Mystical Pentagram

Mystical Pentagram Cover
by Brightstarr, Kathexis

The Mystical Pentagram is a technique which will enhance psychic self- awareness. Practiced on a daily basis it will produce surprising individual results. One of the features of this technique is that it encourages personal development by allowing each entity to discover a personal mantra which corresponds to the five elements.

To begin, you will need a table of correspondences such as"777" by Aleister Crowley. Look up the names of the gods and goddesses that correspond to the air element. Pick a name which when chanted 'feels' right for you. For example, Nu is the Egyptian lord of the firmament and corresponds to air. If I were inclined towards Egyptian deities, I would chant the name Nu for several minutes to see what effect transpired. If I felt relaxed, comfortable, and generally positive I would inwardly know that this name would be in tune with my inner self. Proceed to find correspondences for fire, water, and earth in the same manner and finally for spirit since it is the aggregate of the four common elements.

Once you have found a personal mantra or a chant consisting of five names, vowel sounds, etc. You are ready to proceed with the practical application of the Mystical Pentagram. Assume your favorite meditation position, relax and begin to breathe in a rhythmic pattern; i.e. Inhale count one, two, three, four, exhale count one, two, three, four and so on. Continue to breathe in such a manner for about five minutes so that a definite rhythm is firmly established.

Visualize the five psychic centers. Memorize their positions so that you become familiar with the positions.

Next visualize a brilliant white light forming a circle above your head in the spirit center. Mentally draw a white light pentagram within the circle of light. This should be an invoking pentagram.

If your mind should begin to wander, gently bring it back and vocally vibrate the mantra you have chosen for the spirit center. Let your mind dwell on this center and intone your mantra several times for at least five minutes.

Next see a shaft of white light radiate down through your skull stopping at your throat near the Adam's apple. See a circle of white light begin to form and pulsate. Mentally draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light and vocally vibrate your chosen mantra for the air center. Continue to stimulate this center for at least five minutes. Now see a shaft of white light radiate down through your torso stopping at your fire center. This is located just above the navel. See a brilliant white light begin to pulsate at this center and draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light. As your mind begins to wander gently guide it back to he image of the glowing white pentagram. Here vibrate your chosen fire mantra. Once this center is stimulated the sensation is unmistakable. A
mild tingling or vibration of the solar-plexus area is physically experienced. Continue to dwell on this center for at least five minutes.

See the shaft of white light pushdown tot the water center which is located in the groin area. Here, too, a brilliant circle of white light should be visualized. Again draw an invoking pentagram within the circle of light. Intone the mantra for the water center and repeat the sound several times for the next five minutes.

Having arrived thusfar, see the shaft of white light radiate down through your legs stopping at the bottom of your feet which is the earth center. Form a brilliant, white, pulsating circle of light and draw an invoking pentagram within the circle. Intone your earth mantra and vocally vibrate the sound several times during the next five minutes.

When all of the energy centers have been stimulated, direct the light energy from the spirit center to the earth center. As you exhale see the light travel from the top of your head down through your body to the bottom of your feet. As you inhale see the energy travel from your feet up through your body up to the top of your head, the spirit center. These circulations should be persisted for at least seven complete circuits. See the energy cleanse and vitalize every part of your being and expand your awareness to cosmic consciousness. As you continue to repeat this technique each day you will begin to see and feel a change in your psychic awareness and a marked improvement in your health.

Don't become discouraged if you don't achieve results immediately. This technique produces very positive effects but they are cumulative in nature. Be gentle with your inner self however you must also be persistent and keep the communication open. It is also a good idea to perform this exercise at the same time each day in order to allow your body cycles incorporate the energy flow in a natural order.

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Magickal Days

Magickal Days Cover
Day: Sunday
Planet: Sun
Conjuring: health, success, career, goals, ambition, personal, finances, advancement, drama, fun, authority figures, law, fairs, crops, totem animals, volunteer and civic, services, promotion, the God, men's mysteries, children, buying/selling, speculating

Day: Monday
Planet: Moon
Conjuring: psychic pursuits, psychology, dreams/astral travel,imagination, women's mysteries, reincarnation, short, trips, women, children, the public, domestic, concerns, emotions, fluids, magick, spirituality,nursing, all things pertaining to water and bodies of
water, antiques, trip planning, household activities,initiation, astrology, new-age pursuits, archetypes,totem animals, shapeshifting, religious experience

Day: Tuesday
Planet: Mars
Conjuring: passion, sex, aggression, energy, strife, action,courage, swift movement, physical energy, sports,muscular energy, partnerships, guns, tools, metal,cutting, surgery, police, soldiers, combat,confrontation, business, buying and selling animals,mechanical things, repair, gardening, woodworking,hunting, beginnings

Day: Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Conjuring: wisdom, healing, communication, intelligence, memory,education, correspondence, phone calls, computers,messages, students, merchants, editing, writing,advertising, signing contracts, sibling, neighbors,kin, accounting, clerks, critics, music, editors, journalists, visual arts, hiring employees, learning, languages, placing ads, visiting friends, legal, appointments, astrology

