Making A Magic Mirror

Making A Magic Mirror Cover
This is used for scrying and it can be used to store power which is raised in the circle. Power, once raised, can be stored and called on at a later time if stored in the magic mirror.

The mirror must be concave, hollowed out on one side like a cave, possibly the face of an old clock glass. Purify, consecrate and dedicate this glass to the service of the Goddess.

Polish it, paint the convex side with flat black paint and re-purify it. Keep it wrapped when not in use, in a piece of linen which as been freshly laundered, purified and consecrated. When you wish to use it, take off the linen cover and use it on the altar for scrying or for other magick powers.

An easy way to make a magick mirror:

Put water in a bowl, pour a bottle of black ink into it, purify, consecrate and use for scrying.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Stephen Mitchell - Learning Magic In The Sagas
Melita Denning - Mysteria Magica Book V

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The Seven Energy Vortex Meditation Technique

The Seven Energy Vortex Meditation Technique Image
These vortexes, also called Chakras, are located at specific points all in a row, which makes them easy to remember, and if you are not familiar with the Chakra system, you can read more about it here. This meditation practice is designed to gently unfold over the period of a month. Beginning slowly, and mastering each step as you go along.

Before you begin, you will need to select some appropriate music. Music is the Universal Language. Its content can be broken into mathematical formulas, and it has the ability to alter your spiritual vibrations. The music you choose can be calming, exciting, loving, etc. It is best to find a piece you enjoy - one that is light and easy. There is a wonderful selection of music available these days in the New Age section at the record and tape stores. I do not suggest using a tape with subliminals. If you do not care for the newer music on the market, try the classics. Using a radio is not recommended because commercials and disc jockey blather tend to make you lose you concentration.

Pick a time of day that you will not be disturbed, and one that fits into your schedule. At first, block out only ten minutes time, then extend it as your proficiency and patience grows. When you can successfully meditate anywhere, you will know you've got the hang of it.

In the beginning, the lighting in the room should be dim -- soft candlelight is excellent. Try not to wear restrictive clothing, and find a comfortable chair, but not one so soothing that you will instantly fall asleep.

Be sure that the volume of the music is not too loud. You might consider using headphones because they block out all other sounds.

Begin by closing your eyes and consciously relaxing your body. Some people prefer to relax the body one part at a time, starting at the feet and working up to the top of the head. Others can consciously release tension in a few seconds. Breathe deeply -- in to the count of four, out to the count of four -- approximately ten times.

Let your mind slip into a semi-conscious state. Try to ignore tingles, itches, etc, but don't make amajor battle out of it. Eventually your body will not protest relaxing!

Now it is time to make believe. Don't laugh! Wishes and make believe are the same as reality, it is only you who draws the line between the two. So, make believe that you are a fountain of sparkling blue light, or a waterfall, perhaps. This light springs from the top of your head and showers down your right side, swirls around your feet and comes back up the left side.

Watch this continuous flow of light from your third eye (which is located in the middle of your forehead, above the bridge of your nose). When this is fully opened, it is a powerful and natural tool.

Don't get excited if you can't "see" right away as if you are watching an inner movie. It can take up to thirty days to bring the picture in focus for some; as little as five days for others. Do not put yourself under pressure. Many people have their imagination on a very tight lease for fear that society in general will frown upon them. In the privacy of your meditation, no one will know or care about your imagination, so let it go.

Continue the fountain exercise for one full week before going further. This will give your body and mind time to adjust to a new routine and react the way you want it to. End each exercise by envisioning yourself being zipped up like a sleeping bag and counting backwards from ten to one. At one, open your eyes and instruct yourself to fully awaken.

During the second week you should follow the same procedures, but this time you will continue your meditation after you complete the fountain by opening up the Chakra center. You can envision them as tumbling balls of colored light, the opening of colored flowers (like a rose or a lotus), or as spirals of colored light.

Start at the crown of your head and envision a pure white ball (flower, etc.) of sparkling light. Start the ball spinning in a downward rotation, yet the ball remains in place. When you have this center set in your mind continue to the next Chakra.

This one is purple and located at the third eye area we talked about earlier. When that one is spinning and stable, move to the throat Chakra, where you will find a beautiful azure blue ball.

Next is the heart Chakra, which can be envisioned as either bright green or warm pink. Move down to your navel and see yellow, as bright as summer sunshine; the area below it, between the navel and groin, see the orange of the setting sun. The last Chakra is in the groin area, and it is crimson red. There are also energy centers in the hands and feet; I let them explode all together into small, white balls of light.

