Ceremonial High Magic Consecrating Circle

Ceremonial High Magic Consecrating Circle Cover
There are many different wordings that may be used in Consecrating and Blessing a Circle. They may vary from one Grimoire to another. It can be simple or complicated depending on your preferences. It can be long or short and worded to fit your needs.... it does not have to be from a Grimoire... it can be one that you have made up yourself and comes from the Heart. I myself prefer one that fits in with High Magic and God Almighty, such as the one below. What you are doing is simply Praying or asking the Deities that you believe in to Bless your circle and Consecrate it as your protection barrier. This one that I have provided here, is my favorite and it is from a book called "The Magus" a Complete System of Occult Philosophy.

In the name of the Holy, Blessed, and Glorious Trinity, proceed we to our work in these mysteries to accomplish that which we desire; we therefore, in the names aforesaid, consecrate this piece of ground for our defense, so that no spirit whatsoever shall be able to break these boundaries, neither be able to cause injury nor detriment to any of us here assembled: but that they may be compelled to stand before this Circle, and answer truly our demands, so far as it pleaseth Him who liveth for ever and ever; and who says, I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, which is, and which was and which is to come, the Almighty; I am the First and the Last, who am living and was dead; and behold I live for ever and ever; and I have the keys of Death and Hell. Bless O Lord! this creature of earth wherein we stand; confirm O God! Thy strength in us, so that neither the adversary nor any evil thing may cause us to fail, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let me remind you that Casting a Circle is not the same. Similar in some ways but not the same. Casting a Circle is Ritual for Witches who want to set up a circle for protection and it is not the same type of circle as the ones on my Magic circle page. I am not a Witch and I am not Wiccan.... and this is not a Wiccan web site.

I am a Magician/Sorcerer that mainly practices Ceremonial High Magic... so I am simply showing you what I use.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Malcolm Mcgrath - Practical Magickal Evocation
Muhammad Ibn Arabi - Tarjuman Al Ashwaq A Collection Of Mystical Odes
Dion Fortune - Ceremonial Magic Unveiled

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Elemental Magick Water

Elemental Magick Water Cover
The elemental Spirits of Water are the Undines.

Mastering the element Water…

1- Make a list of things which have the combined qualities of being cool and moist. Practice this for one week. Be sure to record the results each day in your magickal diary.

2- Remove your clothes and enter a bath or pool where the water is cool. If you have access to a lake or river, this would be best. Also, it would be good if you could get a swimming snorkel so that you can breathe while completely submerged beneath the surface of the water. Obviously, this would be difficult to do in a small bath tub or in a shallow pool, but if you have access to a snorkel and have a place where you can be totally submerged, you will have the quickest success. Once you are submerged as much as possible, and if you are completely submerged, breathing comfortably through the snorkel, do the relaxation ritual. Next, become very aware of your breath. As you do this you will find that your breath will automatically slow down. Notice the way the air feels as it comes in through the nose, down the air pipe and into the lungs. Feel this. Once again, imagine that your body is nothing more then an enormous breathing apparatus. If you experience any sort of "drowning sensation", stop immediately and try again later. You should do this exercise for one week.

3- Spend a period of up to three minutes (no more), once a day, imagining that you are the element Water. Feel the fluidity, the coolness, the refreshing moisture of the elemental waters. Know what water feels like, what water is. Do this for one week.

4- Once you have learned to "be Water", the next step is to control the element Water. Take a moment and imagine yourself to be Water. Bring the feeling from the previous exercise into your consciousness. Next, hold your hands 9-12 inches apart, palms facing each other. Imagine a bottle or box between your hands. Now, as you exhale, visualize all of the Water element which is in you going out with your breath and into the container between your hands. Three to five breaths should be enough to fill it. Then, with three breaths, inhale it back into you and go back to normal consciousness.


The next time you feel hard headed, overly tense, or like you muscles are hard as a rock, do this exercise. If you feel relaxed and reasonable, you have succeeded with the test AND with mastering the element Water.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Benjamin Rowe - Enochian Magick Reference
Dion Fortune - Ceremonial Magic Unveiled

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Esautism The Ultimate Magick

Esautism The Ultimate Magick Cover
We made a loooooooooong journey.
And on this journey we've found IT.
If coincidence would exist, it might have been the most extreme form of it.
But as coincidence doesn't exist..........
Who or what has guided us is still unknown; of course we do have our thoughts on that, but we didn't agree with each other. It might have been Eris, but .............. could it be too.
We don't want to keep our new knowledge a secret, nor want we to build a Temple around it. We are the TRANSMITTERS.
No need to ask for seminars, courses or other mind-prisoning techniques.
Be your own guru!