Day: Thursday
Planet: Jupiter
Conjuring: business, logic, gambling, social matters, political, power, material wealth, publishing, college, education, long-distance travel, foreign interests,religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sports, horses,the law, doctors, guardians, merchants, psychologists, charity, correspondence courses,self-improvement, researching, reading, studying

Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Conjuring: romantic love, friendships, beauty, soulmates,courtship, dating, artistic abilities, harmony,affection, relationships, partners, alliances, grace,luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating,cosmetics, gifts, income, growth, gardening,architects, artists, beauticians, chiropractors,dancers, designers, engineers, entertainers, fashion,music, painting, poetry, household improvements,planning parties, shopping

Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Conjuring: binding, protection, neutralization, karma, death,manifestation, structure, reality, the laws of society, limits, obstacles, tests, hard work, endurance, real estates, dentists, bones, teeth, farm workers, sacrifice, separation, stalkers, murderers, criminals in general, civil servants, justice, maths, plumbing, wills, debts, financing, joint money matters, discovery, transformation, relations with older people

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Aleister Crowley - Magick
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The Empirical Rules Of Magick 09 Pendulums

The Empirical Rules Of Magick 09 Pendulums Cover
Another good way of communicating with your Little Self is through pendulum work. You can use any object on a string, but if it holds significance for you, so much the better. Hold your arm steady and think about the pendulum swinging forward and back. It should eventually begin to do so without you *consciously* moving your arm. Next change the movement to left and right by thinking about it. Once you can do this with facility, assign "yes" to one direction and "no" to the other. If you choose forward and back as "yes," alternate thinking the direction and thinking the word. Eventually, even when you start cold, the pendulum will swing forward and back when you think "yes." Repeat with the word "no" for the opposite direction. Now you have a way of talking with your Little Self. You can ask it questions directly.

Eventually, you can even get your Little Self to spell words by holding the pendulum over a semicircle with the alphabet on it. The direction of swing will indicate each letter. Another method is automatic writing. With this you hold a pen and relax and let "it" do the writing. (This may sound like an Ouija board, but it is not. Do not try to use one for this purpose or vice versa.) Whatever method you use, be careful. Your Little Self wants to please you. It will tend to give you the answer you want. Make sure you want the truth and that your Little Self understands this. Always be friendly, as you would with a child. Praise success and don't berate failure. After all, it is only trying to please. As usual, this requires regular work over time, but eventually you can have such a good understanding that you need no tools. You will simply "know" how your Little Self feels. This is the ideal.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Solomonic Grimoires - The Emerald Tablets Of Hermes
Benjamin Rowe - The Essential Skills Of Magick

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Practical Applications Of The Chaossphere

Practical Applications Of The Chaossphere Cover
by Fra.: Neonfaust

The Chaossphere is the prime working tool of Chaos magicians and the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT). The physical Chaossphere has a vast range of applications of which a few shall be briefly delineated here:

Meditation employing the Chaossphere:

1. The Chaossphere is a symbol of the primeval Big Bang, it maybe considered as a "frozen explosion" or even as "frozen information". Regard the Chaossphere in a relaxed state, using the 180* stare if you prefer. After a while shut your eyes and meditate on the creative powers of Chaos. Chaos is not disorder let alone entropy but rather the sum total of all possibilities incumbent in existence and the unmanifest as a whole. In this manner you will open the doors to the magickal multiversum for yourself.

2. Proceed as described above simultaneously meditating on Nietzsches Zarathustra admonition: "I say unto you: a man must have chaos yet within him to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I say unto you: ye have chaos yet within you." You can have this statement read aloud to you by a partner or friend during your meditation (or use a cassette recording). Experience shows that this will greatly enhance the effect described above under item number 1.

Sigil charging employing the Chaossphere:

In lieu of other charging techniques you can project the magickal sigil activation into the Chaossphere; banishing (preferably by laughter) should follow immediately. Afterwards aim to forget the whole magickal operation as thoroughly as possible to avoid interference with the sigil`s operation by the unwanted rise of consciousness of said operation/sigil and resultant inhibiting psychic censor activity.

Drawing energy employing the Chaossphere:

To be performed preferably after a meditation with the Chaossphere (see above); regard the Chaossphere in a very intensive manner for a while and stretch your palms in its direction. Now close your eyes fully or halfway and suck in the powers of Chaos through your palms while inhaling; exhaling, distribute the energies all over your body or store them in the Hara centre (appr. three fingers` width below the navel). You will probably experience these energies as a warm or cool current, possibly as a slightly tingling sensation.

Telepathy employing the Chaossphere:

During a partner experiment participants concentrate on the Chaossphere (can also be performed with different participants working on different locations); observe in a very relaxed state messages, information and/or images rising from the unconscious. Advanc-ed magicians will find that this experiment can be performed successfully via great distan-ces even without participants practicing simultaneously. For Chaos (= pure information) is not restricted by space and time.

