Christen-dom. It was never questioned or thought to be questionable. Hideous wars and persecu-tions were conducted to support one interpretation of deity against another. Learned men wrote thousands of books of theology debating points which seem utterly tedious and idiotic to us now, but the central question of the existence of "God" was never considered. Yet now, the belief in "God" as the author of most of what goes on in the world has been almost completely abandoned, and belief in even the existence of an absentee "God" is in most places fading. Satanism as an anti-religious gesture is now a waste of iconoclastic talent. The alchemists, sorcerers and scientists of the late Middle Ages and the Renaiss-ance won a stupendous posthumous victory. Their questioning of the medieval world view started a rot that brought the whole edifice down eventually.

We can laugh looking back on it now, but I assert that we now live under a collective obsession which is even more powerful and will appear equally limiting and ridiculous to future historians.

Since the eighteenth century European enlightenment, a belief has grown to the point where it is now so all-pervasive, and so fundamental a part of the Western world view, that one is generally considered mad if one questions it. This is a belief that has proved so powerful and useful that virtually everyone in the Western world accept it without question. Even those who try to maintain a belief in "God" tend to place more actual faith in this new belief for most practical purposes.

I am about to reveal what this fundamental contemporary belief is. Most of you will think it is so obvious a fact that it can hardly be called a belief. That, however, is a measure of its extraordinary power over us. Most of you will think me a madman or a fool to even quest-ion it. Few of you will be able to imagine what it would be like not to believe it, or that it would be possible to replace it with something else. Here it is: the dominant belief in all Western Cultures is that this universe runs on material causality and is thus comprehen-sible to reason. Virtually everyone also maintains a secondary belief that contradicts this - the belief that they have something called free will, although they are unable to specify what this is - but I will deal with that later. We spend
billions every year indoctrinating our young with the primary belief in material causality in our schools. Our language, our logic, and most of our machines are built largely upon this belief. We regard it as more reliable than "God".

Now, it has been one of the functions of the Magician to try and break through to some-thing beyond the normal. My own magical quest has always had a strongly antinomian and iconoclastic element, and I long ago decided to go for broke and attack the primary beliefs of our culture. Religion is too easy a target as it is already fatally disabled by our ancestors, the Renaissance sorcerers and scientists. Contemporary Satanists are wasting their efforts.

Ideology is thankfully being gradually replaced with economics. The main thrust of my Chaoism is against the doctrine of material causality and secondarily against most of the nonsense that passes for modern psychology.

Anyway, now I have to firstly try and convince you that there is something seriously wrong with material causality, and that there is something that could supersede it as a belief. These are vitally important questions for magicians, for since the demise of essentially spiritual descriptions of magic, the belief in material causality has been increasingly used in a haphazard fashion to form various ill-conceived metaphors such as "magical energy" or "magical force" which are tacitly presumed to be something analogous to static electric-ity or radio waves. This is, I think, complete bullshit. Magic can sometimes be induced to behave a bit like this, but it is not a very effective description.

Before attempting a frontal assault on material causality I shall backtrack a little to gather ammunition. Few people noticed that in the 1930`s a serious crack was discovered in the fabric of material causality which, on the grounds of faith alone, was supposed to cover everything. This crack was called Quantum Physics, and it was pre-eminently Niels Bohr who, with his Copenhagen Interpretation, poked a finger into the crack and prised open a wrap to reveal a different reality.

Basically Bohr showed that this reality is better modeled by a description of non-material causality operating probabilistically not deterministically. This may sound tame at first, but the implications for our everyday view of the world and for our theories of magic are awesome. It brought to an end the era of the clockwork universe paradigm which began over two hundred years ago and which almost everyone still believes in their guts, even if they cannot formulate it precisely. I urge magicians everywhere to give thanks by drinking what is probably the best lager in the world, for it was the Carlsberg Brewery in Copenhagen that supported Bohr and his colleagues while they did the physics.

The majority of straight scientists find quantum physics as distasteful as a priest would find witchcraft. If they have to use it they prefer not to think about the implications. Even Einstein, who started quantum physics going but made his major contribution in Relativity, felt repelled by its implications, on ground of scientific faith and residual Judaic belief, and wasted much of his later life campaigning fruitlessly against it.

Quantum physics says to me that not only is magic possible in a world that is infinitely Chaotic than we thought, but that magic is central to the functioning of this universe. This is a magical universe not a clockwork one. Causal materialist beliefs were a liberating and refreshing breath of fresh air after a millennia and a half of monotheism, but now, at their zenith, they have become tyranny. Relativity and the fundamental physics associated with it are probably close to a final refinement of the causal materialist paradigm, and as such they now seem a terrible prison. For all practical purposes they confine us to this planet forever and rule out magic from our lives. Quantum physics, which I believe currently to be basically an investigation of the magical phenomena
underlying the reality most people have perceived as non-magical for the last two hundred years, shows us a way out. It may be some time before any significant portion of humanity learns to believe the new paradigm in their guts and live accordingly, but eventually they will. Until then it is bound to sound like discombobulating gobbledygook or tarted-up intellectualism to most people.

