Wedding Superstitions

Wedding Superstitions Cover
This page is for all you people out there who are wanting to get Married. There are many Beliefs and Superstitions surrounding the Sacred Ceremony of Marriage. My thoughts on this are.... if you believe it so.... then so shall it be. Just remember this.... Don't be so anxious or Hell Bent on getting Married or think that time is running out. Take your time in life and find the one Mate you really wish to spend the rest of your life with. Get to really know the person you want to marry.... if you have not lived with this person for at least a year... then you really don't know them and all their habits. Also... why take Vows if you are not going to stick to them. So many people rush out to get married and a year later they are divorced. So take your time... and Choose wisely!

Veil - Finding a tear in the Wedding Veil is a Omen of Good luck!
Bridal Wear - Remember the old saying... "Something old something new, something borrowed something Blue.
White Wedding Gown - Symbolizes virginity and purity. Those of you whom wear white... your not fooling anyone!
Mirrors - It is Bad Luck to have visible mirrors in the Ceremony area. It is Bad luck for the Bride to see herself in the mirror fully dressed before the wedding... she should leave off one item of clothing such as a shoe or something.
Bride and Groom - On the Wedding day, It is bad luck for the Bride and Groom to see each other before the Ceremony.
Bride - To overcome Bad Omens... the bride should carry salt in her pocket.
Groom - To overcome Bad Omens... Carry a miniature horseshoe in your pocket.
Front Door - In order to insure Good luck, the Bride must exit with her right foot first across the threshold.
Brides Car - It is Bad luck if the Brides car does not start the first time or has car trouble on the way to the ceremony.
Wedding Ring - A symbol of Unity.
Cats - It is a good Omen if the Bride or Groom sees a cat on the way to the Wedding.
Spiders - Finding a Spider on the Wedding Dress is a Omen of Good luck!
Funeral - It is a Bad Omen for the Bride or Groom to pass a funeral on the way to the Wedding.
Blue - Blue is the Symbol of Spirituality and Faithfulness. The Bride should wear or carry something Blue to increase her luck in Marriage.
Snow Fall - A very successful Marriage Omen.
Rainy Day - There will be a Stormy Marriage.
Sunny Day - There will be a very Happy Marriage.
Sun with Showers - Good luck Omen.
January - A lucky Month for Marriage.
May - This is an unlucky Month for Marriage.... this coming from Ancient Rome when May was the month for making offerings to the dead.
June - A very lucky month for Marriage.

Well... Good Luck to those of you who are getting ready to tie the Knot. Many Blessings upon you!

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

John Fiske - Myths And Myth Makers Old Tales And Superstitions
Francesca De Grandis - Goddess Initiation
Howard Williams - The Superstitions Of Witchcraft

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