Astral projection and lucid dreaming employing the Chaossphere:

1. Using the 180* stare regard the Chaossphere until you experience a strong suction emerging from the sphere and pulling at your "psychic entrails". This can frequently even be felt as a strong physical sensation. Give way to this suction and let your astral body emerge gradually. In the beginning this should be practiced partially, i.e. the astral body portion extracted increasing with every subsequent attempt. Thus, you may for example only project half an arm the first time, the full at the next go etc. Finally the astral body should emerge totally. Be aware that astral projection may demand weeks` or months` dedicated practice to succeed, depending on personal talent and inhibitions. Incidentally, the same technique may be used to extract the magickal doppelganger, personal daemons etc.

2. Immediately before dropping off to sleep visualize the Chaossphere as accurately as possible and continue as described above. This will induce either stronger astral projec-tion or lucid dreaming or both. This has proved to be an extremely powerful exercise, but it is strongly suggested that you attempt it only after having acquired a thorough working knowledge with the variant described above under item 1. (If you start off with mental working chances are that you will very soon become severely sloppy without even being aware of the fact; this may in turn inhibit control of magickal powers and could lead to obsession.) You may also want to wake yourself up at 4 a.m. and give this exercise a try for a few minutes before dropping off to sleep again. Take care to note your dreams next thing in the morning, do not - repeat: DO NOT! - rely on your memory alone.

Activating psychogones/chaoservitors employing the Chaossphere:

Use the Chaossphere as a "base camp" and "home" for psychogones/chaoservitors and/ or as a form of "launching pad". In case of the former the Chaossphere presents itself as a high class power receptacle and storage battery from which you can extract your psycho-gones/chaoservitors into the Chaossphere as you would with sigils to be activated; thus, the Chaossphere will become a gate to the Sphere of Chaos for your magickal entities in which (and from which) they will become active in accord with your bidding.

Charging magical objects employing Chaossphere:

Magical objects such as talismans, amulets, fetishes etc. can be charged with the aid of the Chaossphere by fastening them to the sphere or its tip during a ritual, placing them under it etc. while directing the energies of Chaos into the objects in question.

Combat magic training employing the Chaossphere:

During combat magical training the Chaossphere is particularly suited as a power storage battery out of which the magician draws Magis or Mana. It is furthermore used as a com-bat target while practicing the kiai or other battle cries and martial arts Chi techniques. In the same manner, magickal energy bolts, curses, words of powers and strong affections are hurled emphatically into the Chaossphere where they may be stored for further use.

Charging the Chaossphere:

Experience has shown that the Chaossphere does not demand a special charging by ritual etc. Rather, the charging takes place alone by its practical application. Should you desire to incorporate magickal "condensator" fluids or solids (e.g. as used for charging magickal mirrors) this can easily be achieved by unscrewing the tips and replacing them after filling in the condensator.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Michael Bailey - Historical Dictionary Of Witchcraft
Brian Swimme On Chardin - The Divinization Of The Cosmos

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Echomagic Cover
The following is excerpted from an article, Making Magic For Planet Earth, written by Selena Fox for Circle Network News (Box 219, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572 ) and presented here as being of public interest to the pagan community at large. Selena, I didn't have time to ask your permission, I presume that by the very nature of your writings you want them to be shared with as many people as possible, and so they are presented here. This is submitted with this statement and not to be edited, by Shadowstar of Boston, MA.

"There are many things that can be done in spiritual realms to help bring about solutions to the world's problems:

* We can kindle spiritual friendships with other lifeforms through communication with Nature Spirits, who can be teachers for us and allies in bringing about planetary healing.
* We can do daily meditations in which we creatively visualize the spiritual body of the planet glowing with radiant healing light.
* We can organize and/or take part in ecumenical planetary prayer services and rituals with practitioners of other spiritual paths and cultures.
* We can honor Mother Earth as an aspect of the divine in our solo and group rituals.
* We can send Mother Earth our love and pray for planetary health each time we visit a stone circle, sacred grove, place of power, temple, shrine or other sacred site.
* We can do spiritual healing magic for the planet in our circles.

It is important to reinforce whatever spiritual work we do with physical action. There are a variety of ways to do this and you should decide on at least one approach and then carry it out. Here are a few examples:

* Recycle trash from your household, take paper, plastics, glass, aluminum cans, and other recyclables to recycling centers.
* Recycle clothes and no longer needed household items by donating them to charities to distribute to the needy.
* Join and actively participate in environmental action groups.
* Write government officials and urge them to take specific actions on specific environmental issues, such as stopping all ocean dumping.
* Write letters and articles for publications about the need for environmental preservation.
* Plant trees as part of reforestation efforts.
* Compost food scraps.
* Stop buying and using non-bio-degradable detergents.
* Boycott products from companies that are destroying the Amazon rainforest.
* Pick up cigarette butts and other non-biodegradable litter from parks and other wilderness areas.
* Donate money to nature preserves.
* Give talks at schools, civic groups, churches and in other places in your area about ecological issues.
* Read publications, view films, and attend presentations in order to keep informed about ecological conditions and to learn about additional ways you can work for planetary healing.
* Conserve electricity, water and other resources on a daily basis.