I would like to mention my other favorite iconoclasm in passing without explanation. I reject the conventional view of post-monotheistic Western psychology that we are individual unitary beings possessing free will. I prefer the description that we are colonial beings composed of multiple personalities; although generally unafflicted with the selective amnesia which is the hallmark of this otherwise omnipresent condition. And that secondly there is no such thing as free will; although we have the capacity to act random-ly, or perhaps one should say more precisely stochastically, and the propensity to identify with whatever we find ourselves doing as a result. All the gods and goddesses are within us and non-materially about us as well, in the form of non-local information.

I consider that all events occur basically by magic; the apparent causality investigated by classical science is merely the more statistically reliable end of a spectrum whose other end is complete Chaos. However, I would like to end with a few words about how my Chaoism affects my personal activity in what is ordinarily called magic.

There are for me two main aspects of magic; the parapsychological and the psycholog-cal. In enchantment and divination I believe that the magician is attempting to interact with nature via non-material causality. He is basically exchanging information with his environment without using his physical faculties. Austin Osman Spare precisely identified the mental maneuvers necessary to allow this to occur. The maneuvers are startlingly simple and once you have understood them you can invent an unlimited number of spells and forms of divination. The maneuvers are sacred but the forms of their expression are arbitrary; you can use anything at random. Bohr and Spare are for me Saints of the Church of Chaos.

I consider that when a magician interacts with those apparently sentient sources of knowl-edge, inspiration and parapsychological ability that used to be called spirits, gods, demons and elementals, he is tapping into the extraordinary resources that each of us already contains. When activated they may also receive some input via non-material causality from outside. Yet since we all contain such a rich multitude within our own unconscious or subconscious and can also receive congruent information from the collective unconscious-ness as it were, then the possibilities are practically limitless. Given the correct technique one can invoke or evoke anything, even things which did not exist before one thought of calling them. This may sound like complete Chaos, and I have to
report that my own researches confirm that it is!

Chaos Magic for me means a handful of basic techniques which must be adhered to strictly to get results, but beyond that it offers a freedom of expression and intent undreampt of in all previous forms of magic.

by Pete Carroll

Also try this free pdf e-books:

John Dee - Enochian Magic Spanish Translation
Patricia Telesco - A Witchs Beverages And Brews Magick Potions Made Easy
Lynn Thorndike - A History Of Magic And Experimental Science

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Thorn Magazine Review

Thorn Magazine Review Image

Thorn Magazine - Paganism in the Silicon Age

Issue 1, December 2008


Thorn is a professionally produced Pagan magazine from the East Coast of the US. The Editor, Chip O'Brien, and his co-conspirators don't make themselves personalities, but they've done a nice job. The first issue brings what seems to me to be a sort of hip, urban aesthetic sense combined with an interest in substantive content.

I pre-ordered the first issue, and it came promptly as scheduled - a good sign. My first impression of the magazine was a bit of puzzlement. The nicely-done cover art seems to have only a little to do with Paganism. After long staring, it might represent an Urban Pagan ritual, but it didn't scream 'read me' to me. Likewise some of the interior art (and fashion features) has an urban, maybe east coast feel that left me cold. Personally I prefer to leave matters of style and fashion out of discussions of Paganism, whether it's goth, tie-die or NYC hipster. All nicely done and well-presented, though.

The content is first-rate. From an atheist's ability to find meaning in a Wiccan rite to a translation of ancient Irish lore to a discussion of the current scholarship on the Old European Goddess theory, there's plenty of meat in the articles and features. Readers here will enjoy the discussion of 'initiation' presented from three reconstructionist viewpoints: Kemetic, Hellenic and Saxon. The magazine is just getting started with its lighter fare - columns on Pagan news (nicely digested from The Wild Hunt Blog), myth and an advice column were all interesting.

I've become too cynical to subscribe to any magazine after its first issue, but I will be picking up the next issues as they appear (there's also a planned monthly edition, apparently). The community could use a new professionally done mag, and these folks can obviously handle it, if they can keep their submissions up to the high standards of the first issue. I wish them the best of luck.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Eliphas Levi - Histoire De La Magie In French Ver 1
Kenneth Grant - Magical Revival
Alexander Mackenzie - The Celtic Magazine Vol Xi

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Laws Of Magick 3

Laws Of Magick 3 Cover
Law of Unity

"...every phenomenon in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or future; perceived separations between phenomena are based on incomplete sensing and/or thinking; 'All is One'." (Bonewits, REAL MAGIC). Modern science, as almost always, comes around to confirm the occultist's point of view. In Quantum theory, Bell's theorem indicates that once two particles interact, they continue to influence one-another. Since at the Big Bang everything interacted, every particle in the Universe affects every other. And this influence is independent of time. Recent experimental work (the Aspect experiment) has confirmed Bell's theorem. So, it seems All really is One.

Law of Peversity

A final law catalogued by Bonewits is the Law of Perversity. This is Finagle's or Murphy's Law: "If anything can possibly go wrong, it will." Bonewits suggests that this may be due to countermagic done by your subconscious mind for whatever devious reasons of its own. I disagree. I believe this law reflects a basic perversity in the structure of the Universe. Perhaps it is related to entropy. This law and its derivatives strike us funny because THEY ARE SO TRUE. Drop a piece of buttered toast and see which side lands on the carpet.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Aleister Crowley - Intro Magick
Anonymous - The Basics Of Magick

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