Curses Roman House Hands

Curses Roman House Hands Image
I saw an image of a bronze ancient Roman house hand in a book on amulets and charms for house protection and had to make some. Mine are made out of clay, with only a slight variation on the design. Once fired they will be finished with a green glaze. A hand like this would have been kept in the home to protect and bless it. The hand protects from the evil eye, ill health, bad luck, outside magic and witchcraft It is also a charm of prosperity, fertility, good health, and a warm happy home. Familiar symbols on the hand include a hearth, ram, rue, evil eye, serpent, and fir cone. The gesture the hand is making is an ancient Roman gesture of benediction -- blessing.

I also transplanted some of the seedlings into bigger biodegradable pots with some organic fertilizer (moo poo) and then moved the baby plants to a bigger container so they stop touching the grow light. Baby plants don't learn like real babies - they just keep touching that hot light and burning themselves! Mojo planted an entire tray of different types of hot peppers, so if anyone wants dried peppers, canned salsas, canned roasted peppers just let me know in the fall.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Daniel Ogden - Greek And Roman Necromancy
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Picture In The House

Labels: black magic spells books  black magic chant  black magic protection  astral projection herbs  astral projection rope technique  dark black magic spells  eileen holland