Network with others.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Ed Richardson - Seidr Magic
Alan Wright - Necromancy
Aleister Crowley - Magick

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Middle Pillar Ritual

Middle Pillar Ritual Cover
1- Do the RelaxationRitual.
2- Perform the LBRP.
3- Visualize above your head, a white brilliant sphere of light, vibrate three to four times, while focusing on the light: "Eh-Heh-Yeh".
4- Next, visualize a black glowing sphere on your neck. Vibrate three to four times while focusing on the sphere: "El-Oh-Heem".
5- Next, visualize a lavender sphere in your solar plexus area. Vibrate three to four times while focusing on the sphere: "Yod-Heh-Vah-Heh".
6- Now, visualize a violet sphere in your groin area. Vibrate three to four times while focusing on the sphere: "Shah-Dai-El-Chai".
7- Visualize a black sphere in your feet area. Vibrate three to four times while focusing on the sphere: "Ah-Doh-Nye-Ah-Retz".

Take a deep breath and as you exhale, see the balls fading and disappearing. They are still there, but cannot be seen.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Kenneth Grant - Magical Revival
Anton Szandor Lavey - The Satanic Rituals
George Robert Stowe Mead - A Mithraic Ritual

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Ancient Grimoires

Ancient Grimoires Cover
Grimoires are Ancient text manuscripts used in High Magick and the Black Arts to conjure Demonic, Celestial, Olympic and Angelic beings. They provide the Magician with the sigils or seals of each Diety and a description of how they will appear in form and what tasks they can do for your bidding. Some of these are purely systems of Magick. Some of these books can be easily found on Ebay or Amazon. But some are very hard to find and are not in print anymore. This is where you will have to search for quite some time to find a seller. I myself collect antique versions of these books... so I have old copies and new copies of the same books. Many of them are very confusing and useless books to the newbe in magick... but for the experienced Magician, they are a great asset. This is a list of all the ones I that I know of and there are others out there that I keep coming across yet I do not feel like spending thousands of dollars on a book that is all in Latin. You can search the internet and find allot of these books in PDF format which you can download... but it is not the same as having the real thing sitting in your hands or on your alter.
*Some of these books are known by different names and some; such as the Goetia are known by 4 different names.*

1. The Key of Solomon
2. The Lemegeton (or Lesser Key of Solomon) also know as the Goetia
3. The Goetia or Theurgia the same as above... the Lemegeton
4. Grimorium Verum (based on The Key of Solomon)
5. Grimoire of Honorius or also called the Grimoire of Pope Honious
6. The Book of Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage
7. The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts
8. True Black Magic (or The Secrets of Secrets, draws on The Key of Solomon)
9. Grand Grimoire (or Red Dragon)
10. The Magus by Francis Barrett
11. The Black Pullet (or Treasure of the Old Man of the Pyramids or Black Screech Owl)
12. Verus Jesuitarum Libellus (or True Magical Works of the Jesuits) Supposed Fake
13. Three Books of Occult Philosophy
14. Mysteria Magica
15. The Golden Dawn not a book on conjuring but a system of Magick
16. The Grimoire of Armadel *This one is my all time favorite Grimoire*
17. Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos and is a newer book
18. The Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
19. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
20. The Necronomicon... Fake but.... contains real Ancient Deities and so it is not to be played with.
21. Arbatel of Magick
22. Ars Paulina or the Pauline Art
23. Ars Armadel
24. Ars Nova
25. Ars Notoria
26. The Heptameron
27. The Black Raven by Dr. Faust also known as The Threefold Coercion of Hell
28. The Arbatel of Magick
29. The Golden Dawn by Isreal Regardie
30. The Grimoire of Pope Leo French Grinmoire - Enchiridion Leonis Papae
31. Malleus Daemonum Exorcist Manual - known as the Hammer of Demons 1620
32. The Sword of Moses
33. The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
34. Three Books of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa
35. The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy Cornelius Agrippa

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Medieval Grimoires - The Secret Grimoire Of Turiel
Aleister Crowley - Rodin In Rime

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Magick 06 Thoughtforms And Spirits

Magick 06 Thoughtforms And Spirits Cover
Although there are hundreds of kinds of divination, the principle ones are astrology, geom-ancy, the tarot, the I Ching, and direct psychic means (especially clairvoyance). True divi-nation is more than a mechanical system, for it implies true psychic interpretation (receiving). Some form of divination is often used in magick ritual to communicate with the entity invoked.

Since divination operates through the mind, it is affected and biased by the mind. Our attitudes and fears may alter it. Sometimes results are very detailed, and accurate -- but not always. Often the future is plastic and changeable anyway, and the use of magick may alter the result. Thus divination shows tendencies only, which may be helpful, but must not rule us.

