Physical Life A Masterpiece In Progress

Physical Life A Masterpiece In Progress Image
A recent comment here on the blog reminded me of ROBERT MONROE. When his beloved wife, Nancy, died he made two attempts to reach her in the Astral, but in his words, it was "simply too much too handle" (Ultimate Journey). He missed her very much and the return was difficult. Because of this problem Monroe restricted his out-of-body experiences because he knew he had a job to finish. I have also spoken to people who go to the most wonderful places and communicate with beings full of love and wisdom and for them too, it is difficult to return. They feel sadness on return to the physical body. Robert Monroe knew he hadn't yet finished what he came to Earth to do and if we are still here then nor have we.

So somehow WE HAVE TO STRIKE A BALANCE BETWEEN OUR OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES AND OUR PHYSICAL LIFE. I have to laugh sometimes, for I am the one in my family who is always on call. My family may interrupt my meditation with "Mum, have you seen my blah, blah, blah?" or "Can you help me find my glasses, keys, wallet, phone, recharger etc ?" They may interrupt my night time activities with barking (the doggie part of the family) and snoring, but they do keep me well-grounded in the physical reality. It is important that the world of out-of-body experiences and our physical life complement each other.

It is true that sometimes a TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE may throw us out of body for a short time, as a sort of defense mechanism if physical or emotional pain become too great. However, generally speaking, the Astral should not be be used as an escape route from the physical. I believe we chose to be here, so to escape from something we chose, from something we could learn and grow from, doesn't make sense. Sure, life on Earth is not all walks in the park and afternoon tea, but then again nor is the Astral. In out-of-body experiences I have also visited deep, dark, depressing places, so dense that flight is impossible. So is the Astral a reflection of the Earth, or the Earth a reflection of the Astral?

THE PRESENT WORLD SITUATION IS WHAT WE HAVE CREATED AND WHAT WE, AS HUMANITY, CONTINUE TO CREATE. So maybe we should consider the physical reality as a 'work in progress'; even a 'masterpiece in progress' and we are a part of the team working on it. We have work to do, a purpose; goals that can contribute towards the evolution of Earth and Humanity. It is really a joy to be a part of the team working to make things better. Every one of us has something to give, a contribution to make, a purpose in life. My out-of-body experiences have shown me at least one of the things I came here to do. If I wasn't here on Earth in a body, with the dense vibrations of the physical, I wouldn't be able to do it.

So if I do visit incredibly beautiful places, and communicate with wise beings full of love, I'm happy to come back to the physical, because our 'masterpiece in progress' needs all of us. TELL US ABOUT THE BEAUTIFUL PLACES YOU HAVE VISITED IN OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES OR IN DREAMS (SOMETIMES OUR DREAMS ARE A REFLECTION OF OUR ASTRAL ACTIVITIES). HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN YOU CAME BACK TO EARTH WITH A BUMP? Happy travels! Ali.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Whisperer In Darkness
Benjamin Rowe - Chymical Wedding Of Christian Rosenkreutz

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