The Golden Dawn Hatfield Clani

The Golden Dawn Hatfield Clani Image
Most of you read my recent blog about how Golden Dawn leaders have recently been begun using politically motivated book reviews in the decades old Golden Dawn Hatfield and McCoy feud.THE GOLDEN DAWN'S HATFIELD CLANI pointed out in that blog how, for example, Morgan Drake Eckstein and his allies in what I lovingly refer to as the the "Golden Dawn Hatfield Clan" have recently also been spamming review sites like Associated Content so that their biased reviews will appear well on Google.

I also pointed out how any positive comments made by an HOGD/AO member about a book was sure to draw the fire of Morgan Drake Eckstein and his "Golden Dawn Hatfield clan" cronies.

Well, guess what!

The Golden Dawn's very own Jed Hatfield (Morgan Drake Eckstein) didn't disappoint. The Golden Dawn feud lives on!JED HATFIELDRemember that, according to present rules used by the Hatfield clan in the decades old, Golden Dawn feud, any book that any HOGD/AO member (McCoy clan) has anything good to say about, gets attacked by the Hatfields.

Well, nothing has changed. Here is a link the original positive review published by HOGD/AO (McCoy clan) member, Sincerus Renatus on Magic Squares and the Tree of Life, by Nineveh Shadrach.

Predictably, here is the link to the Golden Dawn Hatfield Clan's new attack on the same book published just this week by Morgan Drake Eckstein.

You may be thinking where is the attack?

The attack comes in the form of a straw-man position. It goes something like this: the book method is faulty because Tom Dick and Harry can't fit a magic square on paper that they can carry in their pockets. Obviously, for a square this size, you will need at least 2 centimeter per square cell. That is a total of about 200 centimeters or around 80 inches per side. Gotcha! It can't be done. Morgan knows that. I know that. Most likely the folks who originally devised this square knew that.

This is a straw man position to take, because no one said it had to be done on paper. It isn't even certain that when this square was created paper was common or even invented.

Why write a blog complaining about the obvious? Either Morgan is slow to get the obvious, which I believe can be dismissed for he is a smart 44 years old college Junior.

The only other possibility is that Morgan is trying to dissuade practitioners from getting this book using straw man argument and by appealing to one of the greatest demons that every magician successful magician needs to slay- laziness.

It is reassuring to see that some things will never change...Clearly, the Golden Dawn Hatfield and McCoy Feud is alive and well.

Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum, Yeheshua

David Griffin (THE REAL MCCOY)

G.H. Frater Lux Ex SeptentrionisImperator Ordinis, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnouter order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega
"Ex Deo Nascimur.In Yeheshua Morimur.Per Sanctum Spiritum Reviviscimus"

Witch Hunt Raging Against The Brothers And Sisters

Witch Hunt Raging Against The Brothers And Sisters Image


Many of you who are following blog are already aware that there is an all-out witch hunt raging against the brothers and sisters of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega, which greatly intensified when we reacted strongly and passionately to Nick Farrell's latest published attack on the Alpha Omega (past and present) disguised as a scholarly work on history.

During the past months we have witnessed reconstructionist bloggers attack the integrity of our Order as well as mischaracterise our right to defend our order's reputation as "attacking" our attackers or as "flame war." During this internet Witch Hunt, the first round we witnessed a reconstructionist mob employ fear mongering tactics. We have witnessed them revising the actual facts of our history, and do everything possible to misrepresent our Secret Chiefs, our initiatory system and nearly every single aspect of our order.

Throughout this intense persecution, we have seen well known reconstructionist representatives behaving like Witch Hunt inquisitors, such as Deanna Bonds, Olen Rush, Morgan Drake Eckstein, and Joseph Max behaving more like a lynch mob posse than like Golden Dawn initiates.

Soon, the Witch Hunt passed the baton to Yahoo and its foremost reconstructionist forum, that of Pat Zalewski, attacking our Order's (and my personal) view on God-Forms and that small part of the Alpha Omega 6^0=5^0 ritual which recently was profaned by another reconstructionist author. In tandem with this new host of attacks on that recon-forum the Witch Hunt have re-mobilized their old tactics of using anonymous and libelous blogs, mocking our Order and its Chiefs and spreading vileful lies about us. One such anonymous blog was created just a couple of months ago with the clear intent of mocking our Order and its Chief, and our Manifesto, as well as interpolating libelous misrepresentations.