Developing Clairvoyance

It is possible to improve your natural ability with clairvoyance through practice. A good start might be to look around you, then close your eyes and try to picture your surround-ings. This is also good exercise for visualization. And visualization is an essential talent in magick. Open your eyes again and check your accuracy. Then close your eyes and try it again. When you use your physical eyes, look at everything like a child seeing it for the first time. Let the vividness of color and form burn into you, until everything takes on a veritable glow. Try to capture that glow when you close your eyes now and picture your surroundings. It's just a simple step to extend what you see with your eyes closed into what you remember seeing in the next room, or what you *imagine* seeing in the next building, the next city, even the other side of the world. Don't expect perfect results, especially at first. Just try to be even partly right. Another exercise is to picture a clock face, and thereby tell the time clairvoyantly.

The Aura

Under the right conditions, it is possible to clairvoyantly observe a colored light around other people. This is known as the 'aura'. Sometimes the aura is seen as multi-colored emanations around the person, built up of various differently colored layers and zones. Although many occult dabblers claim to be able to see the aura easily and under many varied conditions, I seriously doubt that they do. There are optical illusions and qualities of sight which can sometimes trick one into thinking he sees what he does not see. In this area, the quality of sight known as after image is especially pertinent. Do this: stare at any solidly colored bright object for a few moments. Very intense red, green, or blue are espe-cially good for this. Now look away at a white surface and you will see a phantom image of the object in its complementary color (a red object will show green, a blue one orange, etc.). If the bright object is in front of a light surface, you may observe a fringe of comple-mentary color around the object after a few moments. This is all very normal, and is used by some magical groups as an aid to visualization sometimes called 'flashing colors'. Some silly people will stare at other people in the same way. And when they see the after image of the person's clothing, they think they are seeing his aura. What is more, various meanings have been attributed to the colors of the aura. A psychic who can see the aura is supposed to be able to determine that person's emotional state. Thus psychic frauds can have a marvelous time with auras. One deluded psychic taught a class I attended in which he performed instant psychoanalysis on the basis of the supposed aura. It was obvious that he was actually observing after images from the student's clothes!

This brings us to the chart of aura colors. It is a general guide, based mostly on Theoso-phical material. Various groups may attribute different meanings to the colors. The colors we show on the chart are emotional in nature; useful if you plan to create an artificial elemental or do healing. Surrounding yourself with a particular color will tend to produce the specific psychological effect described in the chart. That quality of color is useful in magick ritual.

Colors Of The Aura

BLUE -- DEVOTION (religious feeling)
VIOLET -- SPIRITUAL (psychic & spiritual) FACULTY

Thoughtforms And Spirits

Whenever we concentrate our thoughts, we draw psychic energy together. This is called a thoughtform. Usually the energy dissipates as soon as we break the concentration, but it is possible to purposely concentrate energy in this way, producing very strong thought-forms. Such thoughtforms are vortexes or centers of psychic energy. They can exist as entities by themselves, at least for a while. They are basically inanimate, non-thinking forces. Talking to one is about as logical as talking to a chair. In this way, thoughtforms are similar to elementals, ghosts, and spirits. All of these psychic entities consist of a psychic energy vortex which could be described as a localized field or as a discontinuity of the physical world.

Psychic entities respond to certain electrostatic and magnetic fields, and to other energy vortexes. That is why they respond to magick ritual. Someday, we may accomplish the same thing with electronic machines. Psychic entities are sometimes able to affect our thought processes.

Thoughtforms, elementals, and ghosts are usually not very smart. If they display any intelligence at all, it is limited. They are the morons of the spirit world. Their behavior is usually automatic, repetitive, robot-like (just like some people). We see that artificial elementals are little more than astral robots. Spirits and deities are more intelligent and volitional.

Directed Attention

Your mind follows your attention. Wherever you direct your attention, there will your thoughts go too. By directing attention to a specific place or purpose you *focus* mental energy upon it.

For example: you're having lunch in a cafeteria crowded with people. It is a large place, and everyone there is talking at once, so that the room is a constant jumble of noise. You happen to notice a man across the room; he reminds you of someone. All at once he drops his fork and you hear it hit the table. But would you have noticed the sound of his fork if you had not been looking? No. Only by focusing your attention there were you able to pick out that individual event and associated sound.

It is a dark night. You are walking and the only light you have is from the flashlight you hold in your hand. As you move the flashlight around, the beam of light from it directs your attention first one way then another. Now, the mind is something like that flashlight in the dark. And by directed attention, you point the mind to one place or another. As with that flashlight beam, you see where the mind is pointed; nothing more. The rest is 'noise'. And so we could define mental noise as anything not focused upon. In another way, noise could be considered as negative emotions, attitudes, and thoughts which make it more difficult to direct the attention.

Your emotions follow your thoughts quite easily. Your emotions are not YOU, but are rather reactions prompted by your model and ego -- like a performance or an act, while the real you watches. In a similar way, directing your attention toward a specific emotion will cause you to experience that emotion.

