The Dark Secret Unmasked
For years, incongruities in Nick Farrell's actions have made no sense at all. Farrell purports to be a Golden Dawn leader, yet actively tries to destroy the Golden Dawn. Contradictions surrounding Nick Farrell are well documented throughout the esoteric community.
Alexandrian Wiccan elder, Frater Barrabbas, analyzes, for example, how Farrell as "myth busting iconoclast" contradicts Farrell as "Golden Dawn leader." Barrabbas demonstrates how Farrell's arguments are but thinly disguised attacks on the Golden Dawn. These include Farrell's systematic profanation of secret Golden Dawn documents and teachings, Farrell's claim of a Golden Dawn Hoax, his portrayal of the Secret Chiefs as fantasy, his overwhelmingly negative attitude towards S.L. MacGregor Mathers and the Alpha Omega, etc.
Things have changed rapidly over the past couple of weeks.
Recent events have brought the paradox surrounding Nick Farrell into sharp focus. First came revelation of a Nick Farrell attack on the Golden Dawn in the introduction of his latest book, where he fear mongers up a myth of a modern "Golden Dawn Cult". When this attack on the Golden Dawn was exposed last week, Farrell desperately issued frenzied denails and diversions.
These quickly fell flat, however, when Farrell was caught for a second time in less than a week attacking the Golden Dawn tradition. This time Farrell published fear mongering "Golden Dawn Cult" rumors on his personal blog. Uttered through the mouth of "Anonymous Nick" trolls on his blog, Farrell, as blog moderator, personally published these "Golden Dawn Cult" rumors, making further denial or diversion virtually impossible.
Realizing his blunder, Farrell desperately tried to sanitize evidence from his blog. Farrell's cover-up effort came too late, however, as his true agenda had already been exposed to the whole world...
A definitive pattern has emerged revealing Nick Farrell as a turncoat posing as Golden Dawn leader to more effectively destroy the Golden Dawn from within. In fact, Farrell's new book as a whole is in many ways a broadside against the entire Golden Dawn. Likewise are suggestions on Farrell's blog that "there is something deeply rotten in the egregrore of the Golden Dawn."
This is not the first time the Golden Dawn has been attacked with fear-mongering "Golden Dawn Cult" rumors. What is shocking this time around, is that the attacks come from someone claiming to be a Golden Dawn leader. In the past, such "Golden Dawn Cult" slurs have come only from outside, from fundamentalist Christian groups trying to destroy the Golden Dawn.
Similar attacks with this same "Golden Dawn Cult" slur have in recent years appeared sporadically on "anonymously" published blogs as well. The authorship of these blogs no longer remains much of a mystery though, since they each bear Nick Farrell's signature "Golden Dawn Cult" rumor, tied positively to Farrell this week through slip-ups in his books and on his personal blog.
Now that Nick Farrell has been caught red-handed fear-mongering against the Golden Dawn...
Expect Farrell this week to unleash another army of "Anonymous Nick" Trolls again on his blog, calling me paranoid and a conspiracy nut for outing him and exposing his real game.
Expect Farrell to launch another one-man, Golden Dawn pseudo-flame War, to divert attention from these revelations.
Expect Nick Farrell to issue more mocking denials and diversions....
But proof paints a very different picture - a picture a turncoat in our midst pretending to lead a Golden Dawn order, while bent on the destruction of the Golden Dawn tradition.
As evidence of the accuracy of these statements, I invite you to read the web page linked here, published by a fundamentalist Christian group called "Uncommon Sense Ministries," whose overt purpose is to discredit and destroy the Golden Dawn.
Here you will find extremely damning evidence, exposing what Nick Farrell is really up to.
On the Fundamentalist Christian, anti-Golden Dawn attack page entitled, "The Dawn of a Golden Hoax," we find all of Nick Farrell's usual arguments attacking the Golden Dawn - From his Golden Dawn Hoax theory, to dispargement of the Secret Chiefs, to calling Mathers a liar, and much, much more.
I would recommend anyone about to read Nick Farrell's new book, King Over the Water, to read the "Uncommon Sense Ministries" website first. You will find all of Farrell's arguments here already, so you can save yourself 25. Even Farrell's description of the Horos scandal reads like he copied it directly from "Uncommon Sense Ministries'" attempt to destroy the Golden Dawn.
In fact, this anti-Golden Dawn attack page so closely mirrors Nick Farrell's arguments, "The Dawn of a Golden Dawn Hoax" reads as though written by Farrell himself!
So why are Nick Farrell's arguments identical to those of the of sworn enemies of the Golden Dawn? It does not matter whether "Uncommon Sense Ministries" is the source of Farrell's book, or instead Farrell himself wrote this anti-Golden Dawn attack website. In any case, only one inescapable conclusion remains - Nick Farrell is a turncoat out to destroy the Golden Dawn.
With this in mind, Farrell's fear-mongering "Golden Dawn Cult" rumors suddenly make sense:
Nick Farrell is a trojan horse, that has penetrated into the very heart of the Golden Dawn!
Nick Farrell: Sal Tessio of the Golden Dawn
Luckily, the betrayer has been discovered in time, and can now be delt with for who he really is in the Golden Dawn family.
And yet, other important questions still remain unanswered...
Has Nick Farrell been acting on his own?
Or does a dark hand still lurk in the shadows, pulling strings?
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