The Golden Dawn Hatfield Clani
I also pointed out how any positive comments made by an HOGD/AO member about a book was sure to draw the fire of Morgan Drake Eckstein and his "Golden Dawn Hatfield clan" cronies.
Well, guess what!
The Golden Dawn's very own Jed Hatfield (Morgan Drake Eckstein) didn't disappoint. The Golden Dawn feud lives on!JED HATFIELDRemember that, according to present rules used by the Hatfield clan in the decades old, Golden Dawn feud, any book that any HOGD/AO member (McCoy clan) has anything good to say about, gets attacked by the Hatfields.
Well, nothing has changed. Here is a link the original positive review published by HOGD/AO (McCoy clan) member, Sincerus Renatus on Magic Squares and the Tree of Life, by Nineveh Shadrach.
Predictably, here is the link to the Golden Dawn Hatfield Clan's new attack on the same book published just this week by Morgan Drake Eckstein.
You may be thinking where is the attack?
The attack comes in the form of a straw-man position. It goes something like this: the book method is faulty because Tom Dick and Harry can't fit a magic square on paper that they can carry in their pockets. Obviously, for a square this size, you will need at least 2 centimeter per square cell. That is a total of about 200 centimeters or around 80 inches per side. Gotcha! It can't be done. Morgan knows that. I know that. Most likely the folks who originally devised this square knew that.
This is a straw man position to take, because no one said it had to be done on paper. It isn't even certain that when this square was created paper was common or even invented.
Why write a blog complaining about the obvious? Either Morgan is slow to get the obvious, which I believe can be dismissed for he is a smart 44 years old college Junior.
The only other possibility is that Morgan is trying to dissuade practitioners from getting this book using straw man argument and by appealing to one of the greatest demons that every magician successful magician needs to slay- laziness.
It is reassuring to see that some things will never change...Clearly, the Golden Dawn Hatfield and McCoy Feud is alive and well.
Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum, Yeheshua
David Griffin (THE REAL MCCOY)
G.H. Frater Lux Ex SeptentrionisImperator Ordinis, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawnouter order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega
"Ex Deo Nascimur.In Yeheshua Morimur.Per Sanctum Spiritum Reviviscimus"