Visualization Exercises

Visual imagination and concentration are very important in magick. Here are some exercises to help in your development...

A. Close your eyes and visualize a single digit number as clearly as you can. Then a two digit number, then a 3 digit one. Hold the visualization in front of your 'inner eye' for about two minutes. Repeat with a letter or a word.

B. Visualize a brightly colored green circle or spot. Again hold the visualization for two minutes. Try again with a different color.

C. Visualize in succession, each one of the tattvic symbols, in their proper color. Hold each symbol for at least two minutes.

D. Look through a tarot card deck and pick out several of your favorite cards. Then, after briefly studying a card, visualize it vividly in detail. Hold the visualization for at least two minutes. Do this for each card you selected.

E. Repeat the above visualization exercises with your eyes open.


1) What is the aura?
2) What is a thoughtform?
3) How can you develop clairvoyance?

by Phil Hansford, 4/88

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Marcus Cordey - Magical Theory And Tradition
Aleister Crowley - Magick In Theory And Practice

Tags: samekh  ghosts with  influence britain ireland  spells guide friends  german  kemetic symbols  liber  

How To Use Magick With A Straight Face 4 How Magick Works

How To Use Magick With A Straight Face 4 How Magick Works Cover
How can programming the subconscious affect the world around us? What are the mechanisms involved? According to the occult view, it works because that is the nature of the universe.

In the West, we use the mechanistic paradigm. A paradigm is a pattern or model, in this case describing the way the universe works. We use paradigms to function, usually without even realizing it. The mechanistic paradigm is one of the most basic that underlie our culture. This model states that there is an objective reality in which objects interact solely through physical contact. Science has updated this to include fields like gravity and magnetism, but the principle is the same. The result is a universe in which the individual is nearly powerless. You can only make real change through physical action. Magick is the act of making such changes non-physically, so it does not fit in with the mechanistic paradigm.

Most westerners are unaware that the magickal paradigm represents a majority view among the world's cultures. Basically, it is the antithesis of the mechanistic view. It states that there is no objective universe, only subjective universes. These universes are the perceptions of each individual. You couldn't possibly do any experiment that would show your universe to be either subjective or objective. You must be an objective observer in order to tell the difference. You are automatically a subjective observer because you are in the universe. That's life.

At this point, there is no practical difference between these views. The universe looks the same either way. But the magickal paradigm also states that the universe is an expression of your perceptions and your perceptions are that part of yourself over which you have control. When you change your own attitudes and preconceptions, the universe will follow. This gives an individual as much power over the universe as he has over himself.

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William Henry Davenport Adams - Witch Warlock And Magician Historical Sketches Of Magic And Witchcraft
Kveldulf Gundarsson - Teutonic Magic The Magical And Spiritual Practices Of The Germanic Peoples
John Campbell Colquhoun - An History Of Magic Witchcraft And Animal Magnetism

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The Empirical Rules Of Magick 02 Know Thyself

The Empirical Rules Of Magick 02 Know Thyself Cover
Karma is best described by the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The other major rule of magick is just as common place, "Know thyself." This is essential because of the Little Self. Magick is the science of expressing your will. Because there are many aspects to your will, it follows that you must be aware of all these aspects to be an effective magician.

"Know thyself" means be aware of the thoughts and feelings of your Little Self. Learn how it feels about the things you want. Learn it's beliefs. You must know your starting point to effectively change negative beliefs. To do this, you have to pay attention to all the subconscious cues that your Little Self gives you. Explore your feelings, keep track of your dreams, look at your past. One of the best clues is your own life. If you create everything on some level, then part of you "wants" each thing in your life. You must not deny this, but work with it. The goal is healing because destruction is at best temporary.

Different desires on other levels interfere with your conscious desire. Your Little Self picks them up everywhere. You must be aware of this so that you can counteract it. Every ideal commonly in the mass media impresses itself strongly. When Madison Avenue spreads the word that young and thin are the ideal, your Little Self will accept this if you are not careful. If you are not young and thin, this message undermines your sense of self worth. The resultant sense of undeserving works against your success. There is so much exposure to these messages that it is a real battle to avoid them. Particularly in childhood, when we can't protect ourselves, others deeply ingrain ideas that can be with us for life. You must work hard to discover these feelings and counter act them. If part of
you feels undeserving, genuine success seems impossible.

There are other aspects to this problem. Not only might you feel undeserving, but you could even desire failure. There are many reasons for this, usually based in childhood. Whatever the cause, you must look at your failures to see if there might be some reward. Many people are subject to chronic illness, for instance, because of the attention they get or an unpleasant situation they avoid. If you really want to succeed, you must consciously release your desire for the rewards of failure.