First we weren't aware at all THAT we found IT, but after concretizing verbally our discovery and combining our personal new knowledge, we got a first suspicion about the extreme importancy of our discovery. Because IT is important, VERY important indeed!

We've found the Ultimate Magick!

It is the Magick of the


A Follower of this Magickal Tradition is called an


The name might point to the fact, that this Magick has its roots in times before mankind existed on Earth. Therefore, the conclusion that this is the oldest Magickal Tradition we know now is correct, because we don't know of any other pre-human Magickal Tradition.
According to this, the probability is very high, that if one devotes and studies thoroughly ESAUTISM for an appropriate time, one isn't human anymore. You might also conclude that an Esotaur isn't human.

The Esautism Path is a free Path for everyone. That doesn't mean, that everyone will become an Esotaur. The PATH is very heavy and difficult. A strong will, great perseverence, a trained mind in multiple disciplines and a limited life span is required.

Everyone has already made some experience with this kind of Magick, of course without knowing it. In fact, every human has made acquaintance with this Path, it was just not recognized as IT.

Because ESAUTISM doesn't use spoken or written words, it is very difficult to describe it, but we will make the great effort.

Trying to describe ESAUTISM, it might clear you up, if we call it a


The five Pillars are the Pillars of Potention and only those who have mastered those Pillars and can use them simultaniously without mistakes, can enter this Crypt without being smashed back into the boring dayly human life.


The first pillar ist the Pillar of CREATIVE VISUALISATION. Creative Visualisation is the Art of imaginating pure mentally those pictures that are desired. You can create pictures from your earthly reality, but that isn't nessesary. That means, you don't need the sensory reality. You don't need your eyes either.

The second Pillar is the Pillar of CREATIVE OLFACTORISATION. Creative Olfactorisation is the Art of imaginating pure mentally wished smells. That might be the smell of a pizza, a roommate or any sensory smell from everyday life, but smells that don't exist on earth are okay too. You don't need your sense of smell, you even don't need your nose.

The third Pillar is the Pillar of CREATIVE AUDIOLISATION. Creative Audiolisation is the Art of imaginating pure mentally any sound that is wished. It might be the sound of a train, a screeming crowd or any other sound you have heard before somewhere on earth. But sounds that you've never heard, sounds that even don't exist, will do fine too. It might be clear now, that you do not need your ears.

The fourth Pillar is the Pillar of CREATIVE GUSTATATION. Creative Gustatation is the Art of imaginating any flavour that is wanted. That may be simple tastes or flavours, but very exquisite ones will do too. Creating complete new flavours is as acceptable as trying existing ones. Any organ of taste isn't required. In fact, having still any sense can be an obstacle on the Path.

The fifth and last Pillar is the Pillar of CREATIVE TACTILISATION. Creative Tactilisation is the Art of imaginating the sensations that occur when someone touches something he or she wishes to touch. That can be a tree, a pudding or anything from the tactile reality or above or beyond that reality. This Pillar doesn't need any tactile instrument, not even a singe feeling-point in your skin. You don't need any skin.

This five Pillars are connected to eachother and are made a Whole by the MENTAL LANGUAGE. This mental language is combining the just described mentalized senses into mental orders.

With help of the five Pillars and their Language you can get EVERYTHING you want to. A good ESOTAUR serves him/herself ALWAYS with success. If one has mastered this kind of Magick totally, he/she is completely independent of materialism; other people, animals, plants, stones, air, sun and moon are not needed anymore. An ESOTAUR does not believe in any GOD or GODDESS except in him/herself, because he/she IS GOD(DES).

You are allowed to copy, print and/or publish this NEWS under the condition that it is not changed and that it is credited. If you ever earn any money with this, you should know, that your material desire is keeping you off from the Path of the ESOTAUR!

(c)1994 GardenStone/Holzwurm

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Pamela Ball - The Ultimate Book Of Spells.pdf
Dom Antoine Joseph Pernety - A Treatis On The Great Art

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