What Is Civilization Are Collectively Human Race Becoming More And More Cruel
1. Cruelties that defy belief an ubiquitous phenomena for farm raised animal
A shocking undercover investigation by The Humane Society of the United States reveals widespread mistreatment and rampant animal cruelty of "downed" dairy cows at a Southern California slaughter plant.
Video evidence obtained by an HSUS investigator shows slaughter plant workers displaying complete disregard for the pain and misery they inflicted as they repeatedly attempted to force "downed" animals onto their feet and into the human food chain. In the video, workers are seen kicking cows, ramming them with the blades of a forklift, jabbing them in the eyes, applying painful electrical shocks and even torturing them with a hose and water in attempts to force sick or injured animals to walk to slaughter.
"This torture is right out of the waterboarding manual. To see the extreme cruelties shown in The HSUS video challenges comprehension" said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. "The attempt was to make them so distressed, to cause them so much suffering that these animals would get up and walk into the slaughterhouse,". credit
. more references national ledger cbs news seattlepi
[>] watch the under cover video (warning: graphic content of cruetlty)
[>] if you knew that this is what we eat!
2. Mentally ill women strapped with bomb Why media call it suicide bombing, then?
The first blast brought news Baghdad had heard before: A bomber had hit a popular pet market that had suffered through such attacks in the past. Then came news of a second bomb at a bird market. But there was still one more possibly ugly twist to Friday's carnage: Iraqi officials said the bombs were carried by two mentally disabled women who were possibly used as unwitting bombers. "Somebody" strapped a pair of mentally retarded women with explosives and blew them up by remote control killing close to 100 people.
Local officials believe mobile phones were used to remotely-detonate the bombs attached to the two mentally disabled women. While astonishingly brutal, the use of the mentally disabled in suicide bombings is not unprecedented in Iraq. In January 2005, Iraq's interior minister said that insurgents used a disabled child in a suicide attacker on election day. Police at the scene of the bombing said the child appeared to have Down syndrome. Police said the woman wearing the bomb was known to locals as "the crazy lady." reference 1, 2, 3, 4
i don't get how media after getting confirmation that these two women were mentally ill, and were strapped bomb by others potential benefactor, media kept posting it as suicide bombing. no wonder terrorism is sometime called error-ism, we got serious problem with bunch of terminologies here.
3. Collectively are we becoming more and more cruel?
"Cruel" \ Disposed to give pain to others; willing or pleased to hurt, torment, or afflict; destitute of sympathetic kindness and pity; savage; inhuman; hard-hearted; merciless. [1913 Webster]
when i read and heard in news those two incidents i was thinking two example from west and east of this planet equally speak about human cruelty in our modern day; one applied to animal, another to human being (ironic it might sound, but the bombing in Iraq was at an animal market as well to kill innocent civilians).
across the globe, the way we raise animals in the poultry industry is so unethical, so cruel - its not just a separate incident back here in southern california. in the same fashion the chickens, the porks, cows, lambs are abused indiscriminately when they are raised in a closed environment with disproportionate number to feed those disproportionately grown food chains macdonalds, burger king and what not. the very phenomena of imbalanced consumerism and glorified greed is giving rise to all sorts of cruel treatment for the cause of more and more consumption. result? the huge obesity problem, all sorts of cancer from toxins from these abused animal meat, pre-mature death because of heart attack, blood pressure, you name it. whats the use of so much collective human knowledge if we don't really know the basic of how to eat and what to eat!
awareness better be raised to show the real nature of firm raised animal conditions. it is really recommended to reduce animal meat consumption and whenever possible to consume jewish kosher and / or muslim halal meat which are produced under strict guideline which respect animal rights and decent handling of the process. also be mindful that mass animal raising and handling, by its very nature is going to create cruelty and unethical treatment of these poor animals and consequently will affect human health via what we intake. alternatively its far more better to go for vegetarian diet than eating such meat full of toxin hormones and chemicals. its worth noting here the wisdom of sufi master, Bawa's explanation and recommendation on vegetarianism: Read here. also, more read vegetarianism and sufism, vegetarianism and spirituality.
back to the iraq bombing issue, the bombing using two mentally ill women in iraq was something which is beyond words really. i mean what kind of barbarity is that! honestly, i never get any kind of rationality on so called suicide bombing and i have serious reservation to link it to both suicide and also to religious ideology. there is something else here. call it conspiracy theory or anything else, suicide bombing as it is portrayed in the media, is hard to buy.
with all these so called suicide bombing saga, often time it came to my mind that there are some sort of brain washing mechanism going on. how can people kill innocent civilians of own land by blowing themselves up claiming it as religious or patriotic, no matter what sort of religious or otherwise sick motivations are used! the uncovering of the fact that these two women were mentally ill (because the local people knew them as crazy ladies, else i am sure they would be portrayed as some-Qaeda members etc.) deepens the suspicion that other so called suicide bombers might well be under some sort of brain damaged / brain controlled mechanism.
it is so beyond sickness i really don't give a damn who operate such operations, what they look like, which political ideology they serve, who benefits from it, creating more chaos in that part of the world give more advantage to who to keep military presence to channel more oil... it doesn't really bother me. anyhow we are destroying our planet, anyhow we are destroying us as human species, over consuming our planets resources, limiting more and more our chance to survive on this beautiful blue - green planet floating in the middle of our known universe created just right to be pregnant with infinite diversity of life!
what really concern me is where and what is civilization then!? in this great achievements (!) of twenty first century are we, collectively human race becoming more and more cruel to ourselves and to life in general?! who is gonna whisper to the ears of human race to remind that every life is sacred beyond imagination? that every life is unbelievably part of this sacred Oneness?!
"For that cause the Divine Oneness decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind". - Quran, the Final Testament 5:32
"IT is the Divine Who did create you from a Single Essence..."
- Quran 7:189
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