You must also look at the fear of success. Many times we do not consider the problems associated with what we are striving for, but the Little Self does. It may be afraid of the responsibility of a better job or a new spouse. Think through your goals very carefully. What would life be like if you had what you desire? You will have to address any new tasks and responsibilities. You will have to be aware of any sacrifices. Once you are sure that you want not only your goal, but the sacrifices and responsibilities that go with it, then release your fears. People fear change, because it is unknown. You must be aware that you are taking a leap and welcome it. Have faith in your Self. When you know your Little Self well enough, you will be able to trust that it will bring you what you desire. When you don't know it that well, work on that. If you fail, it's time to work harder.

When you and your Little Self have the same goals, and you have healed all the blocks to your success, you *know* that what you want is coming. When you know, you do not feel desperate. If you are feeling desperation, you are blocking. In that case, back to work! When you have worked hard enough, then you are ready for the easy part, the spell or ritual. When you enter ritual you should know what you want and why you want it. You should have healed all feelings of failure and undeserving and you should know that your spell will bring it. Work to cultivate this feeling of calm expectation, it is an important key. When you do a ritual, you will release all the power you have built to do its work on the universe. You should not even have to think about it again.

Once you achieve this, though, there is another caveat. Many people have something unpleasant happen to them and later realized that they had asked for it. "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it." Always think carefully about what you want and how you ask for it. Once again, solid background work is the key.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Anonymous - The Basics Of Magick
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Dream Quest Of Unknown Kadath
Benjamin Rowe - The Essential Skills Of Magick

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Days And Corresponding Spellwork

Days And Corresponding Spellwork Cover
Each planet rules a specific day of the week. It is not absolutely necessary to follow this. This is for the optimum results.

Sunday, Sun (Leo)
The Sun's Day
Rules success, ambition, career, sport, healing

Monday, Moon (Cancer)
The Moon's Day
Rules psychic powers, clairvoyance, home, childbirth, feminine qualities

Tuesday, Mars (Aries and Scorpio)
Tiw's Day
Rules courage, men, sexual energy, war

Wednesday, Mercury (Gemini and Virgo)
Woden's Day
Rules communication, education, travel, mental agility, writing, acting

Thursday, Jupiter (Sagittarius)
Thor's Day
Rules expansion, wealth, political power, law, business, insurance matters

Friday, Venus (Libra and Taurus)
Freya's Day
Rules love, beauty, music, the arts, the environment

Saturday, Saturn (Capricorn)
Saturn's Day
Rules karma, property, inheritance, agriculture

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Miac - Asatru And Odinism
Louis Claude De Saint Martin - Theosophic Correspondence

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The Empirical Rules Of Magick 15 Love

The Empirical Rules Of Magick 15 Love Cover
You must take love spells very seriously, for they are quite dangerous. Never, never, never do a love spell on an individual.

This is often a great temptation, but don't even risk the possibility of imposing your will on another. The karmic results are severe. Even if you succeeded, you would still lack real love, for you would have to continually renew the spell to keep the person. What you want, among other things, is someone to help express your love for yourself. As you will often hear, you must love yourself first. This isn't a problem, for you already love yourself-- that is the main reason you are alive. The problem is when you block that love. Eliminating these blocks is the Soul's goal. But don't despair, you needn't actually remove them to draw love to you. Just beginning the work can attract that special someone who will help.

Affirmations: I am a perfect manifestation of love and I draw love to me. I now allow love to come into my life. I feel and express perfect love and draw other loving people into my life.

Visualizations: Picture yourself as a magnet, feeling and drawing love. Imagine your-self bathed in green or pink or orange light, depending on your goals. Pink is for filial love (agape) and for that of a lover. Orange is for the sexual aspect (spleen chakrum). Green is for both (heart chakrum). But the distinctions are somewhat blurred, for love is a combination of all of these.

Other: Friday is the day of Venus and the waxing to full Moon is a time of increase, so these are good times for ritual. The ubiquitous heart symbol can be useful.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

Anonymous - The Basics Of Magick
Benjamin Rowe - The Essential Skills Of Magick

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Models Of Magic The Psychological Model

Models Of Magic The Psychological Model Cover
Sigmund Freud's theory of the subconscious revolutionized Western thinking in general and psychology (which he did not, as some people are wont to believe, invent all by himself) in particular. Suddenly, man was seen as a being which was only partially conscious and in control of itself. While psychology is still fighting for its academical recognition as a science, it has stamped its mark on therapeutic disciplines - and on magic.

The psychological model of magic does not purport to explain how magic works, its only premise is that the subconscious (or, as Carl Jung later retagged it, the unconscious) will do the job if it is properly addressed and/or conditioned. This again is achieved by magical trance, suggestion and the use of symbols (i.e. selective sensory input) as tools of association and as a means of communication between the magician's conscious will and his subconscious faculty responsible for putting it into effect.

Aleister Crowley dabbled a great deal in the psychological model which comes as no surprise as he not only tried to keep up with all major academic disciplines of his time but thought himself to be the world's greatest psychologist into the bargain. But all considered he remained a traditionalist exponent of the spirit model: after all Aiwass was, in his belief, a preternatural entity. Nevertheless he did have a knack of explaining magic in psychological terms to make it sound sensible to the skeptics of his time.