An equally mocking Facebook account was simultaneously created by the blog creator using the same mis-impersonation identity, with the expressed objective to promote the defamatory "anonymous" blog, being promoted by and thus indirectly leading to the professed recon-disciple of Mr. Zalewski, Morgan Drake Eckstein, who has become one of the most rabid characters in this witch hunt posse. This also is a smoking gun leading directly back to the other party in the trademark settlement agreement, who has been warned by the court numerous times in the past not to use such "back doors" to its agreement not to further libel our order.

A couple of weeks ago, yet another "anonymous" blog was create by someone calling himself "Eric V. Sisco", presenting himself as an "an Adeptus Exemptus in the SRICF". "S.R.I.C.F." is a abbreviation of "Soceitas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis", the officially recognised American body of the British "Soceitas Rosicruciana in Anglia" (S.R.I.A.), both constituting a male only Trinitarian Christian and exoteric version or debasement of "Rosicrucianism". Two other organisations have unofficial ties to the S.R.I.A. and S.R.I.C.F., namely the "Soceitas Rosicruciana in America "(also abbreviated as S.R.I.A.) and the equally Trinitarian Christian "Order of the Rose Cross" (O.R+C). Although the latter two organisations allow women into their membership I still refer to all four organisations, which all stem from the British S.R.I.A., as "WASP supremacists" ("WASP" as in "White Anglo-Saxon Protestants"). That the WASP-label is quite apt to these pseudo-Rosicrucian bodies is easily discerned from an original manifesto with a highly anti-Semite content issued by the O.R+C:"We believe that the Anglo-Saxon and associated Indo-European cultures are the spiritual and literal descendants of these 'lost ten tribes of Israel,' representing God's chosen people as mentioned in the Old Testament."On The Golden Dawn Blog it has also been proven beyond any doubt that the exotericism of these WASP organisations have started to infest the esoteric freedom of the Golden Dawn community, placing itself as its "Third Order," i.e. effectively replacing the Supernals of the essentially Pagan Primordial Tradition with the temporal and exoteric Trinitarian Protestant tradition. Interestingly enough "Sisco", the author of the newly created anonymous blog attacking the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega, also has confessed to be a member of the Golden Dawn organisation which constitutes the other party of the Trademark Settlement Agreement. As it happens, the Chiefs of that Golden Dawn organisation are also senior Officers and co-founders of the O.R+C, one of them being the Supreme Maga of the S.R.I.America and profaner of the Alpha Omega 6^0=5^0 ritual and the other a senior member of the S.R.I.Anglia. Even more interestingly "Sisco" has advertised his attack blog on Pat Zalewski's forum and that of the other party of the Trademark Settlement Agreement. This ties yet another "anonymous" attack blog directly back to the other party of the trademark agreement, who are also founders and Grand Officers of the "Christians only" OR+C.

Thus this proves beyond any doubt that the forces behind the flame war, or rather witch hunting inquisition, against the Alpha Omega, which primarily is using anonymous blogs, can be traced back to the S.R.I.A., the OR+C, the SRICF, AS WELL AS DIRECTLY TO THE OTHER PARTY OF THE TRADEMARK SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. Therefore the following words quoted from the latter organisation's web page are nothing less than completely hypocritical, when it describes itself as bieng: "deeply and thoroughly opposed to any and all Internet flame wars, slander, anonymous libels, harassment, disparagement, malicious gossip, and other unfortunate manifestations of wasted time and qlippothic energy".As this anonymous blog is also linked to the SRIA America through its Supreme Maga (co-founder and Grand Officer of the anti-Pagan and anti-Semitic "Order of the Rose and Cross") her words on the SRIA America blog ring equally filled with deceit and hypocricy, when she writes:"No flame-wars or disparaging of others will ever be tolerated or posted here."Now, if you have been following my own blog (Gyllene Gryningen) for the last years or so, you know my personal position on anonymous defamation blogs. If you remember all the way back to 2009 I had an encounter with an anonymous blog troll calling himself "Tommy" who had set up a libelous defamation blog against the Alpha Omega. If you still remember this encounter somewhat, I also tried to engage with him in a fraternal and scholarly manner, to no avail. He wasn't at all interested in any reasoned debate; he simply wanted me to further his propaganda and talking points. So I made everyone aware of my mistake and soon that blog was removed. My conclusion from that learning experience was:


Anonymous Blog Troll

This is also my recommendation to all serious initiates of the Golden Dawn community, reconstructionist and traditionalist alike. Don't give them any air to breath their venom unto the communty. It affects us all equally bad, regardless if we have a reconstructionist or traditionalist perspective on our beloved Golden Dawn tradition. It is the lowiest possible weapon to use in a political war; there is no excuse to resort to this kind of behaviour. And neither is it the mark of a Rosicrucian.