The third week you will try the hardest trick. Once you have all the balls spinning, let their colors flow into one another, like a giant, colorful waterfall or fountain -- hence, fountain meditation.

When you are finished with each meditation, imagine a zipper the length of your body. You must close up that zipper to shut down the chakras; never leave them open. As before, count from ten to one, then tell yourself you are fully awake. Breathe deeply. Once you have mastered the third week, you will have completed the series. It is then up to you if you wish to continue every day, or if you would prefer to refresh your chakras and your energy on a weekly basis instead.

NOTES: Let's stop here and consider if none of this has been working for you. First, you must believe that it is going to work from the beginning. If you are having any doubts, they are probably affecting your subconscious. Try writing some affirmations or taping to yourself to solve this dilemma. You may also try working the chakras from the groin area up.

Meditation may not work if you are overly tired or not in the appropriate atmosphere. There are certain times in the day where people are more in sync than others. If mornings are good for you usually, try meditating in the early hours instead of night time.

A complete meditation is designed to accomplish something. A partial meditation, like the fountain during the first week, is structured to balance the chakras and relieve stress. When you are finished with the partial meditation, you should feel rested and relaxed, yet energized.

If you fall asleep during the exercise, do not worry too much about it. Your body is telling youthat you need the rest. If this happens often, and you are getting enough sleep at night, check your seating, lighting, and the time of day. Perhaps one or more could be changed to keep you from dozing off.

As you become more capable of controlling your meditation exercises, you can investigate other meditations that incorporate creative visualization techniques, subliminals or visualization training.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):

Aleister Crowley - Book 4 Part I Meditation
Howard Williams - The Superstitions Of Witchcraft
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Horror At Martins Beach

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How To Use Magick With A Straight Face 5 Metaphysics

How To Use Magick With A Straight Face 5 Metaphysics Cover
We obviously don't exercise infinite power. There is more to magick than merely having a desire or belief. That is because we have many conflicting desires and beliefs on many levels. There is a level called, among other things, the Little Self. This roughly corresponds to the subconscious and the super ego. The ego, the part of ourselves which we think of as "I," is called the Middle Self. The Little Self is the gateway to the High Self, our connection with godhead and the universe. Infinite power lies with the High Self, but our access is through the Little Self which has its own ideas. The Little Self is aware of and accepts everything around it and everything you think, even when you are not aware. These perceptions build up very strong ideas in the Little Self. When these ideas are different from yours (those of the Middle Self), your ideas loose. To succeed, you must unify your will.

Of course, people rightfully complain that even if we do create our universe, it's still tough to make changes. That is because there is quite a bit of inertia to ideas that have been strongly supported since childhood (or before, if you accept past-lives). In an extreme example, the original "Peter Pan" had to be changed to keep from harming children. In the original version, the characters flew because "they believed." Many children attempted to fly and discovered the hard way that their Little Self did not agree. Things like a belief in gravity may be possible to overcome, but no one will argue that it's commonly done.

This example sounds silly because our experience of gravity is so compelling that it seems ridiculous to consider it to be "merely a thought construct." But another belief that is nearly as widespread is that of poverty. This is a significantly less daunting belief which many have overcome. As long as you believe you are poor, you will be. This is often a very strong belief. Many cannot even genuinely imagine themselves as being wealthy. But, because it is not beyond reasonable comprehension, it is possible to reprogram your Little Self-- much as it's possible for left-handers to learn to be right-handed. Magick is an effective way to do this.

If you are unconvinced, consider how many little messages you heard when growing up, which you now believe on some level. Frequent messages, especially with children, usually become true. If you have heard all your life that you are poor or dumb or unsuccessful, eventually you believe it and eventually it's true. You probably know many people with an unjustifiably poor self image. This is an image which their Little Selves accepted, probably during childhood when they couldn't protect themselves. That is how messages to the Little Self work against you. And the Little Self is aware of everything, even when you are asleep. It also believes everything it hears. So the next time that you hear that you're not good or that you need to buy a product that you don't really want, consciously give your Little Self a different message. Talk to it and tell it what you want to believe. This is what makes your universe, so make it the way you want it. When you have a particularly powerful belief to overcome, then you must send a powerful message. That is the role of magick.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Aleister Crowley - Temperance A Tract For The Times
Aleister Crowley - Book 4 Part Iii Magick In Theory And Practice
John Campbell Colquhoun - An History Of Magic Witchcraft And Animal Magnetism

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