Inducing Out Of Body Experiences Within A Lucid Dream
In an LD, I will say "Increase Clarity Now," and this brings increased awareness and focus and crisp resolution. Once I stabilize again and get comfortable, I then intend verbally, "Increase Levels of Lucidity Now."
Even more intensity is brought about by this. Background colors may take on hyper-sensitive tones, possible a wavering background. It's intense! Regrounding and becoming stabilized is essential in the LD before you INCREASE LUCIDITY or else the increased lucidity that occurs is too much to handle and either visuals are lost or you wake up immediately.
Likewise, reestablishing after you've heightened your lucidity it important. You must do this until you are comfortable with this higher level and can then continue to increase it.
This process of increasing level is repeated and then restablized (three times is usually good enough for me) until I reach the point where I am so lucid that I can verbally command or intend or even just think, "Find the physical body but don't get trapped into it. Prepare for an out of body experience." After practicing this for a while, I don't have to repeat the whole thing but it was useful in the beginning. I've reached the point where I can reach a heightened level of lucidity and verbally say, "It's time for an O.B.E.
At this point, if I'm successful, I'll be more conscious of my actual body which before hand I'm not all. Before I was more in tune with my dream body, but now I'm equally conscious of my physical body, yet still in that altered state of mind. Like that interim phrase between lucid dreams where no visuals can be seen, you're conscious of dreaming and your body asleep in bed but you just wait out in the black void until some visuals begin to form into a new dream world that you'll enter in the next lucid dream cycle.
Though I digress, it seems almost as if there's a slight bilocation of awareness, but you must be aware that you're observing this from somewhere/place beyond ties of the body and yet there's a conscious feeling in the body that's almost a loose energetic feeling. If I can reach this point, I will wind up reaching a state of bilocation and a vibrational state will be reached in my physical body. Flowing through my body will be mild currents of electric-like ripples. Sometimes vibrations can get very intense and seem "hard to take" maybe even feeling scary and spooky. But it doesn't hurt. It actually gets easier each time until it eventually feels pleasurable.
Instead of thinking so much and analyzing what's happening, and I can resist the urge to fight the vibes or analyze them, I can let go of it all and be in the moment. BECAUSE IM IN THE VIBRATIONAL STAGE, I KNOW THAT IM THAT MUCH CLOSER TO LIFTING OUT OF MY PHYSICAL BODY. I know now that I am going to have an OBE and that vague notion is there and I intend to have one. Vibrations will continue to increase and become full-blown waves that ripple through me with an accompanied buzzing sound like, "Mmnmnmn." My physical body is almost contracting, slowly flowing up and down my body.
Once you've reached the point where the vibrations are full-blown, I now intend to leave the body. My awareness will just rock back and forth or even just the thought or intent is enough. Eventually, somehow I'll be catapulted from the body, sometimes just a lift out but other times, I can just stand up and get "out" of bed.
It's definitely not a lucid dream. It's an OBE and I'll be hovering in one room for awhile and then I'll go explore my apartment. Within a few minutes, I'll see things I know aren't actually happening. People will be in my living room, able to move things,... This is a sign that dream imagery has superimposed itself on the astral realm. Once this happens, I have two choices. I can go with the flow of the semi-OBE/LD or I can reinduce an OBE with will zap me back into my body and will send me into a full blown vibrational state and I can go through the process again.
Consciousness and lucidity amounts are at extremely elevated levels so I generally wind up just 'running with" and maximizing my lucid dream to see where it takes me. Or whatever goal I have planned, I'll use this state to follow through with it. When the visuals indicate that I am now in a lucid dream, I have tried to reinduce an OBE. I have had success with this but the same thing generally happens. The BE will usually become a highly lucid lucid dream after I'm "out" for awhile..which ain't too bad. I'm often happy to be in the LD because I get to explore and see what it has to offer.
I can often exit the body successfully but "true" visuals" of my actual apartment can only be maintained for a few minutes before The LD-state begins to merge with OBE. While I may be setting stricter guidelines for an OBE since I've heard from many accomplished OBE's that travel in realsm which are not "real" in a sense that they are NOT an exact replica of our "real" waking world. In this "real" environ, I would love to be able to prolong the OBE awareness. Once I managed to float through the door and into my roommates room to see them sleeping in their bed. I was so conscious when they started to awaken that I really thought I was in their room. I became scared that they would wake up and find me in their room sleepwalking.
This incident felt so real or rather I perceived it as that real. I hovered in the corner of the ceiling and they did wake up. That was when I realized that this must have been a lucid dream and there was no logical way to explain how I could hover on the ceiling and they could "see" me unless we were in a dream...or whatever label you want to place on the altered state.
As the story goes on, I saw their clothes and noticed that his girlfriend wore a yellow felt sweater that I'd never seen her wearing before. I thought it was strange that I wouldn't picture her in something I knew she might actually wear. There was no way I could have seen her wearing the sweater that night before because I was fast asleep before they returned home and she had never worn it before. The strange thing was that the next day she was wearing the exact yellow sweater I had seen in my LD or was it an OBE...or is what matters the level of awareness.
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):
Anonymous - Black Book Of Forbidden Knowledge Lucid DreamingBenjamin Rowe - Enochian Temples Generating The Abyss Experience With The Temple
Robert Peterson - Out Of Body Experiences How To Have Them And What To Expect
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