A more radical approach was taken by Austin Osman Spare whose sigil magic rests on the basic tenets of the psychological model. Spare's brilliant system is in principle an inversion of Freud's theory of complexes: by actively suppressing his will in the form of a graphical sigil and forgetting it, the magician creates an artificial "complex" which then starts to work on similar lines just as suppressed, subconscious traumas will cause neurotic behavior etc.

The psychological magician is a programmer of symbols and different states of consciousness. He is not necessarily in need of a transcendent otherworld or even subtle energies, though in practice he will usually work on the assumption that one or the other (or both) do in fact exist and can be utilized by his subconscious.

Authors such as Israel Regardie, Dion Fortune, William Butler, Francis King, William Gray and to some extent Pete Carroll subscribe to the psychological model which seems to be the primary domain of the English speaking world of magic and which has become the prevailing paradigm ever since the seventies of this century.

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Emmanuel Swedenborg - The Delights Of Wisdom Pertaining To Conjugal Love
Marylynn Saul - A Rebel And Witch The Historical Context

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Daniel Ogden Greek And Roman Necromancy

Daniel Ogden Greek And Roman Necromancy Cover
University of Exeter Professor of Ancient History Daniel Ogden has written several tomes of interest to both scholars and occultists. One of the key failing of today’s “open minded” magical practice is that too many people are unfamiliar with the long and rich history of the ‘Free Arts” and the basic rituals many of us use today. Ogden’s Magic Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds is not only an informative text of how our Pagan ancestors who founded the Western traditions viewed the unseen world, but is a virtual grimoire in and of itself. I urge practitioners of all traditions to give it a read.

In Greek and Roman Necromancy he concentrates on that dread tradition in all its aspects. It is interesting to note that, after reading this book, you can see some of the influence of these Greek and Roman traditions on the folk magics commonly associated with Latin American and Afro-Caribbean witchcraft.

Also try this free pdf e-books:

James Hampton Belton - An Encyclopedia Of Ancient Greek And Roman Mythology
Daniel Ogden - Greek And Roman Necromancy

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Garlic Vs Evil The Power Of Garlic

Garlic Vs Evil The Power Of Garlic Cover
Garlic (Allium Sativum) has been used as a charm against evil and dates back to Ancient times. the ancient Egyptians believed in a Vampire-like ghost that killed sleeping children by sucking up their breath. The protection that was used against the attacks of this murderous monster was a wreath of garlic.

The use of garlic is known all over the world, not only as a tasty accent to foods, but also as a charm against evil spirits. Even in places such as China or Malaysia, people smear the forehead of their children to protect them from Vampires, and in the West Indies too, garlic is used as a means of protection against the evil practices and Magical Spells of Witches and Sorcerers.

In Romania, garlic is also a weapon of importance in the everlasting battle against Vampires. Romanians used to make certain that they ate garlic every day for their protection. They also smeared garlic on the windows and the doors of their houses, on the gates to their farmyards, and even on the horns of their cattle. They believed that these Vampires had a great fear of garlic. If a deceased person was thought to be in danger of becoming a Vampire, one common protective measure was stuffing some pieces of garlic into the orifices of the corpse, especially the mouth. This was done in order to prevent evil spirits from entering the dead body. At the same times it served the purpose of preventing the soul of the deceased from re-entering its body. Another anti-Vampire practice that we can find in Romania is the anointing of the corpse, especially the heels, with a mixture of oil, fat, incense, gunpowder and garlic.

In some cultures people would simply wear a necklace of garlic cloves for protection against evil. Any way you look at it.... garlic is believed to be a major source of protection from evil.

Now I am going to tell you about my experiences with garlic. For me.... I take odor free Garlic tablets every night before I go to bed. I take 2 - 1,000mg tablets at a time. Also the reason I take it at night is so I do not worry about burping up garlic during the day. Garlic has boosted my immune system immensely... to where I never ever get sick any more.... never. To hell with vitamin C Tablets.... they just don't compare. Also my cholesterol has dropped big time. Plus... the bad spirits stay away from me.

Garlic has some extremely great health benefits. It will lower your cholesterol and unclog your arteries. It will shrink cancerous tumors and keep cancer out of your body. It will also boost your immune system greatly. Now don't wait till you get sick or have cancer to start taking it..... start now! And see you life improve.

Here are the benefits that are shown from studies:

* Garlic lowers blood pressure a little.
* Garlic lowers LDL Cholesterol a little.
* Garlic helps reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) within the arterial system. One recent study shows this effect to be greater in women than men.
* Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar.
* Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may not be good for hemophiliacs).
* Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevents certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.
* Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.
* Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.
* Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
* Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.
* Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium.
* Garlic probably has many other benefits as well.

I hope that you will all use this information to help you live a happier, healthier life! Many Blessing be upon you....

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Keith Thomas - Civility And The Decline Of Magic
Janus Lacinius Therapus - The New Pearl Of Great Price.pdf
Sheelagh Rouse - Grace The World Of Rampa

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